Area Code Bangladesch : 00880 / +880
If you want to call a number in Bangladesch , you have to dial 00880 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Bangladesch . The phone number should then look like this: 00880234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Bangladesch , by the initial numbers 00880 or +880 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Bangladesch
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00880 via Google:
Recently added comments
nababjada hero reported unknown with the number +8801862890569 as Ping Call
1 Rating for +8801862890569 (Robi) -
Investigator Shitheislam reported number +8801822679468 as unknown
Pls help me find those unknown numbers details...
1 Rating for +8801822679468 (Robi)
Telephone numbers with 00880
- 008801674142567 1 ratings and 690 queries.
- +8801856139823 3 ratings and 757 queries.
- +8801826103750 2 ratings and 738 queries.
- +8809666910464 0 ratings and 558 queries.
- 008801751381381 1 ratings and 515 queries.
- +8801738122359 1 ratings and 422 queries.
- +8801712940276 1 ratings and 423 queries.
- 008801938391553 1 ratings and 402 queries.
- +8801737221926 1 ratings and 410 queries.
- 008801818656995 2 ratings and 422 queries.
- 008801718228830 0 ratings and 411 queries.
- 008801717590899 0 ratings and 404 queries.
- 008801677746150 0 ratings and 378 queries.
- 008801671018019 0 ratings and 379 queries.
- 008801812054463 0 ratings and 392 queries.
- 008801712620495 0 ratings and 391 queries.
- 008801676684294 0 ratings and 383 queries.
- 008801815750000 0 ratings and 368 queries.
- +8801822679468 1 ratings and 368 queries.
- +8801717866257 0 ratings and 347 queries.
hi im jo but whay reported number +8801972847564 as unknown
? whats your problem...
1 Rating for +8801972847564 (Banglalink)