01792 211846 from Swansea 01792211846 / +441792211846

Types of call: Harassment calls
Caller Name: 01792 211846 more...
Ratings: 61 (deleted: 3)
Search requests: 39226
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (4/22/16, 5:12 PM)

Merseyrock Mike wrote: Spam caller, don't answer. I thought this cold caller stuff was going to be made illegal. Ive got mo... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Swansea - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 01792-211846
Phone number +441792211846 from Swansea tagged as Harassment calls 18 times.

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Views last month: 1
tellows protection:
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: 08443373038 01413679956 01793781628 01202332200 +442036956929
Request trend:
Search requests are not regular and spread often on weekdays

tellows score for +441792211846

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
30 reports
Harassment calls
18 reports
8 reports
Aggressive advertising
2 reports
Caller Name:
44 reports
01792 211846
3 reports
PPI Scammers ?
2 reports
Sales and Marketing
1 reports
PPI Claim Company
1 reports
Spam caller (1) probably Telemagic Ltd (1) john (1) not given (1) Did not say (1)
01792 211846/7 (1) ? (1)
Phone number +441792211846 from Swansea tagged as Harassment calls 18 times: Keep getting calls from this number whic... 39226 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 01792211846?

  1. 11

    Miss B reported number ‎+441792211846 as unknown

    4/4/13, 2:22 PM

    Keep getting calls from this number which I don't answer as I don't recognise the number. They don't leave a message or wait for it to go onto answerphone - bloody annoying.

  2. 2

    Matt reported Sales and Marketing with the number ‎+441792211846 as Harassment calls

    4/15/13, 1:27 PM

    I called this number back there was an automatic pre-recorded message saying this was a sales and marketing call, we may or may not call you back. If you wish to opt out please press this number etc... Usually that does not help as they are then made aware that your number is active.

    But to put peoples mind at rest its nothing to worry about just a sales call.

    yurt dweller replied 4/18/13, 11:14 AM
    absolutely right - don't press any buttons, they know you exist then. I usually leave the recorded ones on as I'm not paying for the call, and they are !

  3. 1

    Leeds reported PPI Claim Company with the number ‎01792211846 as Harassment calls

    5/8/13, 12:25 PM

    Had 4 recorded messages left from this number in the last week alone and now I'm getting the same types of calls to my mobile. I've just reported them to Ofcom at http://consumers.ofcom.org.uk/2012/10/tackling-nuisance-calls-and-messages/

    Hopefully if enough people do it they will be stopped.

  4. 1

    rpoole reported unknown with the number ‎+441792211846 as Aggressive advertising

    4/4/13, 1:49 PM

    this number has repeatedly called my mobile, when you answer there is either no one there or a recorded message about PPI claims. I have no PPI claims, I want to block number but am not sure how.

  5. 0

    Merseyrock Mike reported Spam caller with the number ‎+441792211846 as Telemarketer

    4/22/16, 5:12 PM

    Spam caller, don't answer. I thought this cold caller stuff was going to be made illegal. Ive got more numbers on my reject list than I have in my address book lol

  6. 0

    Liz reported unknown with the number ‎01792211846 as Telemarketer

    8/6/15, 10:33 AM

    Received a call from a gentleman with a welsh accent, he said they had dealt with me before regarding a ppi package bank account. The name he gave was McCann something or other. I said I don't think so as I have never heard of the company before. He said it was a long time ago. I said I think I would have remembered and besides I already have someone else dealing with this at the moment. He then went on to ask me about pensions, he said he had my name on their data base so I said well I have already had one done thanks earlier this year and was not interested at the moment. He said did I not realise how important that it was that this was carried out regularly. I said look if I want to discuss my pension then I will be the one making the call and not you. He carried on at which point I hung up.

  7. 0

    Tim reported probably Telemagic Ltd with the number ‎01792211846 as Harassment calls

    6/11/13, 3:37 PM

    There are generally two companies involved in a scam like this. One with the telecom resources and telesales staff makes the nuisance calls, and then another follows up the leads generated. Some have identified the latter company as “PPI Advice Line” whilst others have suggested Redhawk Legal Ltd in Swansea following up on the leads.

    The company actually making the nuisance calls would appear to be Telemagic Ltd of 15A Cowell Street, Llanelli SA15 1UU. Companies can get blocks of numbers, and Ofcom records show Telemagic Ltd. is allocated the block 01792 211 xxx. Of course CLI can be faked, but other things point to the calls really being from there. Firstly Google street view shows a banner outside Telemagic Ltd’s registered address attempting to recruit “telesales staff” inviting them to call 07727 606257 for an interview. Secondly the director of Telemagic Ltd., Joseph Waite (born 25/03/1981) is director of “Protect Your World Ltd” which, under its previous name of “Mobiles 4 Less Ltd” became notorious for similar aggressive telemarketing of a dubious insurance product..

    However, these nuisance calls may be making money for Joseph Waite, if he is the same Joseph Waite of nearby 16 Glan Yr Afon, Llanelli SA15 3QB who, on 20 March 2013, made a planning application to make a rear extension and attic conversion there.

  8. 0

    mummy reported unknown with the number ‎01792211846 as Harassment calls

    5/28/13, 3:59 PM

    Keeps calling and no one is there

  9. 0

    Tristan reported number ‎+441792211846 as unknown

    5/24/13, 10:56 AM

    Buggers tried to call me just now. I have blocked their number from my phone. Last time they tried to call me I was on vacation and I had to PAY to receive their call. Bastards.

  10. 0

    Felinelover reported number ‎+441792211846 as unknown

    5/23/13, 9:42 PM

    Several missed calls from this number on mobile. Number unknown to me

  11. 0

    mulmul reported unknown with the number ‎+441792211846 as Harassment calls

    5/22/13, 7:12 PM

    Endless amount of missed calls over last few weeks. Never any message. Both in and out of work hours could only be described as harrasment.

  12. 0

    iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎+441792211846 as Telemarketer

    5/16/13, 5:38 PM

    Receive countless calls from these people

  13. 0

    pip reported unknown with the number ‎01792211846 as Harassment calls

    5/15/13, 8:43 PM

    I'm busy. I'm up a ladder. These a****** b******* ring. I'm expecting a business call. I'm furious at such a waste of my time again and again. Where are they I'll burn the building to the ground. Anyone ever reported themselves glad to get these calls?Please get this banned.

  14. 0

    angry of kent reported number ‎01792211846 as john

    5/15/13, 4:42 PM

    Tatal pain keep ring me love to know how they get the numbers.

  15. 0

    Robert reported unknown with the number ‎+441792211846 as Telemarketer

    5/15/13, 12:41 PM

    added number to my contacts list and named it NuisanceCall. Now I know not to answer.

  16. 0

    Dan reported number ‎01792211846 as unknown

    5/14/13, 3:44 PM

    Always call from several different numbers. DO NOT ANSWER as they will know it is a live connection and sell your number onto third parties.

  17. 0

    Investigator Cedar Tree reported PPI Scammers ? with the number ‎01792211846 as Telemarketer

    5/13/13, 10:31 PM

    they said I am due PPI and want personal details. I know I've never bought PPI so I wouldn't trust them as far as ...

  18. 0

    Investigator Cedar Tree reported PPI Scammers ? with the number ‎+441792211846 as Telemarketer

    5/13/13, 10:29 PM

    they said I am due PPI and want personal details. I know I've never bought PPI so I wouldn't trust them as far as ...

  19. 0

    Fred reported unknown with the number ‎01792211846 as Harassment calls

    5/13/13, 4:00 PM

    Sick of it - several times a day

  20. 0

    iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎01792211846 as Telemarketer

    5/13/13, 12:56 PM

    PPI Claim -

  21. 0

    dingbat2d reported unknown with the number ‎+441792211846 as Aggressive advertising

    5/3/13, 4:07 PM

    pre recorded message from PPI claim company. I have been getting this every day this week

  22. 0

    Lindsey reported number ‎01792211846 as unknown

    5/3/13, 2:31 PM

    Had repeated calls from this number a few times a week for a while now. Also from 01792 211 845 and 847. I never pick them up, they don't leave messages.

  23. 0

    jimbo reported unknown with the number ‎01792211846 as Harassment calls

    5/3/13, 1:52 PM

    anyone know the land line i can ring them on so that i can keep ringing and annoying THEM if we all ring they will know what its like for US
    What is the company name?

  24. 0

    jimbo reported unknown with the number ‎+441792211846 as Harassment calls

    5/3/13, 1:51 PM

    anyone know the land line i can ring them on so that i can keep ringing and annoying THEM if we all ring they will know what its like for US
    What is the company name?

  25. 0

    jimbo reported unknown with the number ‎+441792211846 as Harassment calls

    5/3/13, 1:50 PM

    anyone know the land line i can ring them on so that i can keep ringing and annoying THEM if we all ring they will know what its like for US
    What is the company name?

  26. 0

    strimmerboy reported number ‎01792211846 as unknown

    4/23/13, 1:27 PM

    All of the sample of comments I read tell it as it is. My Treo locks badly so bumps have set off callback to the wretched people frequently it seems. Means buying new suitable phone simply to block these callers. Weirdly bumping problem doesn't happen with my bona fide callers' numbers. They absolutely do know what they're doing -- my lifelong friend's joined that sort desperate for a job, uses me as guinea pig, keeping me on the phone by intimidating me into embarrassment at just hanging up -- did it up to half an hour past my free call-time on Sunday, then sneered. His wife's told me hangup on him. He decieves her by answering questions though I've not asked any so she thinks I'm keeping him on the line. He was so trustworthy once -- dead opposite now. The work is desperately corrupting and bred rabid jealousy too in him to earn the family 'crust'. Working alongside hime are many temps, graduates from uni, HEs, Cols with full BTechs, etc -- he nought and's as sick as a dog about it -- he's got power by phone now.

  27. 0

    Tealeaf reported 01792 211846 with the number ‎01792211846 as Harassment calls

    4/17/13, 3:51 PM

    Reported call to ICO.
    Automated sales call about 'writing off 70% of your debt'. I get these several times per week and there's no way of stopping the damn things without spending money on blocking the number from my phone account.

  28. 0

    Investigator Linda reported number ‎+441792211846 as unknown

    4/16/13, 11:54 AM

    Someone eg phone companies, should know whose number this is and we should be able to get them stopped. I need my phone for work and it is so annoying when this number rings. Wish I could report them to someone for harassment. Who would deal with this sort of company anyway, even if they had something we wanted, if they won't even admit who they are? Them being closed down and stopped from operating would be an even better solution

  29. 0

    GT1 reported unknown with the number ‎+441792211846 as Harassment calls

    4/16/13, 11:46 AM

    rang my mobile then hung up

  30. 0

    M J reported not given with the number ‎01792211846 as Telemarketer

    4/15/13, 5:30 PM

    Rang 15/4/13 17:10hrs recorded message "Do you have debts. Did you know that you can write them off? Yes thats right you can write them off.... press 2 to speak to an advisor, press 9 to be removed from our lists. I don't press anything I just hang up as I doubt pressing 9 would actually remove me from their lists. I am TPS registered so think they are using an autodialler to dial numbers sequentially and also suspect they are spoofing (faking) the caller display number.

  31. 0

    JoS reported unknown with the number ‎01792211846 as Harassment calls

    4/15/13, 4:37 PM

    Yet another ppi scammer - I reckon the same lot also use 01792211847.

    Added them to my contacts as Scammer - do not answer

  32. 0

    Investigator FlywildRaven reported number ‎01792211846 as unknown

    4/15/13, 12:25 PM

    Rated it a 9 because I don't know who is calling. I get calls around 4 times a week from this number. My number is only known to family and friends, never fill out online surveys or do phone surveys so I would like to know how they got my number.

  33. 0

    iPhone reported number ‎01792211846 as unknown

    4/12/13, 5:32 PM

    No message left. If it's from Swansea then i wouldn't understand the caller in any event.

  34. 0

    mb_uk reported number ‎+441792211846 as unknown

    4/11/13, 5:31 PM

    01792211846 constantly keep ringing my mobile phone but not even ringing for long enough that i can pick up. always only one ring. im registered with TPS yet they still call.

  35. 0

    rob the gas reported number ‎01792211846 as unknown

    4/11/13, 5:25 PM

    had a call asking if i was plumber,(yes i am) can i help with a tap problem then gave me an address in local area. Called them back to clarify address and realised after searching number its a windup by faceless people with nothing better to do.

  36. 0

    Jon reported unknown with the number ‎+441792211846 as Harassment calls

    4/11/13, 1:52 PM

    PPI recorded message rings me constantly.
    Very annoying.

  37. 0

    Stumpy reported number ‎+441792211846 as 01792 211846

    4/10/13, 9:50 PM

    Yet another faceless anonymous parasite no doubt. It's infuriating when they call you, and the either play you a recording or hang up. I just don't answer any no. I do not recognise now. I have a voicemail service for anyone who wishes to contact me for a bona-fide reason but these unwarranted calls never leave a message. It should be outlawed. Thousands of bureaucrats in the UK & EU, and they don't stop this happening. Outrageous.

  38. 0

    Mole reported Did not say with the number ‎+441792211846 as Harassment calls

    4/9/13, 9:12 PM

    Please can it be made possible to ban these calls?

    yurt dweller replied 4/18/13, 11:30 AM
    Good idea - trouble is, there are thousands of them. Apparently it's not illegal (but should be, it's harassment!).
    How do they get your number people ask ?? EASY !! They buy them, in batches, from other 'seemingly' reputable companies. How many times do you see (or fail to see) a note on the bottom (right at the bottom !) of a website for supermarkets, hotels, travel industry, power supply and/or sales companies of anything like washing machines or vacuum cleaners, all sorts, EVEN consumer researchers AND `communications service providers' (ho hum, I wonder who that means ?), who ask to have your telephone number to call you back to confirm your booking/ order/inspection date and time etc. etc., and put a teeny weeny little box right at the bottom page for you to tick if 'you do not wish us to selectively pass on your contact details to other interested parties whom we regard may be to of interest to you... ' ???

    Think on - you can't trust anyone these days.

    Who is reading these comments I wonder ???

  39. 0

    Ian reported number ‎+441792211846 as unknown

    4/9/13, 6:04 PM

    01792211846 and 01792211847 ring me frequently on my mobile
    when i answer there is noone there, they obviously only allow 2 rings in case of answering machine
    i am told that it is a PPI firm

  40. 0

    Elias Jones reported number ‎+441792211846 as unknown

    4/9/13, 2:09 PM

    Unsolicited and unknown caller, rang only 3 times. Found from this and others sites, that this is a niusance number with a Swansea code. So I didn't ring back, although I nearly did.

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Often reported phone numbers with the same root number +44179221184
On tellows 6 numbers with the same base have been reported. These have received a total of 217 ratings and 101329 search requests. The average tellows score is 8. The number most likely belongs to a call center with several number extensions.
Most searched telephone numbers in 01792 (Swansea)
Possible ways of writing the number 01792211846
‎(01792) 211 846
‎+44 1792211846
‎(00441792) 211846
‎(+44) 1792 211 846