Area Code Französisch-Guayana : 00594 / +594

If you want to call a number in Französisch-Guayana , you have to dial 00594 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Französisch-Guayana . The phone number should then look like this: 00594234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Französisch-Guayana , by the initial numbers 00594 or +594 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Französisch-Guayana

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00594 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Defender ブラックボス reported unknown with the number ‎+594694470606 as Harassment calls

    1/14/25, 10:24 AM


    1 Rating for +594694470606 (Mobile numbers)

Telephone numbers with 00594

  1. 005942652146 1 ratings and 938 queries.
  2. +59401159171330 0 ratings and 386 queries.
  3. +594018387 0 ratings and 338 queries.
  4. 00115940594069444596 0 ratings and 400 queries.
  5. +594694927590 0 ratings and 328 queries.
  6. +59475618 0 ratings and 334 queries.
  7. 00594264927983 0 ratings and 380 queries.
  8. 00115940594264927983 0 ratings and 388 queries.
  9. +594303047 0 ratings and 324 queries.
  10. 00594694444848 0 ratings and 391 queries.
  11. 00115940594694444848 0 ratings and 386 queries.
  12. 00115940594644210 0 ratings and 386 queries.
  13. 00594808886 0 ratings and 380 queries.
  14. 005940694445964 0 ratings and 353 queries.
  15. +59448909000 0 ratings and 371 queries.
  16. +594484241 0 ratings and 340 queries.
  17. 00594644210 0 ratings and 364 queries.
  18. 00115940594808886 0 ratings and 363 queries.
  19. +594996607581 0 ratings and 325 queries.
  20. +5942669556880 0 ratings and 331 queries.