Area Code Malediven : 00960 / +960

If you want to call a number in Malediven , you have to dial 00960 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Malediven . The phone number should then look like this: 00960234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Malediven , by the initial numbers 00960 or +960 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Malediven

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00960 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Trev reported number ‎+9607760076 as unknown

    3/12/17, 9:59 PM

    Seems to be a ruck of comments about this number tonight. Rang twice then hung up. Not tempted to ph...

    8 Ratings for +9607760076 (Dhiraagu)
  2. Investigator John reported Scam alert! with the number ‎+9607760076 as Trustworthy number

    3/12/17, 9:58 PM

    DO NOT call back. Not only it will cost you a lot of money to your phone bill but it's a 100% scam. ...

    8 Ratings for +9607760076 (Dhiraagu)
  3. TCH reported number ‎+9607760076 as unknown

    3/12/17, 8:32 PM

    Called tonight at 2027 by this number. Rang twice then call dropped. I dialled it back via wifi and ...

    8 Ratings for +9607760076 (Dhiraagu)
  4. J667 reported number ‎+9607760076 as unknown

    3/12/17, 8:04 PM

    Had this number call me at 2000 on Sunday. Rang for 15 seconds. No idea but suspect it's a scam as p...

    8 Ratings for +9607760076 (Dhiraagu)
  5. Andy reported number ‎+9607760076 as Unkown

    3/12/17, 7:36 PM

    Rang twice then hung up, won't be calling it back...

    8 Ratings for +9607760076 (Dhiraagu)

Telephone numbers with 00960

  1. +9609416987 35 ratings and 14804 queries.
  2. +9609002000330 11 ratings and 6358 queries.
  3. 009605921078 7 ratings and 5380 queries.
  4. +9607760076 8 ratings and 4082 queries.
  5. +9605900706 3 ratings and 2872 queries.
  6. 009605921077 4 ratings and 2508 queries.
  7. 009605920920 3 ratings and 2156 queries.
  8. +9605921079 2 ratings and 1853 queries.
  9. +9609007815 6 ratings and 1428 queries.
  10. 009605920925 2 ratings and 1211 queries.
  11. +9609417758 5 ratings and 1123 queries.
  12. 009609625854 7 ratings and 1126 queries.
  13. +960000000000 1 ratings and 1025 queries.
  14. 009605901027 2 ratings and 1013 queries.
  15. +96008001004307 0 ratings and 499 queries.
  16. +9605921043 0 ratings and 887 queries.
  17. 009609002000343 2 ratings and 787 queries.
  18. 009609625855 4 ratings and 743 queries.
  19. 009605922143 2 ratings and 682 queries.
  20. +9605922147 5 ratings and 666 queries.