Area Code Kuwait : 00965 / +965
If you want to call a number in Kuwait , you have to dial 00965 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Kuwait . The phone number should then look like this: 00965234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Kuwait , by the initial numbers 00965 or +965 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Kuwait
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00965 via Google:
Recently added comments
iPhone reported number +96505555555 as unknown
اهلا بيك سمو الأمير بوخالد أنا قدمت معامله لمكتب الوليد الانسانيه الطلب كان عندي ولد فيه سرطان بلعين...
1 Rating for +96505555555 (Viva) -
iPhone reported vip with the number +96597888988 as Trustworthy number
1 Rating for +96597888988 (Zain) -
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- +96522240550 0 ratings and 1459 queries.
- 009651234 2 ratings and 578 queries.
- 009659325182 0 ratings and 393 queries.
- 0096567072442 0 ratings and 422 queries.
- 0096594034377 0 ratings and 381 queries.
- 0096555716507 0 ratings and 383 queries.
- 0096554661636 0 ratings and 311 queries.
- 0096557996968 0 ratings and 371 queries.
- 0096551150599 0 ratings and 375 queries.
- 0096599745038 0 ratings and 369 queries.
- +96566432825 0 ratings and 354 queries.
- +96597924688 0 ratings and 372 queries.
- +96599954968 0 ratings and 366 queries.
- 0096544676737 0 ratings and 372 queries.
- +96550500190 0 ratings and 367 queries.
- +96555633415 0 ratings and 356 queries.
- +96566882498 0 ratings and 367 queries.
- 0096566259078 0 ratings and 356 queries.
- +96599862178 0 ratings and 353 queries.
- 009654012036 0 ratings and 302 queries.
iPhone reported unknown with the number +96550893015 as SMS spam
1 Rating for +96550893015 (Viva)