Action Assistance from Manchester 01614867770 / +441614867770

Types of call: Harassment calls
Caller Name: Action Assistance more...
Ratings: 68 (deleted: 2)
Search requests: 119785
Assessment: untrustworthy, Do not accept call, check comments!
Latest comment (11/3/15, 7:18 PM)

Nolan wrote: Action assistance called me about an accident where I hadn't been injured and wanted me to make a cl... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Manchester - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 0161-4867770
Phone number +441614867770 from Manchester tagged as Harassment calls 29 times.

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tellows offers many services related to caller ID and protection against unwanted calls. Thousands of people are harassed by phone every day and tellows has been offering a platform for exchange and help since 2010.

tellows score for +441614867770

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Harassment calls
29 reports
9 reports
Aggressive advertising
3 reports
2 reports
Cost trap
1 reports
Trustworthy number (1)
Caller Name:
19 reports
Action Assistance
6 reports
Action 365
3 reports
Action assistance
3 reports
action assistance
2 reports
01614867210 (1) Action Claims (1) Action claims (1) action claims(and they go under lots of other name (1) PPI Claims (1)
Advantage Removals (1) action for assistance (1) Bing Bongs (1) Action365 (1) action assitance (1) Action assitant (1) Action Claims / The Claims Line (1)
Phone number +441614867770 from Manchester tagged as Harassment calls 29 times: Do as I have done. Phone them from a wit... 119785 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 01614867770?

  1. 3

    Johanne reported unknown with the number ‎01614867770 as Harassment calls

    3/25/14, 4:04 PM

    Do as I have done. Phone them from a withheld number and say. "Hello, my name is Johanne. I am calling you today to see if I can help your business from receiving nuisance phone calls." When they reply just repeat the above lines. It also helps if you use a bad foreign accent.LOL

  2. 0

    Nolan reported Action365 with the number ‎01614867770 as Harassment calls

    11/3/15, 7:18 PM

    Action assistance called me about an accident where I hadn't been injured and wanted me to make a claim. Bunch of Cowboys. They are linked to a company called action365 and also ULR who I have used recently but won't be using them again.

  3. 0

    anj reported number ‎01614867770 as unknown

    2/4/15, 4:14 PM

    We had one of these calls. Found their number - 0161 488 3888. Gave them a call and gave them a piece of my mind! Told them to remove my number immediately which they said they would. We will see!

  4. 0

    fizzel57 reported number ‎01614867770 as Action assitant

    12/9/14, 5:44 PM

    Number 01614867207, Anthony Davies, regarding an accident which is clearly a lie.

  5. 0

    Investigator Jack Phillips reported Action 365 with the number ‎+441614867770 as Telemarketer

    10/20/14, 8:23 PM

    These idiots get some of their own medicine in this video:-

  6. 0

    coldman reported action assitance with the number ‎+441614867770 as Harassment calls

    9/4/14, 2:25 PM

    shows how corrupt insurance is as they pass on all the details and that this compny can earn so much money from peoples insurance jokers

  7. 0

    MancLad reported unknown with the number ‎+441614867770 as Harassment calls

    8/8/14, 11:44 AM

    I've had to move away from Manchester because of these numbers. My friends and family wouldn't answer my calls because everytime my number came up on their phone they thought I was a cold caller!

    Action are on Twitter... I suggest everyone leaves a few cold calls of their own...

  8. 0

    afloat reported Action Assistance with the number ‎01614867770 as Harassment calls

    7/24/14, 6:22 PM

    I have looked at the trail of message and I think they have 2 other numbers 01614867207 and 01614828000 I have been rung daily for the last few weeks - on Monday accidentally answered - they gave my sons name as connected with my number - calls have increase all week to 5 today - have not answered any more, but now have to look at the number rather than just answer

  9. 0

    Jimmy Please reported number ‎01614867770 as unknown

    7/23/14, 5:16 PM

    Told me I had to confirm personal details before they would tell me which insurance I had that was no longer valid.

    Pretty sure I know what insurance I have and how valid it is.

    Yet another scam, sad really.

  10. 0

    alibaba reported unknown with the number ‎01614867770 as Harassment calls

    7/16/14, 4:24 PM

    Action Accident called me using 01714867219 asking if my name was (.... and they were correct) and had I had an accident recently (no) had a member of my family (no. Where do these people get their information regarding an ex directory number with correct name (pronounced wrongly)- I would like to know.

  11. 0

    P*ssed Off reported Action assistance with the number ‎01614867770 as Harassment calls

    7/9/14, 7:24 PM

    Absolute total and utter pain. Will not take no for an answer become very aggressive when being told the person they want to speak to doesn't want to speak to them and when asked if it was really an insurance matter then send an e-mail to our registered e-mail address were told that "no-one sends letters these days" Really!!!! Why do we still have a postal system then! Seriously tempted to report them to the police I have had that many phone calls.

  12. 0

    ManchesterHandyman reported Action 365 with the number ‎+441614867770 as Harassment calls

    7/9/14, 2:26 PM

    They have a web site that is just crying out for comment and review. The TPS route does not work maybe the web reviews will.

  13. 0

    annoyed reported action assistance with the number ‎+441614867770 as Harassment calls

    7/3/14, 7:27 PM

    I have had numerous calls from this company, finally answered to get them off my back. They claimed the call was to help me claim compo for an accident I had in the last three years as I stated in my insurance application. This is patently not true. They stated I may have ticked this box in error so I checked my proposal document to find this was not the case. Told them their info was inaccurate and needed to be checked properly before stating I wanted no further contact from this number, lets wait and see

  14. 0

    Jack reported Advantage Removals with the number ‎01614867770 as Harassment calls

    6/17/14, 1:35 PM

    Very Bad.. Never reported before This one deserve. don't want to write the whole story either

  15. 0

    Andy S reported Bing Bongs with the number ‎+441614867770 as Harassment calls

    5/29/14, 4:13 PM

    More cold calling from another cr4p insurance company wanting me to sue some poor sod and in the long run put my car insurance go's up again !!, This time it was off a Manchester number 0161 486 7207 with a Asian guy specking English just about. If i want one i go out and get one so i can talk to people face to face i don't want it rammed down my ear piece

    Andy S

    Jayfo1986 replied 7/2/14, 12:09 PM
    'Specking English' - ahh the irony.

  16. 0

    Unhappy Hammer reported Action Assistance with the number ‎01614867770 as Harassment calls

    5/22/14, 4:14 PM

    Have received numerous calls on my landline and mobile numbers at all different times of the day and evening. The number calling is 01614867207
    How I wish that they weren't based so far away from where I live... as I would make a personal visit to the office that they call from.... SCUMSKUNKS

  17. 0

    Investigator Martin reported Action assistance with the number ‎+441614867770 as Aggressive advertising

    5/22/14, 3:30 PM

    Persistent cold calling, all hours and driving me nuts! they also use 0161 486 7207 is there anything that can be done to stop these vultures?

  18. 0

    wild rabbit reported number ‎+441614867770 as unknown

    4/2/14, 8:03 PM

    ringing twice a day on my mobile, after buying short term car insurance three weeks ago. clearly my number was sold on.

  19. 0

    Simon reported unknown with the number ‎01614867770 as Harassment calls

    3/19/14, 12:39 PM

    I had a slight knock in my car in January 2014 and have had continuous calls from these and other similar companies. Perhaps a few swear words will make them understand that I am not interested!!!

  20. 0

    omfgkarl reported unknown with the number ‎+441614867770 as Harassment calls

    3/18/14, 3:24 PM

    called me repeatedly on my mobile phone, they had bought my details from a popular insurance comparison site for which i ticked the boxes to not have my details passed on, i have since blocked their number yet still receive calls everyday. I phoned back today and asked them to cease calls to me and they said they would delete me off their system.. fingers crossed!

  21. 0

    Harry reported number ‎01614867770 as Action 365

    3/3/14, 11:20 AM

    Harass me every day asking me to claim compensation for an accident and claim for fake injuries. They start the call asking you to confirm your name and address! I told them to remove my number and not to call me again but they have refused and continue to call.

  22. 0

    Lana reported Action Assistance with the number ‎+441614867770 as Harassment calls

    2/25/14, 10:40 AM

    This company needs to be sued for harassment.

  23. 0

    Investigator mikeslastpost reported unknown with the number ‎+441614867770 as Aggressive advertising

    2/21/14, 2:56 AM

    "You have had a minor accident in your car" "Can you confirm the details of your insurance claim?" I have had no dealings with them before, but they can't say how they got my number.

    mikeslastpost replied 2/21/14, 2:59 AM
    New number added 01614867218

  24. 0

    chaspag reported Action Assistance with the number ‎01614867770 as Harassment calls

    2/20/14, 2:45 PM

    After receiving numerous calls claiming that I have reported a car accident I have informed these people that any further calls will result in legal action and my time being charged to them at £100 per hour, I wonder how many more calls I'll get from them?

  25. 0

    billie reported action for assistance with the number ‎+441614867770 as Harassment calls

    2/10/14, 4:21 PM

    action for assistance
    harrassing, very persistant. I told him not to call back and he said I can't do that
    same company as above
    number dialled from was 01614867218

  26. 0

    Claire reported unknown with the number ‎+441614867770 as Harassment calls

    1/22/14, 12:30 PM

    Calling me asking me to provide them with my details before they will tell me what there calling for. This is constant 4 calls already today. Extremely rude staff

  27. 0

    horserider reported action assistance with the number ‎01614867770 as Harassment calls

    12/16/13, 6:13 PM

    always phoning me & my brother both on mobiles and landlines about 5-6 time a day. all our numbers are ex directory. getting sick of this as I work nights and get worken up by phone ringing.

  28. 0

    dontcallme reported Action Assistance with the number ‎+441614867770 as Harassment calls

    11/8/13, 9:48 AM

    I was called from this number

    0161 468 7210

    and pressed mute and put on speaker phone.

    I didn't speak but it wasn't an automated service. Someone was actually ringing. I rang back and was told it was Action/Accident Assistance.

    dontcallme replied 11/8/13, 9:58 AM
    Spoke to Tom and was told that they just had "one quick question" to ask me.
    I wouldn't give any details and requested their head office information so that I could confirm how they had breached my privacy settings (am registered with TPS and always tick the do not contact boxes).

    The registered office is:
    Action 365, Eden Point, Number 3 Acres Lane, Cheadle Hulme, SK8 6RL
    reg 3839 322 vat 741223763

    Sonia told me that I should E-mail- [email protected] who is the
    customer service manager and deals with the data sources (i.e who they have bought my information from). Once I know this I WILL be taking further action against this breach of privacy.

    Action 365 trades under several names. One of them is Action Assistance: A company which deals with RTA claims.

  29. 0

    Jim reported Action assistance with the number ‎01614867770 as Telemarketer

    9/30/13, 10:29 AM

    Call both my home and mobile even though on TPS list and I have never had any contact with them. I think I will try the approach of answering "Yes" to every question.

  30. 0

    Stirling32 reported 01614867210 with the number ‎+441614867770 as Harassment calls

    9/23/13, 10:52 AM

    As stated previously, calling on behalf of an insurance company to discuss an accident (very minor bump) had in 2012.

    Asked for personal details - including that of my family - before they'd continue with the call, which I refused until they confirmed some details to me. Of course, I was told that due to data protection, they wouldn't divulge anything to me until I had to them!!

    Sadly, I let myself down and told them in no uncertain terms to not call again. This was last Thursday. Today, Monday, the calls have started again!

    Recommend ignoring unless you have five minutes to waste having a little fun with them....

  31. 0

    livgren reported number ‎+441614867770 as unknown

    5/9/13, 8:15 PM

    Really annoying, they phone at least 4 times a week but I never answer

  32. 0

    Investigator eangel786 reported PPI Claims with the number ‎+441614867770 as Aggressive advertising

    5/3/13, 12:13 PM

    PPI Claims line number harassing me each day at work. If you ring it. it tells you to leave your name and number if you want to be removed from their list but disconnects before you can do so.

  33. 0

    simon reported action claims(and they go under lots of other name with the number ‎01614867770 as Harassment calls

    3/8/13, 10:07 AM

    These people have a range of numbers/names they use. I have had 8 mounths of 5-6 auto dial calls per day.started to constantly email them ever time they call.If you would like to get your own back try emails:[email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]

  34. 0

    Pissoffgrrr reported Action claims with the number ‎01614867770 as Harassment calls

    1/8/13, 1:16 AM

    Called a few times, get funny when I don't confirm details as I want to know who's calling first!

  35. 0

    Clare reported number ‎+441614867770 as unknown

    11/29/12, 2:01 PM

    Have had loads of calls and have tried calling it back once but doesnt work. This is harassment.

    P.A.T replied 11/29/12, 4:59 PM
    I found their website and regtistered to be unlisted and thios seems to have worked. I am now thinking of buying a Panasonic from that has a call blocking facility - I am so fed up with this type of call.

  36. 0

    Carly reported unknown with the number ‎+441614867770 as Harassment calls

    11/1/12, 5:43 PM

    Have called me 4 times today already! And seemingly 5-6 times everyday for the last 2 months.

  37. 0

    mjurphy reported Action Claims with the number ‎01614867770 as Harassment calls

    10/9/12, 1:11 PM

    I had a silent call today from 01614867770. After digging around on the internet, I called Action Claims on 0161 488 3888, and spoke with a lady named Claire. She confirmed to me that 01614867770 is one of their numbers, but it's for a different department from her own department. She told me that my number may be on their database after being been passed to them by an insurance company following an online car insurance quote (I always tick the box never to have my details passed on to other companies, other than for the purposes of the current insurance quote). She then passed me on to another customer services person (manager?) named Val Slater ([email protected]). She explained that unless I specifically request them to delete my number from their database, they may continue to call me, despite that fact that I'm registered with the Telephone Preference Service.

  38. 0

    Perry reported unknown with the number ‎01614867770 as Harassment calls

    9/24/12, 5:32 PM

    These parasites have called 13 times or so, I too have never answered!!! Barbaric inbred swines!!!

    345acdc replied 3/25/14, 4:09 PM
    Why did you rate them as 1 trustworthy then?

  39. 0

    c280uk reported number ‎+441614867770 as unknown

    4/5/12, 10:36 AM

    about 16 calls now in 10 days. Haven't answered one of them though.

  40. 0

    kim reported unknown with the number ‎01614867770 as Harassment calls

    2/24/12, 4:46 PM

    called me over 15 times in the last week!!

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Most searched telephone numbers in 0161 (Manchester)
Possible ways of writing the number 01614867770
‎(0161) 486 7770
‎+44 1614867770
‎(0044161) 4867770
‎(+44) 161 486 7770