Area Code Irak : 00964 / +964

If you want to call a number in Irak , you have to dial 00964 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Irak . The phone number should then look like this: 00964234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Irak , by the initial numbers 00964 or +964 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Irak

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00964 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. iPhone reported number ‎+9647513220617 as unknown

    6/7/24, 5:01 AM


    1 Rating for +9647513220617 (Korek)
  2. iPhone reported number ‎+9647710700023 as unknown

    5/27/24, 8:25 PM


    1 Rating for +9647710700023 (Asiacell)
  3. iPhone reported number ‎+9647504329898 as unknown

    5/27/24, 1:41 AM


    1 Rating for +9647504329898 (Korek)
  4. فتومه reported unknown with the number ‎+9647762207079 as Aggressive advertising

    4/17/24, 2:06 AM


    1 Rating for +9647762207079 (Asiacell)
  5. iPhone reported number ‎+9647505197763 as unknown

    3/26/24, 3:56 AM


    1 Rating for +9647505197763 (Korek)

Telephone numbers with 00964

  1. +964664074062 1 ratings and 849 queries.
  2. 009647813762571 1 ratings and 676 queries.
  3. 009647803470392 1 ratings and 466 queries.
  4. 009647808370081 0 ratings and 279 queries.
  5. 009647807339683 1 ratings and 404 queries.
  6. 009647712989485 1 ratings and 409 queries.
  7. 009647802635998 0 ratings and 370 queries.
  8. +9649007504454802 0 ratings and 390 queries.
  9. +9647605049803 0 ratings and 398 queries.
  10. +9647807718310 0 ratings and 395 queries.
  11. +9647712206668 0 ratings and 377 queries.
  12. +9647713638401 0 ratings and 388 queries.
  13. 009647801574488 0 ratings and 281 queries.
  14. 0096407712303520 0 ratings and 375 queries.
  15. 009647507789933 0 ratings and 354 queries.
  16. 009647711155390 0 ratings and 356 queries.
  17. 009641576843 0 ratings and 352 queries.
  18. 009647712203299 0 ratings and 361 queries.
  19. 009647703275524 0 ratings and 263 queries.
  20. 00964799651654 0 ratings and 264 queries.