Area Code Nepal : 00977 / +977
If you want to call a number in Nepal , you have to dial 00977 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Nepal . The phone number should then look like this: 00977234578978
You can tell if you received a call from Nepal , by the initial numbers 00977 or +977 in your telephone display.
Favourable dialling codes for Nepal
Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 00977 via Google:
Recently added comments
Mohd ali reported Abu muna trading and est with the number +977984 as Trustworthy number
This is a girl and she wants to be friendly with me....
3 Ratings for +977984 (Nepal Telecom) -
King khan reported number +977984 as private
Some body ring me my number the number calls coming...
3 Ratings for +977984 (Nepal Telecom)
Telephone numbers with 00977
- 00977401069 7 ratings and 3250 queries.
- +977984 3 ratings and 2045 queries.
- 009772853363 11 ratings and 1706 queries.
- +977999 10 ratings and 1406 queries.
- 00977 0 ratings and 1239 queries.
- 0097738125034 0 ratings and 0 queries.
- 00977420031 4 ratings and 902 queries.
- 009771660 0 ratings and 593 queries.
- +97740106 3 ratings and 546 queries.
- +977271547 0 ratings and 269 queries.
- 009779847333426 0 ratings and 338 queries.
- 009779844952304 0 ratings and 339 queries.
- +9779841876947 0 ratings and 329 queries.
- 00977195333 0 ratings and 323 queries.
- 00977655188 0 ratings and 328 queries.
- +9779845201857 0 ratings and 335 queries.
- +9779802222222 0 ratings and 331 queries.
- 009779851089412 0 ratings and 323 queries.
- 009779816521809 0 ratings and 340 queries.
- 009779803727050 0 ratings and 320 queries.
Salman Khan reported number +9779801454219 as Nepal
Salman Khan ...
1 Rating for +9779801454219 (NCell)