Area Code Haiti : 00509 / +509

If you want to call a number in Haiti , you have to dial 00509 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Haiti . The phone number should then look like this: 00509234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Haiti , by the initial numbers 00509 or +509 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Haiti

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00509 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. The number ‎00509 has been assigned to unknown

    12/25/23, 5:45 PM

    Des appels tous les jours avec des numéros différents et venant tous de +509.
    Cela dure depuis 2 mo...

    3 Ratings for 00509 ()
  2. iPhone reported number ‎+50937922930 as unknown

    9/15/22, 5:23 PM


    1 Rating for +50937922930 (DIGICEL)
  3. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+50942901111 as Trustworthy number

    9/15/22, 5:22 PM


    1 Rating for +50942901111 (Natcom)
  4. Someone reported number ‎00509 as unknown

    7/14/20, 2:20 PM

    called twice from different numbers on thr same country code however its straight to voicemail. Obvi...

    3 Ratings for 00509 ()
  5. unknown has been reported with number ‎+50947646579 as Ping Call

    12/18/19, 7:34 PM


    1 Rating for +50947646579 (Digicel)

Telephone numbers with 00509

  1. +50944236922 12 ratings and 22932 queries.
  2. 00509 3 ratings and 6306 queries.
  3. +50948894502 7 ratings and 3620 queries.
  4. 005094890895 4 ratings and 1862 queries.
  5. 0050947751503 3 ratings and 1348 queries.
  6. 0050928170202 1 ratings and 451 queries.
  7. +50947751152 2 ratings and 1292 queries.
  8. +50947751153 0 ratings and 1248 queries.
  9. 0050928170200 0 ratings and 955 queries.
  10. +50944911031 0 ratings and 988 queries.
  11. +50938233457 1 ratings and 888 queries.
  12. +50939965884 2 ratings and 808 queries.
  13. +50939588277 1 ratings and 764 queries.
  14. 0050928 0 ratings and 562 queries.
  15. +50928170202 0 ratings and 0 queries.
  16. +50944911 0 ratings and 376 queries.
  17. 0050944911023 0 ratings and 282 queries.
  18. +50944911123 0 ratings and 306 queries.
  19. 0050938731279 0 ratings and 296 queries.
  20. 00509202333 0 ratings and 360 queries.