Area Code Nauru : 00674 / +674

If you want to call a number in Nauru , you have to dial 00674 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Nauru . The phone number should then look like this: 00674234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Nauru , by the initial numbers 00674 or +674 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Nauru

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00674 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+67466652015 as Ping Call

    6/8/21, 11:00 PM


    1 Rating for +67466652015 (Digicel)
  2. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+67466659877 as Ping Call

    5/31/21, 12:17 AM


    1 Rating for +67466659877 (Digicel)
  3. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+6746666697 as Ping Call

    5/19/21, 3:58 AM


    1 Rating for +6746666697 (Digicel)
  4. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+6746666889 as Ping Call

    5/16/21, 10:51 PM


    1 Rating for +6746666889 (Digicel)
  5. madan kumar tiwary reported unknown with the number ‎+67404 as Harassment calls

    9/6/14, 3:46 PM

    i got a call from +6744 that was threat for my posting on facebook against jihad . i am looking for ...

    1 Rating for +67404 ()

Telephone numbers with 00674

  1. +6745595992 14 ratings and 6253 queries.
  2. +67434543205 2 ratings and 4424 queries.
  3. +6744 2 ratings and 2973 queries.
  4. +6745595996 2 ratings and 2248 queries.
  5. +67404 1 ratings and 0 queries.
  6. +6745595107 0 ratings and 1807 queries.
  7. +6745578274 0 ratings and 1788 queries.
  8. +6746660281 15 ratings and 1559 queries.
  9. 006745599309 3 ratings and 688 queries.
  10. +6745595995 1 ratings and 927 queries.
  11. 006745599318 0 ratings and 686 queries.
  12. 006745595137 0 ratings and 861 queries.
  13. +6745595139 1 ratings and 833 queries.
  14. +6745599362 0 ratings and 236 queries.
  15. +67489203 1 ratings and 472 queries.
  16. +674559909 0 ratings and 594 queries.
  17. +6745595999 1 ratings and 620 queries.
  18. +6745599476 0 ratings and 405 queries.
  19. 006745599223 1 ratings and 461 queries.
  20. 006745590211 0 ratings and 447 queries.