Thebigword from Leeds 01132124110 / +441132124110
Caller Name: Thebigword more...
Ratings: 6
Search requests: 10791
Assessment: neutral
Interpreter wrote: This number is for TBW which is goverment appointed NHS and MOJ interpreting service which I work fo... all ratings
Details about this number
City: Leeds - United KingdomTelephone number: 0113-2124110
Further Information: Find out
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Views last month: 17Request trend:
Search requests are very high in a particular day and spread often on weekdays
tellows score for +441132124110
Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews
Types of call:
Trustworthy number 3 reports |
Unknown 3 reports |
Caller Name:
Thebigword 3 reports |
unknown 3 reports |
Heatmap (Call distribution)
Who calls with 01132124110?
Interpreter reported Thebigword with the number +441132124110 as Trustworthy number
This number is for TBW which is goverment appointed NHS and MOJ interpreting service which I work for as an Interpreter. People who work for this company has to have enhanced DBS checks done before they start work there.
Maria reported number 01132124110 as unknown
When I answered the man on the phone was trying to connect me through to someone else... I didn't reply because my phone said it was a call from Leeds so it seemed dodgy, the man on the phone then said 'I don't know, she answered a second-ago'. So I think they are a call centre trying to put you through to get your payment details. Do not trust this number.
New rating to 01132124110
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S - Member of TBW Staff reported Thebigword with the number 01132124110 as Trustworthy number
Number belongs to Thebigword- Interpreting company in Leeds (This is for inside the UK). You may be contacted by this number if you do not speak English (Or if an operator dialed the wrong number). Operators will often say "connected" when their client and interpreter are connected to the Limited English Speaker (third party)