Area Code mobil phone number 079 / +4479

The number 079 is the prefix of mobil phone number in United Kingdom. You are probably looking for information on a phone number within this area code.

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Search requests: 22698
Latest comment (7/31/23, 4:07 PM)

Oliver K wrote: This is a prefix number for mobile phones in the UK. I have received many scam calls from number usi... all ratings

Details about this number

Area Code: mobil phone number - United Kingdom
Telephone number: +4479-
Phone number +4479 from mobil phone number tagged as Cost trap 4 times.

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Views last month: 42
tellows protection:
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: +447935628175 +442086389040 +442086389046 03300358208 08008021483
Request trend:
Search requests are consistent and spread often on weekdays

Prefix +4479 for UK Mobile Numbers - Expert Opinion

The 079 prefix is a common prefix used for UK mobile numbers, indicating that the number is associated with a mobile phone service. When receiving calls from 079 numbers, be cautious and verify the caller's identity, as scammers may also use this prefix for fraudulent purposes.
tellows Team
tellows Team
tellows Team - Experts for consumer protection and telecommunication

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Who calls with 079?

  1. 4

    C. Mc reported Prefix with the number ‎+4479 as Sweepstakes, lottery

    2/17/13, 4:53 AM

    lottery scam with gmail account attached to win 750 000 pounds.


    Laurens replied 7/14/14, 7:20 PM
    what did you do with this number? if you receive this sms what is the result when you recieve this sms?

  2. 1

    Me reported me with the number ‎+4479 as Trustworthy number

    8/22/24, 3:13 PM

    This is me

  3. 1

    Legend Oliver K reported Prefix with the number ‎079 as Harassment calls

    7/31/23, 4:07 PM

    This is a prefix number for mobile phones in the UK. I have received many scam calls from number using this prefix.

  4. 0

    BILL reported number ‎079 as Prefix

    12/2/19, 10:21 AM

    its a spam. i didn't unswer it and every week they call me from different unknown numbers.

  5. 0

    you reported number ‎079 as Prefix

    7/5/16, 1:49 AM

    Je me suis fait piégé.j'ai laissé ma sensibilité m'aveuglé par le soit disant "cancer" d'une certaine donna edwards,qui n'a pas d'enfant et dont le mari a été empoisonné en Syrie.après interviennent le docteur james williams et le banquier andrew.De vrai demons.Ils savent présentement tout sur moi.Ils ont même ma pièce d'identité.Et j'ai très peur d'aller consulter mon compte bancaire car je sais pas ce qui m'y attend.

  6. 0

    Investigator ngc4261 reported Andrew Martin, Zenithbank with the number ‎+4479 as Cost trap

    5/7/16, 10:29 AM

    Dying widow with 10 mln Pound inheritance, which she will donate to you.
    Call him at +447974595846, because he is the bank guy who will instruct you how to get to the money. Or use the email contact
    [email protected]
    Oh boy, a bank with an AOL address and no name, but an accumulation of its own name before the @. Come on, the whole trick was so good (and entertaining)until they came to the point of calling you to action.

  7. 0

    Investigator ngc4261 reported Dr. James Williams,Federal Medical Centre somewher with the number ‎+4479 as Cost trap

    5/7/16, 10:18 AM

    This is the doctor of a dying widow who will give her inheritance of 10 mln. pounds to you. She has no children, her husband has been poisoned and now people are after her to kill and get the bucks. You can call this ...ehm... doctor to be informed about her (waning) health condition, she is giving all the money to you after all, so be a bit empathic, call him and rub your hands if he's telling you that she has to live for just a few days.

  8. 0

    concerned reported Amanda Rosswell, Duncan Makillop and Harry Holt with the number ‎079 as Cost trap

    9/2/13, 5:28 PM

    tried to take a business investment angle with funds to invest in growth based international businesses - not sure if trying to pry funds by call back s to their numbers ??

  9. 0

    Investigator m.wentzel reported Prefix with the number ‎079 as Cost trap

    8/8/12, 11:04 AM

    Scam message, that you supposedly won money. Don't anwer it !

  10. -1

    Investigator Ana md reported number ‎+4479 as Alex W

    7/21/18, 2:15 PM

    Can this number be trust +447934322347. Know him from the tagged.

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Most searched telephone numbers in 079 (mobil phone number)
Possible ways of writing the number 079
‎(0) 79
‎+44 79
‎(0044) 79
‎(+44) 79