Area Code Saudi Arabia: 00966 / +966
If you want to call a number in Saudi Arabia, you have to dial 00966 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Saudi Arabia. The phone number should then look like this: 00966234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Saudi Arabia, by the initial numbers 00966 or +966 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Saudi Arabia
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00966 via Google:
Recently added comments
unknown has been reported with number +966552167084 as SMS spam
WhatsApp spam...
2 Ratings for +966552167084 (الاتصالات السعودية STC) -
No one reported number +966556655665 as unknown
1 Rating for +966556655665 (الاتصالات السعودية STC) -
she reported number +9660417 as Scam (Harrassing)
00417 went to the answer phone, i didnt pick up but no one spoke...
11 Ratings for +9660417 (المدينة المنورة) -
Eilish reported number +9660417 as Scam (Harrassing)
Spam calls from this number, they call for 1 second and hang up....
11 Ratings for +9660417 (المدينة المنورة)
Telephone numbers with 00966
- 009669059156560 28 ratings and 247607 queries.
- 00966 62 ratings and 205265 queries.
- 009668111707670 72 ratings and 167991 queries.
- 00966686555 1 ratings and 141 queries.
- 0096623423234342 60 ratings and 179 queries.
- 00966114439900 24 ratings and 113102 queries.
- 009665397571027 0 ratings and 70 queries.
- 009668553308653 0 ratings and 29 queries.
- 00966557236877 14 ratings and 64187 queries.
- 00966265934657 0 ratings and 2 queries.
- 00966115107111 22 ratings and 54550 queries.
- 00966115102712 30 ratings and 52759 queries.
- 00966537302403 117 ratings and 52625 queries.
- 009663037201234 0 ratings and 91 queries.
- +9665 3 ratings and 42645 queries.
- 00966114796000 14 ratings and 39091 queries.
- 00417 11 ratings and 38396 queries.
- 052 3 ratings and 38304 queries.
- 0096618 9 ratings and 36689 queries.
- 0096691188185605 0 ratings and 121 queries.
Repeated calls on Whatsapp reported number +966552167084 as 00966552167084
Says it's from Saudi Arabia, likely a scam call...
2 Ratings for +966552167084 (الاتصالات السعودية STC)