Area Code Cambodia: 00855 / +855
If you want to call a number in Cambodia, you have to dial 00855 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Cambodia. The phone number should then look like this: 00855234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Cambodia, by the initial numbers 00855 or +855 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Cambodia
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00855 via Google:
Recently added comments
Investigator kinderandy reported number 008554121133 as unknown
This number keeps ringing, but no voice at the other end. If I try to call that number, there's a me...
1 Rating for 008554121133 ()
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- +8554799876 4 ratings and 1223 queries.
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- +855716619649 1 ratings and 558 queries.
- +8558882111 1 ratings and 537 queries.
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- 008552527868 1 ratings and 437 queries.
- 00855924591 0 ratings and 361 queries.
- 00855489932562988260 0 ratings and 368 queries.
- +85568706607 0 ratings and 322 queries.
- 008550212 0 ratings and 368 queries.
- +85513331661 0 ratings and 346 queries.
- +85517877272 0 ratings and 321 queries.
- +85515062779 0 ratings and 307 queries.
- +85599959596 0 ratings and 304 queries.
Pawel reported unknown with the number 00855946492743 as Cost trap
Got text saying "Call me 0023221210139"
1 Rating for 00855946492743 ()It`s a SCAM as 0023 is "Sierra Leone"....