Akinika from Preston 01772836122 / +441772836122

Types of call: Debt collection company
Caller Name: Akinika more...
Ratings: 87 (deleted: 1)
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (10/27/17, 8:03 PM)

corbyn fan wrote: says akinika when I answer, wants me to confirm my address, I says "you rang me, why should I give ... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Preston - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 01772-836122
Phone number +441772836122 from Preston tagged as Debt collection company 31 times.

Further Information: Find out
This info is supplied without liability.

tellows score for +441772836122

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Debt collection company
31 reports
13 reports
Harassment calls
10 reports
Aggressive advertising
1 reports
Caller Name:
23 reports
5 reports
3 reports
2 reports
1 reports
Akinika Debt Recovery Limited (formerly iQor Recov (1) "Jane" - refiused to give surname. (1) tv licence (1) tv licensing (1) akiniks (1)
t.v. lincence debt department (1) elinka (1) Debt agency (1) anika (1) Ankika (1) Ankinika (1) akinikia (1) Lady (1) 01772836122 (1) Aknika Debt Recovery (1) Akinika Preston (1) Jordan/Akinika (1) Aknika 01772836122 (1) Aknita (1) Investigator (1) Aknika (1)
Phone number +441772836122 from Preston tagged as Debt collection company 31 times: Sending texts every day, to chase a debt... 102457 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 01772836122?

  1. 4

    gmleo reported Akinika with the number ‎01772836122 as Debt collection company

    8/25/14, 4:54 PM

    Sending texts every day, to chase a debt that I do not owe.
    I want to bring harassment charges against them, also I want to arrive to their offices and slice open their throats.
    Watch this space.

    in the know replied 10/30/16, 12:55 PM
    their suits sit on facebook talking about greek hotels at the same time


  2. 2

    Hate the cu*ts reported unknown with the number ‎+441772836122 as Debt collection company

    3/8/17, 6:31 PM

    bunch of cu*ts nothing more to add phone again ill rip your fu*king head of and shit down you neck you wank*rs!

  3. 2

    Aggravated reported Investigator with the number ‎01772836122 as Harassment calls

    8/18/15, 6:20 PM

    I would like to post that although this number is Akinika a company in Preston and debt recover agent. They have a pure automated system, it is linked to TV licensing and unfortunately it is auto transfer. (Akinika do not check if the details are correct.) After 24 hours of their deadline, problem is your details are held on Akinikas system even when they delete records, phone numbers are still in the auto calls so will continue to call, I have tried all traces and no one can find my details listed on any of the systems, I pay my TV license with no problems, I believe someone who has been fed up with the aggravated persistence has now resorted to making up a number, however sometimes they "Get Lucky" I have been asked for another women a Missy ( can't remember surname) this women is using my number, but they still can not find the number on their systems. I think the system for TV and Akinika needs shutting down! Then re-setting as clearly seeing how bad the level of complaints are, and how many are effected, I think TV licensing.gov.uk should think again. Somehow today again another nuisance call, which went straight to voicemail that I had switched off but auto saved, and was unable to catch the number to block. So as you can imagine this a particular problem. With the added shock at one of Akinikas employees writing back in response to the companies nuisance calling, and the sheer cheek of rudeness towards those, that clearly are law abiding regular bill payers. That it is indeed a technical problem that needs investigation and TV licensing is actually largely to blame but take no responsibility for and Akinika are of no help and shrug it off. This is a very annoying aggravating problem that is costing money, and time to those in shift doing real critical jobs that can't be continually woken up for wrong person nuisance calls...Here's another example.. A job is a job, but a call centre person with an attitude problem, is a day to day admin job, that requires no obvious amount of intelligence. However Nurse Doctor or any other vital service personal or those is in critical jobs. Where lives can be at stake, can be continually woken sometimes 3 times a day. If this person is tired and woken up, they can make mistakes! what's to say it doesn't have a bigger picture effect and someone dies as a result, trust me it is not, so far fetched. So as for the foul mouthed call person for Akinika and lured comments, I think she will be have to expect her P45 very soon. I think if there was a way to list a petition to TV licensing to have Akinika stopped until they can cure the problem. Or all write letters to the complaints and I am tempted to write in the media and have them investigated this would have a negative effect of business reputation that may cause something to be done. This seems to be a UK wide problem. I hope this was of use.

  4. 0

    corbyn fan reported unknown with the number ‎01772836122 as Harassment calls

    10/27/17, 8:03 PM

    says akinika when I answer, wants me to confirm my address, I says "you rang me, why should I give out my address" they tell me to ring tv licensing, I go behind sometimes, never had this much harassment but since its no longer a criminal offence no wonder they want to intimidate people into paying up

    YourFriendlyFCAAdvisor replied 2/1/18, 4:47 PM
    It is still a criminal offence not to be up to date on your TVL payments. . .That legislation never actually made it out of the committee due to having to deal with brexit etc. . .
    All they did to help people who genuinely are struggling to cover the costs of their T L, is a ‘Conditional Discharge’. Where they essentially let you off with a warning and get you back set up with a new TVL payment scheme, the fine and potential prison time will be in the pipeline should you go down the same route again though.

  5. 0

    lizzie reported unknown with the number ‎01772836122 as Debt collection company

    9/6/17, 8:14 AM

    told me i owed £45 for tv licence when was actually £27

    Jonnie replied 9/19/17, 9:33 PM
    I get loads of spam calls and this number came up. I didn't speak to them not even a word. I was in arrears with my TV licence by £31 but I've since paid the deficit online and now I'm in credit by £19cr. So if I have to deal directly with a debt collector how is it the TV licencing took my money?
    Rowena replied 12/3/17, 9:54 PM
    I got a call off them saying I owe £30 but just received a letter saying I owe £12.60.

  6. 0

    CurlyJefferson reported Aknita with the number ‎01772836122 as Debt collection company

    8/12/17, 9:26 AM

    It's Aknita debt collection on be half of TV license.

    I was on payment card, set up a direct debit, and they can't see my direct debit, even though it was set up on their system.

    They asked me to pay right now, or face prosecution. Laughed at them and told them to wait for my direct debit date next week. All the for about 24£.

    While the numbers right, their tactics are less so.

  7. 0

    Investigator Stephanie reported Aknika 01772836122 with the number ‎+441772836122 as Harassment calls

    4/28/17, 2:45 PM

    I have been getting calls and text messages from this company they have also left me voice mails demanding I phone them . When I looked online it says they are from a catalog . I have never had a catalogue. And it can't be from tv license because I live with my mum and she pays all the tv license bill . I do not need one as I'm living with my mother I don't have a property of my own. And it can't be from eBay either like other people have said on here because I don't use eBay either. In fact I don't shop online . And I'm getting really sick of these calls there making me ill . I have got call blocker on my phone so I might block there number .

    Kevin replied 7/6/17, 4:30 PM
    They are the prefered debt collection company for failed TV Licence Payments, when you call the TV Licencing number you automatically get transfered to Aknika.

  8. 0

    Investigator cutiepietch reported Jordan/Akinika with the number ‎+441772836122 as Debt collection company

    4/21/17, 1:25 PM

    first call i've had off them for this, spoke to a decent bloke, he gave me a reference number to pay at paypoint, sod that, i would rather pay by payment card instead, only hassling me for £24.25 a month, i explained and was told to ring up on day, oh i'll be ringing up, but to get a payment card nothing more, nothing less

  9. 0

    louise reported number ‎+441772836122 as unknown

    1/23/17, 12:37 PM

    i have calls from this number everyday. i have not spoken to anyone but after reading the comments i am glad i havnt, i am behind on my licence by less the £15, yes £15, i have blocked the number and they leave a voicemail telling me it urgent, i will not be phoning them. i have unbloked the number for now so i can tell them where they can shove there debt

    YourFriendlyFCAAdvisor replied 2/1/18, 4:50 PM
    Although you’ve made your intentions clear with the above comment. I feel it’s my obligation to make you aware, that yes £15 is a small amount of money for a debt recovery company and in other non-priority circumstances they wouldn’t dream of taking it on.

    But TVL is a priority bill and it’s a criminal offence to be left unpaid which can lead to a fine for up to £1000 and if the fine is then not paid, prison sentencing. So the amount is fairly irrelevant, it could be a £1 and if ignored log enough could be a fine for £100. . .

  10. 0

    Shewbert reported Akinika Preston with the number ‎+441772836122 as Debt collection company

    11/5/16, 12:58 PM

    I have been recently bombarded with calls, Emails, texts and home phone calls from Akinka Preston.
    Anything up to 50 calls and 30 texts and countless Emails per day.
    I will attempt to explain quickly what happened, I was with TalkTalk internet, their systems were hacked last year and customer details were stolen, my problems started here, my phone was suddenly ringing with scammers attempting to be from Microsoft stating my system had virusses and they will fix it, Tax men sating I will be arrested if I did not pay an outdated tax bill Etc. I ended up changing my phone numbers etc.
    Akinika Preston state that I owe money to Ebay (I have never in my life shopped on the internet, I use the internet only to speak on Skype to my daughter's family in Australia) and receive Emails from family members (I am 86 and not very computer savvy)
    Anyway I phoned this Akinika Preston, the guy on the phone was very rude when I would not give any of my details to them i.e. address, date of birth, phone numbers (he phoned me so he has the number)
    Having had problems with phone scammers before I told him that I am not divulging my details to a stranger on the phone and to please send me details of what they want by mail.
    I received a letter from them which just says call them immediately about a £76.67 Ebay bill, I phoned again, and again they asked for personal details which I refused to do on the phone to a strange so called company and they hung up on me,,, phone calls, messages still resume.
    I have no contracts with Akinika, never bought anything from them, they have even given me a customer number when I have never had anything to do with them.
    How can a company demand money from so called customers when they have no contracts, surely if I had bought from Ebay,, which I have not ,,, the contract would be with them, not Akinika.
    I think this is another scam, they are not having my personal details over the phone as I do not know them, the guy said it was for data protection, but I have to protect my data by not giving it out to everyone willy nilly.

    YourfriendlyFCAAdvisor replied 2/1/18, 4:41 PM
    50 calls and 30 texts a day?

    Akinika debt recovery (formerly iQor) are FCA regulatated and follow the code of conduct in regards to harassment which state calls can be 3 times a day on one insidious number (so if they have a mobile and a landine on your file they can call a total of 6 times).
    I’m not saying you are exaggerating the facts here, maybe out of frustration I understand but it is slanderous to claim that a regulated company is breaching FCA Regulations.

  11. 0

    tipster reported number ‎01772836122 as unknown

    10/30/16, 3:30 AM

    Facebook > Nicola Syms (Fleetwood / Preston)

    Let her know direct you don't want her spam and abuse from AKINIKA

  12. 0

    stressed out reported Akinika with the number ‎01772836122 as Debt collection company

    10/8/16, 1:29 PM

    I am getting many calls daily which I refuse to answer.I owed £2. My tv licence is now up to date and is £8 in advance but the calls continue. Its a nightmare as I am in illhealth and the calls start from 8am. This is harrassment and bullyboy tactics by tv licencing.

  13. 0

    Investigator HelenB reported Aknika Debt Recovery with the number ‎+441772836122 as Debt collection company

    10/4/16, 4:35 PM

    Thank goodness for call blockers!
    This company has tried to call me 40+ times in 6 days. I would call that harassment and these Muppets shouldn't be allowed to do get away with it!

    tell them direct replied 10/30/16, 12:55 PM

  14. 0

    jones reported number ‎+441772836122 as 01772836122

    9/20/16, 7:44 PM

    Keep getting calls from this number for tv license, not only do I not live at the property this debt is for, the licence was cancelled months ago and now there still trying to chase me for it, I would also like to take these people to court, there quick enough to take your money off you but never listen when you have a problem or cancel something, the tv license company can obviously see that no one is living at the property anymore, thieves they are...

  15. 0

    Investigator Confused reported Lady with the number ‎+441772836122 as Debt collection company

    7/7/16, 7:46 AM

    I keep having missed calls off this company and I understand why with me owing £12.50 but with me and my daughter being really ill over the passed few weeks haven't been able to pay as I've been in hospital having blood tests and X-Ray's and being worried the shit out off because I've found a lump...nothing has been told yet about how and what it is! And my daughter has been really ill to from high temperature to chicken pox to being in hospital because they are really bad and she won't stop screaming and crying well anyway because off that I haven't been staying in my home as I'm only 18 and I needed some family support so went and stayed in my mums? How can I explain that to these people I haven't even used my telly

  16. 0

    Donnydave reported unknown with the number ‎01772836122 as Debt collection company

    6/14/16, 12:01 PM

    I have sorted my problem with Aknica by reporting them to the TV LICENCE people on 0300 790 6137, they put me directly through to them and they could not find me on their system? It seems they had got the wrong name my surname wrong christian name so took me off their system! 5 minutes later I got a call from the same number a local number and they where asking about a road traffic accident? Somehow they are putting a local dialling code onto your phone so you pick up ????

    f**K nicola syms replied 10/30/16, 12:56 PM
    Nicola Syms (fleetwood / lancashire)

    tell her direct to stop harassing you


  17. 0

    CANCEL TV LICENSE reported unknown with the number ‎01772836122 as Harassment calls

    6/3/16, 11:34 PM

    you dont need a TV licence if you dont watch live TV (main 5 channels as they're being aired) - stop watching these and watch catch up or plus one... this organisation is disgusting and its got to stop...cancel your payments now and stop answering their calls - nowt they can do ... but they will still call you just ignore them or put phone down - look at moneysupermarket.co.uk for more advice - DONT BE BULLIED BY THESE IDIOTS

  18. 0

    Seriously annoyed reported number ‎+441772836122 as unknown

    5/3/16, 9:36 PM

    Spoke to a highly unpleasant man today from this company, apparently associated with TV licensing, (which he lied about, I am presuming because of other comments) this makes it even worse, I intend to complain to my MP and I would urge others on this site to do the same. MPs really can really change things , esp if they get lots of complaints. Goodness knows how a vulnerable person would cope with this harrassment and from effectively a government dept its a disgrace

  19. 0

    sarah reported akinikia with the number ‎+441772836122 as Debt collection company

    4/13/16, 10:29 AM

    absolute fools rang me today to day im in debt of £11.20 !!! i said how dare you call me.for a debt that low im not due to even pay it yet as i pay monthly and i wont be paying them ill pay tv licence itself also said i had arragment with them ...errr no i dont jog on few swear words and go chase some real debts

    Anon replied 5/6/16, 2:16 PM
    You done the right thing

  20. 0

    Hybrid reported Akinika with the number ‎01772836122 as Debt collection company

    4/11/16, 12:34 PM

    Got a missed call from this company then 2 days later got a letter about missed quarterly d/d payment was going to phone them but after reading comments on here I don't think I will

  21. 0

    Anon reported Ankinika with the number ‎01772836122 as Debt collection company

    3/30/16, 1:46 PM

    Contacted by these after 1 missed direct debit 2 weeks ago for £12.12. Why tv licensing did not inform me directly is a mystery. Totally unnecessary upset especially as my licence covers me for a further 5 months.
    No one can give an explanation, absolutely disgusted!

  22. 0

    Tony reported Ankika with the number ‎+441772836122 as Debt collection company

    2/13/16, 12:11 PM

    These people are actually the TV Licensing debt department don't be fooled by them. tell them you don't watch live TV also tell them not to be sending anyone to your door.

  23. 0

    Investigator angry lady reported anika with the number ‎01772836122 as Harassment calls

    2/5/16, 3:59 PM

    I got a call from this number about tv license, I explained that I had a death in the family and was grieving then got a voicemail on my mobile telling me its urgent I ring bk over £5:60 yes just a fiver, Il pay it but I'm more concerned with my 14 year old nephews death to cancer at the mo but they keep ringing so far today iv had 8 calls on landline and 3 on my mobile bloody nuisance surely its against the law to hound people?? I mean if we were to repeatedly call someone we would b arrested so why is this company different??

    akinika outed replied 10/30/16, 12:57 PM
    they are on linked in and facebook

    nicola syms (Fleetwood/Lancashire)
    shahaab Afzal
    wendy maddox


  24. 0

    Jackie been reported Debt agency with the number ‎+441772836122 as Debt collection company

    1/27/16, 1:01 PM

    Had phone call from this number today stating she was working on behalf of tv licence wanting me to clear the debt with her. I'm very suprized to has gone tk debt agency after a month with £31.50. I will be blocking number and will not pay anything to these it be direct to TV licene. As half hour later I got another call from 01772 221143 again same name she was asking for ebay debt which I don't owe any thing to very suspicious as it was both from Preston both named anika and also sounded same.

  25. 0

    Investigator Java The Hot reported unknown with the number ‎+441772836122 as Debt collection company

    12/29/15, 10:38 AM

    This was the TV licencing debt collecting agency, Akinika. Agressive calling. My mobile rang straight after the land line call which I didn't answer. I blocked them on my mobile, but I don't have that facility on my DECT phone. I didn't answer. I'm skint over Christmas lol, and intend to pay up on the 8th Jan when I get paid. I owe them £29.10. Surprised they sent it to a debit collection agency. I had got a letter on xmas eve from the company. Thanks for that, ;-)

  26. 0

    Investigator Cliff Minors reported Akinika with the number ‎01772836122 as Debt collection company

    9/16/15, 10:13 AM

    Aggravating, uncalled for, they need to be stopped.

  27. 0

    Hazel reported number ‎+441772836122 as unknown

    7/23/15, 2:49 PM

    No clue why this number is calling me, I do not owe anybody any money but they continue to call me during my working hours.

    gashlick replied 7/24/15, 6:31 PM
    bloody people are pests wish the law could something about it

  28. 0

    Barry Davidson reported elinka with the number ‎+441772836122 as Debt collection company

    6/18/15, 7:31 PM

    Due the dwp money for loans while on jsa. I am now on disabilities and instead of transfer the debt to my current benifet like they did with my jsa at 10 pounds every fortnight they have given it to the above. And how did they get my phone number. Must of been the dwp. They should have no authority to do that.. :@

  29. 0

    L.A.W reported number ‎01772836122 as unknown

    3/4/15, 9:09 PM

    called today, never left a message. If its to do with tv licencing, I pay by direct debit. so have now blocked the number

  30. 0

    Gem reported akinika with the number ‎01772836122 as Debt collection company

    8/13/14, 11:19 AM

    I got a message with the number 0177557642 on today i don't even know why they are contacting me im under debt management.

  31. 0

    Jackie reported unknown with the number ‎+441772836122 as Harassment calls

    8/5/14, 10:47 PM

    You are a ray of sunshine Dave! I don't and have never owed money on my TV licence, or anywhere else. I have spoken to them and advised them that the person they are trying to contact is unknown to me and will never be constable on my telephone number, they promised to remove my number from their records. There was 3 months of peace . .. And here we go again!

  32. 0

    bambam reported unknown with the number ‎01772836122 as Debt collection company

    8/5/14, 10:26 AM

    Tv licence. The beauty of android phones, they get instantly rejected and into a blocked file.

  33. 0

    james.c reported t.v. lincence debt department with the number ‎+441772836122 as Debt collection company

    7/31/14, 3:02 PM

    They contacted me about me being in debt with t.v. licence..i contacted t.v. licence and it was true..they normaly get passed your debt if you owe over £40 or miss so many payments..my debt was only £42

  34. 0

    Jan reported akiniks with the number ‎+441772836122 as Harassment calls

    7/17/14, 5:56 PM

    Keep getting text messages says trying to get in touch with you so why don't they just call so annoying

  35. 0

    vicky reported akinika with the number ‎+441772836122 as Debt collection company

    6/16/14, 12:33 PM

    akinika debt recovery

  36. 0

    mirror vb reported akinika with the number ‎+441772836122 as Debt collection company

    6/16/14, 12:26 PM

    akinika debt recovery

  37. 0

    Investigator Theresa reported tv licensing with the number ‎+441772836122 as Debt collection company

    6/9/14, 12:49 PM

    They also use another number, 0172220126

  38. 0

    Android reported number ‎01772836122 as tv licence

    5/11/14, 1:58 PM

    nuisence calls pay your tv licence to avoid

    Yiddsy replied 10/13/14, 2:04 PM
    Me pay my hard earned money to that corrupt peadophile organisation. Never!!

  39. 0

    kay reported unknown with the number ‎+441772836122 as Harassment calls

    4/11/14, 8:46 AM

    Driving me mad keep trying to answer but just hang up on me, this has been phoning me 2-3 times a day for the last 3 week's and if leave voicemail no one talks.... Getting annoyed!

    Sweet pea replied 4/29/14, 1:24 PM
    They keep ring me too asking for someone else I keep telling them wrong number but just don't give up!!!

  40. 0

    iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎01772836122 as Harassment calls

    1/24/14, 4:44 PM

    Keeps ring and hanging up

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‎(01772) 836 122
‎+44 1772836122
‎(00441772) 836122
‎(+44) 1772 836 122