Area Code United Arab Emirates: 00971 / +971
If you want to call a number in United Arab Emirates, you have to dial 00971 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of United Arab Emirates. The phone number should then look like this: 00971234578978
You can tell if you received a call from United Arab Emirates, by the initial numbers 00971 or +971 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for United Arab Emirates
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00971 via Google:
Recently added comments
Josh reported Emirates NBD with the number +97145152999 as Harassment calls
Getting personal info...
10 Ratings for +97145152999 (دبي, Dubai) -
Khan has been reported with number +971527560521 as Trustworthy number
1 Rating for +971527560521 (du) -
Emirates NBD has been reported with number +97145152999 as Harassment calls
10 Ratings for +97145152999 (دبي, Dubai) -
Investigator Md.Tusher Apu reported Emirates NBD with the number +97145152999 as Harassment calls
10 Ratings for +97145152999 (دبي, Dubai)
Telephone numbers with 00971
- 00971891247111346 0 ratings and 121 queries.
- 00971891247114371 0 ratings and 144 queries.
- 009713022957920 0 ratings and 58 queries.
- 00971287232675 0 ratings and 104 queries.
- 009712024558888 0 ratings and 22 queries.
- 0097123423234342 2 ratings and 150 queries.
- 00971157 0 ratings and 5 queries.
- 0097121984200 0 ratings and 100 queries.
- 0097122122695562 0 ratings and 4 queries.
- 0097117650642602 0 ratings and 151 queries.
- 0097145152999 10 ratings and 75007 queries.
- 009711246488759 0 ratings and 48 queries.
- 00971 15 ratings and 62470 queries.
- 0097140555541000 0 ratings and 69 queries.
- 0097171141016060 0 ratings and 95 queries.
- 00971223196098 0 ratings and 385 queries.
- 009713037201234 0 ratings and 87 queries.
- 00467 10 ratings and 34697 queries.
- 00971874017018 0 ratings and 191 queries.
Investigator Oksana reported Emirates NBD with the number +97145152999 as Harassment calls
"NBD" offering a credit card. Somehow he knew my email too....
10 Ratings for +97145152999 (دبي, Dubai)