Area Code Jemen : 00967 / +967

If you want to call a number in Jemen , you have to dial 00967 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Jemen . The phone number should then look like this: 00967234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Jemen , by the initial numbers 00967 or +967 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Jemen

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00967 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+967772020917 as SMS spam

    3/13/24, 2:31 AM

    عليكم سلام...

    1 Rating for +967772020917 (Yemen Mobile)
  2. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+967776783869 as Ping Call

    12/1/23, 1:55 PM


    1 Rating for +967776783869 (Yemen Mobile)
  3. unknown has been reported with number ‎+967735213092 as Harassment calls

    8/10/23, 11:33 AM


    1 Rating for +967735213092 (MTN)
  4. iPhone reported number ‎+96776392288 as unknown

    5/9/23, 10:24 PM


    1 Rating for +96776392288 ()
  5. iPhone reported number ‎+967774214153 as unknown

    5/9/23, 10:22 PM


    2 Ratings for +967774214153 (Yemen Mobile)

Telephone numbers with 00967

  1. 00967736785133 40 ratings and 31765 queries.
  2. +96723345 24 ratings and 26779 queries.
  3. +967773808407 3 ratings and 5937 queries.
  4. +967705210161 10 ratings and 3303 queries.
  5. +967705211461 13 ratings and 2394 queries.
  6. +967705211763 2 ratings and 1010 queries.
  7. +967705210166 0 ratings and 904 queries.
  8. +967715744392 1 ratings and 882 queries.
  9. 00967715444391 1 ratings and 716 queries.
  10. 00967711177990 1 ratings and 422 queries.
  11. 0096717509000 1 ratings and 611 queries.
  12. 00967713879839 2 ratings and 639 queries.
  13. +967705211478 1 ratings and 546 queries.
  14. 00967733504810 0 ratings and 446 queries.
  15. 00967736033524 0 ratings and 406 queries.
  16. +967711555789 0 ratings and 403 queries.
  17. 00967773903901 0 ratings and 377 queries.
  18. 00967777955240 0 ratings and 379 queries.
  19. 00967777199492 0 ratings and 368 queries.
  20. +96777367024 0 ratings and 378 queries.