Area Code Nordkorea : 00850 / +850

If you want to call a number in Nordkorea , you have to dial 00850 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Nordkorea . The phone number should then look like this: 00850234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Nordkorea , by the initial numbers 00850 or +850 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Nordkorea

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00850 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Big bear reported number ‎008500602 as unknown

    9/22/16, 12:46 PM

    Gentleman demanded details of my bank account and when I refused stated he was going to kill my wife...

    3 Ratings for 008500602 ()
  2. Anon reported number ‎008500602 as unknown

    8/27/16, 3:55 PM

    The caller told me my computer had downloaded malicious software and he would help to fix it. I aske...

    3 Ratings for 008500602 ()
  3. Mike reported unknown with the number ‎008500602 as Cost trap

    2/2/16, 9:46 AM

    They just called me and pretended to be calling from Microsoft. I said I was recording their call to...

    3 Ratings for 008500602 ()

Telephone numbers with 00850

  1. 008504951297 2 ratings and 841 queries.
  2. +8502660266 0 ratings and 683 queries.
  3. 008503334484 0 ratings and 388 queries.
  4. 008507563612615 0 ratings and 752 queries.
  5. 008502524222 0 ratings and 682 queries.
  6. 008500602 3 ratings and 633 queries.
  7. +8503331234 0 ratings and 409 queries.
  8. +8502228888 0 ratings and 396 queries.
  9. +8501726118539 1 ratings and 490 queries.
  10. 00850255850 0 ratings and 438 queries.
  11. 008503333266 0 ratings and 372 queries.
  12. 00850101345 0 ratings and 446 queries.
  13. +85085789312 0 ratings and 365 queries.
  14. +850224888 0 ratings and 352 queries.
  15. +8504804040 0 ratings and 341 queries.
  16. +8504120333 0 ratings and 370 queries.
  17. 001185008503333266 0 ratings and 378 queries.
  18. 001185008504951297 0 ratings and 370 queries.
  19. 00118500850255850 0 ratings and 354 queries.
  20. 00118500850756361261 0 ratings and 355 queries.