Area Code India: 0091 / +91
If you want to call a number in India, you have to dial 0091 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of India. The phone number should then look like this: 0091234578978
You can tell if you received a call from India, by the initial numbers 0091 or +91 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for India
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 0091 via Google:
Recently added comments
Investigator jass reported number +917814202279 as unknown
1 Rating for +917814202279 (RCL(GSM)) -
The number +919752111343 has been assigned to kirtithakurthakur214
1 Rating for +919752111343 (Bharti Airtel Limited) -
Investigator David Taylor reported number +918015749051 as unknown
Answered rings straight off....
1 Rating for +918015749051 (TTSL(GSM)) -
Investigator David reported number +918015741810 as unknown
Answered but cuts straight off...
1 Rating for +918015741810 (TTSL(GSM))
Telephone numbers with 0091
- 0091891247111346 2 ratings and 70 queries.
- 0091919319697947 75 ratings and 798908 queries.
- 0091692939297 0 ratings and 28 queries.
- 009168193764926 0 ratings and 111 queries.
- 00914830627700 0 ratings and 193 queries.
- 009123423234342 7 ratings and 269 queries.
- 00912031291891 1 ratings and 335 queries.
- 0091912048501 0 ratings and 0 queries.
- 00911166549931 117 ratings and 109480 queries.
- 0091239623793 0 ratings and 318 queries.
- 009115238975402 0 ratings and 199 queries.
- 00911805231122 0 ratings and 304 queries.
- 00911709918621 0 ratings and 486 queries.
- 0091294750695 0 ratings and 489 queries.
- 0091140926789 0 ratings and 943 queries.
- 009188123316437 0 ratings and 2 queries.
- 00911612843313 0 ratings and 46876 queries.
- 00911792781440 0 ratings and 529 queries.
- 00911 19 ratings and 34252 queries.
- 00911148986800 70 ratings and 66744 queries.
bunkerbarkz reported Qovaa? with the number +919124944246 as Survey
Person or people trying to claim that they will pay you for liking tik tok videos via links provided...
1 Rating for +919124944246 (Unitech Wireless (East) Pvt. Ltd.)