Area Code Midway Inseln: 00697 / +697

If you want to call a number in Midway Inseln, you have to dial 00697 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Midway Inseln. The phone number should then look like this: 00697234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Midway Inseln, by the initial numbers 00697 or +697 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Midway Inseln

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Recently added comments

  1. johnboy reported unknown with the number ‎0069747789147 as Telemarketer

    12/17/19, 11:37 AM

    agressive and abusive...

    1 Rating for 0069747789147 ()

Telephone numbers with 00697

  1. +69711984037143 2 ratings and 457 queries.
  2. +69711616792650 2 ratings and 225 queries.
  3. 0069747789147 1 ratings and 223 queries.
  4. +697738798495 1 ratings and 213 queries.
  5. +69711636187462 2 ratings and 172 queries.
  6. +69759090 0 ratings and 166 queries.
  7. 00697630104 1 ratings and 137 queries.
  8. +697563254877 0 ratings and 119 queries.
  9. +69710456657 0 ratings and 113 queries.
  10. +697775197129 0 ratings and 104 queries.
  11. +6973274 0 ratings and 101 queries.
  12. +697632136089 0 ratings and 101 queries.
  13. +69797297609519 0 ratings and 101 queries.
  14. +697390395983716 0 ratings and 100 queries.
  15. +6975511833 0 ratings and 98 queries.
  16. +697491727861832 0 ratings and 97 queries.
  17. +69768266 0 ratings and 96 queries.
  18. +69720917 0 ratings and 96 queries.
  19. +6973904721890103 0 ratings and 96 queries.
  20. +697968682496 0 ratings and 96 queries.