Area Code Bhutan : 00975 / +975

If you want to call a number in Bhutan , you have to dial 00975 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Bhutan . The phone number should then look like this: 00975234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Bhutan , by the initial numbers 00975 or +975 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Bhutan

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00975 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. DavidW reported number ‎009751978613 as 0000000000

    1/19/13, 11:21 AM

    Had lots of silent calls from whoever this is :(...

    2 Ratings for 009751978613 (B-Mobile of Bhutan Telecom)
  2. Investigator Naranji reported number ‎009751978613 as unknown

    1/19/13, 11:08 AM

    Had a call from this number on Saturday answer from the other end then the line went dead....

    2 Ratings for 009751978613 (B-Mobile of Bhutan Telecom)

Telephone numbers with 00975

  1. +975440108 0 ratings and 382 queries.
  2. 00975180340 1 ratings and 481 queries.
  3. 009751528107 0 ratings and 339 queries.
  4. 009751978613 2 ratings and 392 queries.
  5. +97517680807 0 ratings and 340 queries.
  6. 009759823836 0 ratings and 349 queries.
  7. 009759060245 0 ratings and 359 queries.
  8. 009751225199 0 ratings and 344 queries.
  9. 009759011569 0 ratings and 339 queries.
  10. +9759027289 0 ratings and 299 queries.
  11. 0097551184382 0 ratings and 323 queries.
  12. 009751466176 0 ratings and 336 queries.
  13. 009759649428 0 ratings and 317 queries.
  14. +97577250 0 ratings and 296 queries.
  15. +9759627243 0 ratings and 290 queries.
  16. +9759494361 0 ratings and 294 queries.
  17. +9750502716620 0 ratings and 291 queries.
  18. 0097507181698 0 ratings and 316 queries.
  19. 0097502944244 0 ratings and 317 queries.
  20. 009759025342 0 ratings and 314 queries.