Area Code Samoa : 00685 / +685
If you want to call a number in Samoa , you have to dial 00685 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Samoa . The phone number should then look like this: 00685234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Samoa , by the initial numbers 00685 or +685 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Samoa
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00685 via Google:
Recently added comments
Confused reported number +6858493090 as unknown
Who on earth do I know in Samoa?...
1 Rating for +6858493090 (Digicel) -
Jojo reported number +6857215430 as unknown
No idea!!.. from samoa!... suddenly im getting world wide calls!! They hang up before ive answered...
1 Rating for +6857215430 (Digicel) -
iPhone reported number +6857215337 as unknown
Samoa? Missed call so not answered...
1 Rating for +6857215337 (Digicel) -
Yacob reported number 00685593819170 as unknown
That number called me several times sometimes over midnight , i send sms to ask who is the owner and...
1 Rating for 00685593819170 (Savaii)
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- +6857215401 1 ratings and 2196 queries.
- +6857210915 5 ratings and 2018 queries.
- +685531499 11 ratings and 1818 queries.
- +6857215431 5 ratings and 1580 queries.
- +6857215428 1 ratings and 1339 queries.
- +6857320470 5 ratings and 1293 queries.
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- +6851994587 1 ratings and 1022 queries.
- +6857210835 2 ratings and 987 queries.
- +68577102858 1 ratings and 862 queries.
- +6857210917 2 ratings and 856 queries.
- +6857215423 4 ratings and 734 queries.
- +6857210869 2 ratings and 726 queries.
- +6857210801 2 ratings and 717 queries.
- +6857215430 1 ratings and 687 queries.
Investigator غير معروف reported number +6857210917 as unknown
لم يتم الرد...
2 Ratings for +6857210917 (Digicel)