Area Code Israel: 00972 / +972

If you want to call a number in Israel, you have to dial 00972 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Israel. The phone number should then look like this: 00972234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Israel, by the initial numbers 00972 or +972 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Israel

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00972 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Android reported Giant Lottos spam call with the number ‎+972723700949 as Sweepstakes, lottery

    8/23/24, 4:14 PM


    1 Rating for +972723700949 (טלקום 012)
  2. David reported Spam with the number ‎+972722463700 as Harassment calls

    5/9/23, 3:38 PM


    1 Rating for +972722463700 (טלקום 012)
  3. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+972773610577 as Aggressive advertising

    4/13/22, 2:35 PM


    1 Rating for +972773610577 (הוט)
  4. iPhone reported number ‎+972773174486 as unknown

    2/14/22, 2:02 PM


    1 Rating for +972773174486 (הוט)
  5. iPhone reported number ‎+972778010721 as unknown

    2/4/22, 12:59 PM


    1 Rating for +972778010721 (הוט)

Telephone numbers with 00972

  1. 0097223423234342 2 ratings and 165 queries.
  2. 009722024558888 0 ratings and 42 queries.
  3. 00972912079492 0 ratings and 126 queries.
  4. 009728888888 0 ratings and 28 queries.
  5. 009728656696225537 0 ratings and 23 queries.
  6. 0097237406200 15 ratings and 48091 queries.
  7. 00972557000896 26 ratings and 43929 queries.
  8. 00972732654889 56 ratings and 26400 queries.
  9. 0097239119900 15 ratings and 26181 queries.
  10. 009728004 0 ratings and 0 queries.
  11. 00972534772275 27 ratings and 21184 queries.
  12. 0097237117144 55 ratings and 18092 queries.
  13. 00972722219313 23 ratings and 12210 queries.
  14. 00972722215958 35 ratings and 6717 queries.
  15. 00972534311053 27 ratings and 16683 queries.
  16. 00972544151200 17 ratings and 15550 queries.
  17. +9725 6 ratings and 14459 queries.
  18. 00972559419758 5 ratings and 13429 queries.
  19. 0097218008417150 58 ratings and 12280 queries.
  20. 00972 8 ratings and 11821 queries.