Area Code Turkey: 0090 / +90

If you want to call a number in Turkey, you have to dial 0090 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Turkey. The phone number should then look like this: 0090234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Turkey, by the initial numbers 0090 or +90 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Turkey

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 0090 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. iPhone reported number ‎+905527881666 as unknown

    8/16/24, 9:12 PM

    90 552 788 16 66...

    1 Rating for +905527881666 (Avea)
  2. The number ‎+908502220333 has been assigned to Garanti Bank

    12/24/23, 4:20 AM


    1 Rating for +908502220333 (Non-Geographic)
  3. iPhone reported number ‎+905388662486 as unknown

    7/25/23, 1:03 AM


    1 Rating for +905388662486 (Turkcell)
  4. Android reported unknown with the number ‎+90800448824539 as Trustworthy number

    3/17/23, 2:24 PM


    1 Rating for +90800448824539 (Ücretsiz aramalar)
  5. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+905383980450 as SMS spam

    3/15/23, 4:30 PM


    2 Ratings for +905383980450 (Turkcell)

Telephone numbers with 0090

  1. 00902317257820 0 ratings and 126 queries.
  2. 00908008003436 0 ratings and 196 queries.
  3. 00905327572222 29 ratings and 181809 queries.
  4. 009023423234342 16 ratings and 401 queries.
  5. 00908001721212 0 ratings and 68 queries.
  6. 00905554441500 32 ratings and 138480 queries.
  7. 00903490009999 0 ratings and 201 queries.
  8. 00902038795500 0 ratings and 221 queries.
  9. 00902167090012 79 ratings and 120148 queries.
  10. 00908006644460972 0 ratings and 199 queries.
  11. 0090402850430052 0 ratings and 85 queries.
  12. 0090209998495 0 ratings and 220 queries.
  13. 00905397571027 15 ratings and 71882 queries.
  14. 00904440375 20 ratings and 65920 queries.
  15. 00908502524222 30 ratings and 63789 queries.
  16. 00903123242500 42 ratings and 63165 queries.
  17. 0090693932112 0 ratings and 451 queries.
  18. 009017061100 0 ratings and 158 queries.
  19. 00908000232635 0 ratings and 219 queries.
  20. 00902624440444 13 ratings and 41902 queries.