Area Code Japan: 0081 / +81

If you want to call a number in Japan, you have to dial 0081 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Japan. The phone number should then look like this: 0081234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Japan, by the initial numbers 0081 or +81 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Japan

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 0081 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Anon reported Unofuku with the number ‎+81796231155 as Trustworthy number

    4/12/24, 7:20 AM


    1 Rating for +81796231155 (豊岡市、美方郡香美町香住区)
  2. Android reported banjingan with the number ‎+81212526741 as Harassment calls

    2/6/21, 3:58 AM

    tukang teror...

    1 Rating for +81212526741 ()
  3. users reported kolektor fintech with the number ‎+8159049284 as Debt collection company

    10/21/19, 4:29 AM

    jangan diangkat !!!...

    1 Rating for +8159049284 ()
  4. Android reported unknown with the number ‎+8159049209 as Debt collection company

    9/12/19, 3:34 PM


    1 Rating for +8159049209 ()
  5. rio reported bri cc collection with the number ‎+8158092865 as Debt collection company

    9/2/19, 7:30 AM


    1 Rating for +8158092865 ()

Telephone numbers with 0081

  1. 0081891247114371 0 ratings and 203 queries.
  2. 00811793000333 0 ratings and 280 queries.
  3. 00813022957920 0 ratings and 100 queries.
  4. 0081607122124 0 ratings and 190 queries.
  5. 008191188185889 0 ratings and 30 queries.
  6. 0081570001021 8 ratings and 147945 queries.
  7. 008123423234342 15 ratings and 272 queries.
  8. 008140853753599 0 ratings and 81 queries.
  9. 0081570666910 18 ratings and 111549 queries.
  10. 0081120987927 26 ratings and 100239 queries.
  11. 008195484868 0 ratings and 462 queries.
  12. 0081936447921 0 ratings and 172 queries.
  13. 0081120523939 14 ratings and 103185 queries.
  14. 0081120987532 21 ratings and 93108 queries.
  15. 00813078783118 0 ratings and 941 queries.
  16. 0081800300669 0 ratings and 122 queries.
  17. 008138129830217 0 ratings and 23 queries.
  18. 0081120141714 11 ratings and 87735 queries.
  19. 0081120550904 18 ratings and 76907 queries.
  20. 0081337703425 2 ratings and 64816 queries.