• This number was often allocated to Akram Arebi. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to Akram Arebi at the end of the page.

Akram Arebi from Glasgow 01412374450 / +441412374450

Types of call: Harassment calls
Caller Name: Akram Arebi more...
Ratings: 48 (deleted: 30)
Search requests: 6786
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (1/17/24, 2:52 AM)

wrote: This number belongs to AKRAM AREBI. Google his name and find out how last year he was in prison for ... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Glasgow - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 0141-2374450
Phone number +441412374450 from Glasgow tagged as Harassment calls 9 times.

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tellows score for +441412374450

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Types of call:
Harassment calls
9 reports
4 reports
Trustworthy number
3 reports
SMS spam
2 reports
Ping Call
1 reports
Cost trap (1)
Caller Name:
Akram Arebi
13 reports
5 reports
PC PROBLEMS? Akram Arebi
2 reports
Phone number +441412374450 from Glasgow tagged as Harassment calls 9 times: So he will be back out in June, that isn... 6786 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 01412374450?

  1. 1

    v reported unknown with the number ‎+441412374450 as SMS spam

    2/11/22, 10:53 PM

    So he will be back out in June, that isn't long enough to get any work done.

    Dawn replied 2/13/22, 12:32 AM
    That is so true

  2. 1

    Dawn reported Akram Arebi with the number ‎01412374450 as Harassment calls

    12/20/21, 4:49 PM

    Akram Arebi has now pleaded guilty for offences against three people, including harassment and abusive emails.

    He is to be sentenced on 14 January 2022 at Glasgow Sheriff Court.

    Be careful when you are anywhere near him and avoid TAJURA CAFE and FINNISTON at ALL COST.

    cat replied 12/23/21, 9:48 PM
    Thanks for letting us know, I don't know who the three evidently very important people were but I am glad they got their stuff sorted out. I am too lazy to make endless complaints against someone that cannot help themselves.
    Dawn replied 1/10/22, 3:38 PM
    Cat, he has pleaded guilty to racist emails, stalking and abuse. These are very serious offences. He pleaded guilty because he was told by his solicitors that he will get more time if it actually went to trial.
    cat replied 1/10/22, 9:49 PM
    He was watching one of his own friends get the jail yesterday, I think it is a good idea for everyone to stay well away since he is now hanging with even nastier types
    InaDisguise replied 2/4/22, 12:12 AM
    He got away with it for a month. He is now going to be sentenced at 11 February.
    The actual Ina Disguise replied 2/4/22, 2:41 PM
    Fine, but dont use my name for this again thanks
    He seems pretty happy about it
    InaDisguise replied 2/13/22, 12:36 AM
    He got 9+ months in prison. That should be a good taste of things to come. He has other pending charges including a firearm offence.
    The other InaDisguise replied 2/13/22, 12:40 AM
    @The actual InaDisguise or Catriona Hunter

    It seems you monitor this page! That explains the fast reply.

    I read your blog about him. Why don't you put his real name on it? Why hide it? I read some of your work and it seems like you want to find excuses for him.

    If you do not want to expose him, at least respect that other people have been hurt, and do not want your excuses.
    I'm not you replied 6/13/22, 3:09 AM
    He has a medical issue. Your pursuit of somebody that isn't capable of being rational isn't that impressive, sorry.
    Ina replied 6/13/22, 3:11 AM
    And using my name in an effort to get him to pester me is even less impressive. He cost me a lot of money and time, I'm just not you.
    Ina replied 6/13/22, 3:25 AM
    The fact you persisted in using my name to harass his girlfriend just tells me you're a coward, by the way. Not at all pleasant. I tolerated months and months of garbage from him because of it. You're just as bad as he is, in fact worse because you incited him.
    Ina replied 6/13/22, 3:44 AM
    OH and whilst we are exposing people's businesses, would you like me to start naming yours? You must be so proud, getting him to harass a lone woman who had just found her partner dead for several months. So brave and honest.

  3. 1

    Dawn reported Akram Arebi with the number ‎+441412374450 as Harassment calls

    7/13/21, 4:09 PM

    I have suffered by Akram for a long time now. This Friday he is going to court. Hopefully he will go to prison!

    cat replied 7/17/21, 2:51 AM
    he goes to court every five minutes, I doubt he will ever be off the street

  4. 0

    Akram Arebi has been reported with number ‎01412374450 as Harassment calls

    1/17/24, 2:52 AM

    This number belongs to AKRAM AREBI. Google his name and find out how last year he was in prison for a few months for stalking two women and harassing another guy. AKRAM AREBI is a CONVICTED FELON in Scotland.

    He lives in Glasgow and he is a danger to women, but a coward. He only goes after women because he cannot sell his BS to a man!

    He was arrested for firearm offences when Obama was here (COPS26). He used to own PC PROBLEMS and then TAJURA CAFE at 1000 Argyle St, Finnieston, Glasgow G3 8LU. There is another cafe there now, owned by his cousin, another criminal who is covering for him.







    cat replied 1/17/24, 4:19 AM
    It's nice that you miss him, but this is way out of date and I think you should leave his cousins and everyone else out of this rather than get yourself in bother.

  5. 0

    Someone Else reported number ‎01412374450 as unknown

    6/17/22, 10:50 AM

    Nobody involved with this case was a nice person. Akram had the excuse of a disorder he has no control of, the rest of you are just entitled oiks who thought it was fun to get your pitchforks out. Shame on you, and oarticularly anyone that listened to his pish. The ex did quite a bit of damage pretending to be other people to harm him further for eating his dinner with the wrong wife, you can easily find her.

  6. 0

    c reported number ‎+441412374450 as unknown

    4/25/22, 4:13 AM

    He was back in court again this week he might be in for longer. Shop was supposed to be being sold, no sign of life so far.

  7. 0

    AkramAbuser reported Akram Arebi with the number ‎+441412374450 as Harassment calls

    2/1/22, 11:04 PM

    Convicted criminal Akram Arebi, has pleaded guilty to harassment, stalking and racism.


    Stay away from Tajura Cafe in Finnieston (998-1000 Argyll Str) especially if you are a woman.

    His sentencing is on 11 February.

    cat replied 2/5/22, 4:44 AM
    yeah, yeah, you missed the 'firearms offences' I am sorry but you aren't nearly as smart as you think you are and I am now getting quite cross with you. Find something else to do.

  8. 0

    Bye Bye Bawbag reported unknown with the number ‎01412374450 as SMS spam

    1/27/22, 6:40 PM




    cat replied 1/27/22, 6:46 PM
    Don't know where his daft lawyer got the idea he was well liked from, given that he cost everyone 30k in free publicity harassing me and is not at all well liked.

  9. 0

    Marina reported Akram Arebi with the number ‎01412374450 as Harassment calls

    10/31/21, 10:12 PM

    Akram Arebi is a terrible man. He asked me how much money I wanted to sleep with him.

  10. 0

    Akram Arebi reported Akram Arebi with the number ‎+441412374450 as Harassment calls

    8/31/21, 11:16 AM

    Akram Arebi is a criminal.

    He was in court on 14 July, he did not show up and the judge issued a warrant for his arrest.

    Glasgow Court record: https://bit.ly/38iRpCk

    He then had a trial on 16 July, but it did not take place because according to Police Scotland and the PF he was a wanted fugitive.

    Glasgow Court record: https://bit.ly/3mCTRf3

    Before you read anything he says, ask yourself why is he the accused in so many different CRIMINAL CASES?

    Cat replied 10/31/21, 11:20 PM
    Yes he has been missing since May allegedly despite standing in his own shop I have no idea what the cuff is supposed to be for if he is so elusive despite doing the same thing every day.
    cat replied 11/1/21, 2:30 PM
    The reason he is involved in so many crimes is the malignancy and ASPD, it isn't rocket science. He is likely to grow out of the crime side of it in the next ten years, assuming his physical health deteriorates sufficiently for him to stop trying to pick fights with people.
    Cat replied 11/13/21, 12:23 PM
    Apparently he wasn't wanted that badly, they got him and let him go again.

  11. 0

    Dawn reported Akram Arebi with the number ‎+441412374450 as Harassment calls

    7/13/21, 4:08 PM

    I have suffered by Akram for a long time now. This Friday he is going to court. Hopefully he will go to prison!

  12. 0

    moo reported Akram Arebi with the number ‎+441412374450 as Ping Call

    6/30/21, 2:51 PM

    Open season.

  13. 0

    Cameron reported PC PROBLEMS? Akram Arebi with the number ‎+441412374450 as Harassment calls

    3/18/21, 1:15 PM

    I have received annoyance calls from this number. When I called back someone spoke back to me but I could not understand. I had to make sure I blocked him.

    Fabulous replied 3/20/21, 6:45 PM
    Did ye aye? Found the anonymous sms service and sent it to Dawn.

  14. 0

    Id reported number ‎+441412374450 as unknown

    3/15/21, 7:28 PM

    Greetings fellow Akram fans, he is fine and still out.

  15. 0

    Fabulous reported number ‎01412374450 as Akram Arebi

    3/5/21, 4:30 PM

    He hasn't screamed at me in two days, I hope he is OK.

    Peter S replied 1/10/22, 3:40 PM
    He will scream this Friday. He has a nice surprise coming!

  16. 0

    Cameron reported Akram Arebi with the number ‎+441412374450 as Trustworthy number

    10/6/20, 2:03 PM

    It has been brought to my attention my good kind friend Akram Arebi has been viciously publicly harassed. I have nothing but good words to say. Akram had has a big heart with lots of personality. Whoever is behind these terrible allegations please give the guy a break.

    Cat replied 11/4/20, 11:12 AM
    why don't you just ask him for the list of people he thought it was so funny to annoy? I was very fond of him but none of this stuff happened because he was being pleasant
    cat replied 11/4/20, 7:39 PM
    I know of at least five of the people he irritated, and there are probably dozens more that I don't know about. Ya know, Cameron, if you mess with Glasgow, Glasgow tends to mess with you. I did try to warn him, but he has his own ideas, most of which are based on his own very negative views.
    Akram replied 8/31/21, 11:19 AM
    Your "good friend" is not harassed. It is people talking the truth about him harassing people, stalking women (he is in court for this) and forcing himself on women.

    He is not just dangerous, but he is a waste of breathing air.

  17. 0

    cat reported Akram Arebi with the number ‎+441412374450 as Trustworthy number

    10/6/20, 12:11 AM

    Someone needs to get their mental health evaluated, and it isn't Akram. He may drive people up the wall, but most of us are not actually bonkers enough to spend this amount of time generating more crap.

    Sharah replied 10/13/20, 12:00 AM
    You probably do not know him or have not been at the receiving end of his abuse.
    cat replied 10/13/20, 12:15 AM
    Yeah I have but stop posting for your own sake - this isn't going to help anything

  18. 0

    John C reported Akram Arebi with the number ‎+441412374450 as Cost trap

    8/10/20, 3:52 AM

    I complaint about his service and he keeps calling me and swears at me

  19. 0

    Investigator akram arebi reported PC PROBLEMS? Akram Arebi with the number ‎01412374450 as Trustworthy number

    5/3/20, 7:19 PM

    This and other messages are untrue. It is so unfair to post the message. I can only ask the persons writing these comments to contact the police. I believe whoever is posting has a vendetta against me. please contact the police and I will comply with the recommendations by law.

    Cat replied 8/9/20, 10:42 PM
    Maybe try not to be unnecessarily vile to people, devalue them when they try to help you and rant uncontrollably for hours at a time, that might help.
    Justice replied 1/10/22, 3:44 PM
    Arebi you pleaded guilty already for three crimes, and you have more trials pending.

    Your life will change forever. Get used to it. Your son will now grow up knowing his father (if you are his father) is a racist criminal who was stalking women.

  20. -1

    Sharah reported Akram Arebi with the number ‎+441412374450 as Harassment calls

    10/13/20, 12:02 AM

    I asked him to delete my number and never call me again, and he keeps calling me more, making noises (heavy breathing). I have to switch off at night to sleep

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Most searched telephone numbers in 0141 (Glasgow)
Possible ways of writing the number 01412374450
‎(0141) 237 4450
‎+44 1412374450
‎(0044141) 2374450
‎(+44) 141 237 4450