Area Code Global Satalite: 00881 / +881
If you want to call a number in Global Satalite, you have to dial 00881 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Global Satalite. The phone number should then look like this: 00881234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Global Satalite, by the initial numbers 00881 or +881 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Global Satalite
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00881 via Google:
Recently added comments
nope reported number +8818491071 as nope
short and continuos missed calls...
2 Ratings for +8818491071 (globalstar) -
Investigator stoker64 reported Loris with the number +88183776030 as Harassment calls
Up to 6 calls daily...
2 Ratings for +88183776030 (globalstar) -
iPhone reported unknown with the number +881935212534 as Harassment calls
Call Dialersales constant calls nuisance ...
1 Rating for +881935212534 (globalstar) -
iPhone reported unknown with the number +8818370182 as Aggressive advertising
Call Dialersales keeps calling for a few seconds then switches off - must call 20 times per day ...
1 Rating for +8818370182 (globalstar)
Telephone numbers with 00881
- +8818213074 29 ratings and 19467 queries.
- +8818 8 ratings and 18374 queries.
- +881945110115 29 ratings and 14150 queries.
- +88183810355 29 ratings and 14011 queries.
- +881842011677 16 ratings and 9986 queries.
- 00881833010358 6 ratings and 370 queries.
- 00881842011671 11 ratings and 6878 queries.
- +881838910372 15 ratings and 6380 queries.
- +881838910374 0 ratings and 5731 queries.
- +88183810201 1 ratings and 4612 queries.
- +88189730158 7 ratings and 3793 queries.
- 00881842011676 1 ratings and 3775 queries.
- +88182180216 8 ratings and 3727 queries.
- +88183810356 4 ratings and 3638 queries.
- 00881945110822 7 ratings and 3417 queries.
- +881935110437 5 ratings and 3372 queries.
- +88194860147 4 ratings and 2840 queries.
- 0088183771886 10 ratings and 2731 queries.
- +88182180217 3 ratings and 2590 queries.
- 008818213071 4 ratings and 2553 queries.
Android reported gak jelas with the number 00881037979958 as Debt collection company
hati hati sama no ini...
1 Rating for 00881037979958 (ellipso satellite)