Area Code Katar : 00974 / +974

If you want to call a number in Katar , you have to dial 00974 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Katar . The phone number should then look like this: 00974234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Katar , by the initial numbers 00974 or +974 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Katar

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00974 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. Investigator Khan reported unknown with the number ‎+9741220000 as Harassment calls

    9/2/23, 10:01 AM


    3 Ratings for +9741220000 ()
  2. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+97433333661 as SMS spam

    5/14/23, 10:27 AM

    Hi sssssssss...

    1 Rating for +97433333661 (ooredoo)
  3. Investigator 6688 reported unknown with the number ‎+9741220000 as Cost trap

    4/15/23, 9:36 AM


    3 Ratings for +9741220000 ()
  4. iPhone reported number ‎+9741220000 as unknown

    7/11/21, 8:58 PM


    3 Ratings for +9741220000 ()

Telephone numbers with 00974

  1. 0097482013 33 ratings and 25604 queries.
  2. +97466 0 ratings and 1471 queries.
  3. 0097483013 1 ratings and 1271 queries.
  4. +9741220000 3 ratings and 992 queries.
  5. 0097433682505 0 ratings and 406 queries.
  6. 0097466597715 0 ratings and 376 queries.
  7. 0097444032796 0 ratings and 367 queries.
  8. 0097444495727 0 ratings and 384 queries.
  9. 0097455542760 0 ratings and 377 queries.
  10. +97444169610 0 ratings and 367 queries.
  11. 0097477153192 0 ratings and 381 queries.
  12. 0097444671838 0 ratings and 382 queries.
  13. +974774631166 0 ratings and 360 queries.
  14. 0097455045458 0 ratings and 369 queries.
  15. 0097455846495 0 ratings and 373 queries.
  16. 0097477898929 0 ratings and 370 queries.
  17. 0097477797685 0 ratings and 369 queries.
  18. 009745263526 0 ratings and 351 queries.
  19. +97455343946 0 ratings and 344 queries.
  20. +97455833840 0 ratings and 342 queries.