Area Code Guyana : 00592 / +592
If you want to call a number in Guyana , you have to dial 00592 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Guyana . The phone number should then look like this: 00592234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Guyana , by the initial numbers 00592 or +592 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Guyana
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00592 via Google:
Telephone numbers with 00592
- +5926079119 1 ratings and 1476 queries.
- +5925054504 5 ratings and 1304 queries.
- +5922540463 2 ratings and 1038 queries.
- +5926070622 3 ratings and 1036 queries.
- +5922335746 1 ratings and 575 queries.
- +5925 0 ratings and 569 queries.
- 01059290171 0 ratings and 329 queries.
- 005921100 0 ratings and 276 queries.
- 001159205921100 0 ratings and 319 queries.
- +5926403745 0 ratings and 290 queries.
- +59276344 0 ratings and 288 queries.
- 00592200 0 ratings and 297 queries.
- 01159275796 0 ratings and 266 queries.
- 0011592059218585873 0 ratings and 300 queries.
- 00115920592200 0 ratings and 284 queries.
- +5926070993 1 ratings and 366 queries.
- +5925101379 0 ratings and 294 queries.
- 005926407690 0 ratings and 274 queries.
- +592192446 0 ratings and 290 queries.
- 001159205926407690 0 ratings and 271 queries.