Area Code Oration: 00882 / +882
If you want to call a number in Oration, you have to dial 00882 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Oration. The phone number should then look like this: 00882234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Oration, by the initial numbers 00882 or +882 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Oration
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00882 via Google:
Recently added comments
Km reported unknown with the number +8821622774311 as Harassment calls
22 Ratings for +8821622774311 () -
unknown has been reported with number +8821622774311 as Harassment calls
22 Ratings for +8821622774311 ()
Telephone numbers with 00882
- +88216901348 22 ratings and 14865 queries.
- +88216900340 21 ratings and 10397 queries.
- +88216900342 13 ratings and 6429 queries.
- +8821622775309 24 ratings and 5458 queries.
- +8821622775330 22 ratings and 5105 queries.
- +8821622775338 17 ratings and 4735 queries.
- +8821622775323 17 ratings and 4384 queries.
- +88216900352 22 ratings and 3798 queries.
- +8821622774311 22 ratings and 3611 queries.
- +8821622775308 15 ratings and 3519 queries.
- +88216101395 14 ratings and 3101 queries.
- +88233100174 12 ratings and 2891 queries.
- +88213340025 6 ratings and 2585 queries.
- +88233100171 13 ratings and 2379 queries.
- +88216900304 4 ratings and 2348 queries.
- 0088216900344 4 ratings and 2223 queries.
- +88216901349 11 ratings and 2108 queries.
- +88216900341 5 ratings and 1809 queries.
- +8821622775344 13 ratings and 1783 queries.
- +8821622775362 10 ratings and 1752 queries.
Carash reported unknown with the number +8821622774311 as Harassment calls
they are linked with the numbers
22 Ratings for +8821622774311 ()+994555906839
and +37498743990
Must be scammers I didn't call ...