Verso from London 02036300293 / +442036300293

Types of call: Survey
Caller Name: Verso more...
Ratings: 58
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (5/30/17, 7:45 PM)

verso wrote: verso group number again fantastic employees cannot even speak properly also had to spell what they ... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: London - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 020-36300293
Phone number +442036300293 from London tagged as Survey 12 times.

Further Information: Find out
This info is supplied without liability.

tellows score for +442036300293

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
20 reports
12 reports
Harassment calls
7 reports
2 reports
Aggressive advertising
1 reports
Caller Name:
17 reports
9 reports
Verso Group
5 reports
3 reports
1 reports
+2036300293 (1) 01347820246 (1) Verso Group UK (1) Verso group (1) 02036300273 (1)
02036300293 - Verso (1) (020)36300293 (1)
Phone number +442036300293 from London tagged as Survey 12 times: Guys it's from verso group type in verso... 20848 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 02036300293?

  1. 4

    Investigator matthew reported number ‎02036300293 as verso

    10/31/14, 5:19 AM

    Guys it's from verso group type in verso workplace relations online and their contact will come up its in England so put 0011 in front to call them I have 8 numbers of their employees and are calling them constantly until they stop calling me I've turned it around on them now I'm enjoying myself set an alarm for 3 in the morning just to wake them up

    matthew replied 10/31/14, 5:22 AM
    They have stopped calling me but I stated to them that they were calling me for weeks so I shall do the same to them they are not happy andI ccould not care less
    Paul replied 12/17/14, 11:58 AM
    Matthew you should share their numbers on here and we can all give them a call!
    karen replied 1/8/15, 5:50 PM
    brilliant!!! how did you get their numbers???
    Topsy replied 1/19/15, 8:44 AM
    Sir, you are a genius! We all need to do this.
    Sophie replied 4/20/15, 4:37 PM
    Finally, some resolution. I called the Grievance Cell of Verso and asked them to take my name off their list. I haven’t received a call from them for last 2 days.
    Isso replied 10/6/15, 4:32 PM
    Brilliant idea Matthew. Let the games begin...hehehe
    ladybird replied 12/14/15, 7:29 PM
    They rang me out of the blue at gone 7pm when my children were in bed. 4 times in 6 minutes! The last time they rang I pretended to be a dirty old man having a wank to the guy speaking. Told me he was recording me-so I said me too so I can listen to your voice whilst my dog licks peanut butter off my bollocks. Havnt heard from them since:)

  2. 3

    jessica fletcher reported number ‎+442036300293 as guess

    2/25/15, 12:44 PM

    verso group 0203 630 0307 press option 2 which is to have your details removed

    Jamie replied 5/11/15, 1:26 PM
    I did not get a single call since last week and all it took is a single call to Verso’s grievance cell (01582763090 ).

  3. 2

    ladylamb reported number ‎+442036300293 as unknown

    10/3/14, 2:56 PM

    Continuous calls from this number even though registered with TPS. Read it was to do with this company- Verso 01582763090 so I rang them, gave them the number 02036300293 I was getting calls from but I couldn't say what the calls were about as either on answer machine or hang up if I answer. They checked my number was with TPS and said it shouldn't be happening and they will sort it (so it must be Verso, London)I think this is a company who 'sell' phone numbers. Next day I had another 0203 call, first time someone answered my 'hello' foreign lady saying not selling anything wants minute of my time to do a survey for VERSO, she then hung up, I couldn't believe it. Rang Verso (no denial from them) they said it would take 7 days to clear my name and number.

    Biscuitgirl Jo replied 10/9/14, 3:34 PM
    Report these to Ofcom

  4. 1

    nelly reported number ‎+442036300293 as +2036300293

    9/21/14, 5:57 PM

    wasn't going to answer this call but didn't know if it was London.when I answered somebody foreign said hello mr ***** im just confirming you live at ** ***********.my heart just sank I said how do you know my details the man just laughed and hung up.this is really worrying me as I found out it was in Egypt.its a security matter and needs addressing.who are these idiots abroad to find out our now this person knows my name,phone number and address.its only a matter of time until all our identities are stolen.

  5. 0

    verso reported 01347820246 with the number ‎+442036300293 as Harassment calls

    5/30/17, 7:45 PM

    verso group number again fantastic employees cannot even speak properly also had to spell what they were saying !!! I suggest they go bust or have an accident then they can speak to each other in the office and claim off each other by e mail rather than bothering people unless they really like being told where to go !!

  6. 0

    interested observer reported Verso Group UK with the number ‎02036300293 as Survey

    3/25/16, 9:30 AM

    Check out

    There is a recording of a Verso Group Call, and if you listen carefully, a very sneaky attempt to get your consent to send your details on to other companies for marketing. This is their whole game - getting 'verified' leads to sell onwards.

    verax replied 4/1/16, 1:09 PM
    This is such a snidey way of doing business. Buying lists of personal data, and then trying to cleanse them by attempting to shanghai someone into consenting to that information being sold onwards for spamming and marketing. Yeeuch.
    teleplonker replied 4/7/16, 12:36 PM
    Seems to be a recent update to this story :

  7. 0

    Kitkat reported Verso with the number ‎+442036300293 as Aggressive advertising

    1/30/16, 11:32 AM

    Called me said Jeff from London I told him you are no more called Jeff than I am called Ramesh Patel now tell me what you want or fuck off. Guess what he hung up..

    Jeff replied 12/9/16, 1:50 PM
    My name's Jeff.

  8. 0

    barton white reported verso with the number ‎02036300293 as Telemarketer

    1/20/16, 4:54 PM

    phoned me, never asked how I was, introduced themselves, wanting to know what washing machine I had, I was at my mums, could not be doing with it as my mum has just passed away, still wanted only a minute of my time,hung up. Sounded Asian to me and was not bothered

    Verso replied 12/9/16, 1:50 PM
    You're spot on mate, totally wasn't bothered. Love Ramesh Patel.

  9. 0

    Defender Grumpy reported Verso with the number ‎+442036300293 as Harassment calls

    1/20/16, 1:26 PM

    I am going to add my piece here because I have been disturbed by a caller who identified herself as being from Verso, which I immediately identified with being associated many calls that have troubled me when I have been busy. Today was no exception, but the only reason I answered the call, the number being marked as "unavailable" on my telephone, was that I had had a row with my bank and they have a habit of calling back. The foreign-sounding lady gave her name, I think, but I did not note it. When she asked whether I was the man of the house it raised my hackles and I gave her a good ticking off, especially when she said she was from Verso. I told her the call was going to be reported, and that we were determined we were going to eventually stamp these nuisance calls out. I asked whether I had made myself clear and she said I had. I was not in a good mood but it was improved as a result of my having vented my feelings to her.

  10. 0

    Gilliedew reported number ‎02036300293 as Verso Group

    1/19/16, 1:05 PM

    They have called me several days this week, I explained I was with the TPS but it still goes on. Threatened to report them but have just now blasted them with expletives. Pests of the worst kind.

  11. 0

    Investigator miles manners reported verso with the number ‎02036300293 as Survey

    8/7/15, 3:30 PM

    020 3457 4166

    Have been pestered by these people on and off for a while now

    01582 763 090 verso group telephone number. I rang this number and the lady said she would take my number off

  12. 0

    Liv reported Verso with the number ‎+442036300293 as Survey

    6/8/15, 4:13 PM

    Got a similar call to those posted here from a woman claiming to be in a London office. Asked her repeatedly where she was calling from as she kept saying it too fast for me to understand, eventually spelt it out for me and I then asked her to please remove my number and not call again as I have had numerous hang ups from this number. She responded with 'OK I will call you back later ' before hanging up. Can't wait.

  13. 0

    Shut these clowns down reported Verso with the number ‎02036300293 as Harassment calls

    5/18/15, 11:36 PM

    I was getting 1-5 calls a day from clearly foreign men and women with very British sounding names for months. I used every trick in the book. Hanging up, refusal to give details, requests to remove my number from their system, shouting, swearing, (not my proudest moment), blowing a whistle down the phone, handing the phone to my babbling toddler and even telling them that Mrs XXXXX was deceased. They still called despite my so-called death.

    I eventually found out who Verso were and emailed them demanding that my details were removed from their systems immediately and for them NOT to use or share my information with anyone else.
    A day later I received an email agreeing.

    I have since received half a dozen calls a DAY from all the various companies they have sold name and number to! I never got sales calls before this. I wish I could hand out their CEO/MD's home telephone numbers to the companies they sold my info to.

    It's time the Powers behind the TPS closed the loopholes allowing UK businesses to harass UK citizens by utilising foreign call centres. It should be illegal to obtain information gathered by call centres abroad.

  14. 0

    Investigator Stuart reported unknown with the number ‎+442036300293 as Survey

    4/17/15, 7:41 PM

    Dont forget you can use social media to your advantage, they are on twitter as @VersoGroupUK so let their potential customers know how bad there surveys are affecting you.

  15. 0

    Investigator Stuart reported unknown with the number ‎+442036300293 as Survey

    4/17/15, 7:40 PM

    Dont forget you can use social media to your advantage, they are on twitter as @VersoGroupUK so let their potential customers know how bad there surveys are affecting you.

  16. 0

    Gareth reported Verso Group with the number ‎02036300293 as Survey

    4/13/15, 2:26 PM

    I would like to say thanks to VERSO for their prompt response and action. I used to get 3 calls a day from this number. But after I called their grievance cell and told them that I do not wish to be a part of their survey and don’t want any more calls, they happily obliged.

  17. 0

    Missgoodyalways reported Verso with the number ‎02036300293 as Survey

    4/10/15, 7:59 PM

    Sick to death of these "verso" people but I continue on in the effort to get on their nerves more than they do mine by claiming not to understand what they are saying (which I often don't anyway.. "ver-who?"

  18. 0

    Grievance Cell: Verso Group reported Verso Group with the number ‎+442036300293 as Survey

    4/9/15, 10:03 PM

    We regret the inconvenience caused to you. We are a UK-based lifestyle survey and lead generation company ( working on behalf of the leading brands in the country. We respect your privacy and have no intention to cause any problem to you. We are not being able to address your concern per our customer service process as we do not have your details. If you do not wish to hear from us or take part in this telephone survey or have any comments or issues regarding the call, please feel free to call our grievance cell at 01582763090 or email us at [email protected] .

  19. 0

    Mr f cking angry reported Verso group with the number ‎02036300293 as Harassment calls

    2/23/15, 3:52 PM

    Keep getting a couple of calls a day claiming I have had a car accident over the last few years which is not true and they keep calling me by the same different name which is no where like my name.One bloke has phoned to say he will now keep phoning me every day because I'm not the person they are trying to contact

  20. 0

    Hettymack reported Verso with the number ‎+442036300293 as Survey

    2/19/15, 9:16 AM

    annoying and won't take no for an answer. Ridiculous surely government can intervene when this is obviously distressing so many

  21. 0

    HEL reported number ‎+442036300293 as 02036300273

    1/27/15, 7:28 PM

    Four calls to my mobile today. Caller asked for an unknown person. Checked the number & it's Verso Group. Have now blocked the number..

  22. 0

    Shutty reported Verso with the number ‎+442036300293 as Telemarketer

    1/24/15, 4:05 PM

    A very annoying company, we are receiving at least 2-4 telephone calls every day. We have asked numerous times to be taken off their data base but they obviously haven't yet. Enough is enough,let's see if trading standards can do anything.

  23. 0

    BillyMcdonald reported number ‎02036300293 as Verso Group

    12/22/14, 5:01 PM

    Verso Group! Go on their website and there is a form to request a callback. Send them about 1 million request under the name of stop calling me! I do 20 for every time they call me hahhaha

  24. 0

    starling reported number ‎+442036300293 as unknown

    10/31/14, 12:39 PM

    I've asked these people twice to remove me from their list. They haven't. They keep calling again and again, even though I've blocked the calls and they never get through.

  25. 0

    Anonymous reported number ‎+442036300293 as unknown

    10/30/14, 10:04 AM

    Hung up on answer.

  26. 0

    MMM reported number ‎+442036300293 as Verso

    10/27/14, 1:28 PM

    I think I'm so stupid to answered quite a few calls from them. It must be someone calling from Middle East or the caller might be from those regions. Every time he just asked, is it Ms xxxx, for the first two times I just said no and hang up, then this time I said No Im not, stopping calling. And he said, I just need you one minute something. As I'm doing questionnaire these days and I know the feeling but this one it really annoying, so I hang up again.

  27. 0

    pinkyc reported Verso with the number ‎+442036300293 as Survey

    10/23/14, 2:50 PM

    I have received persistent calls from this number (all from people with names like Lucy, Henry, Barbara, but all sound Asian) and despite me asking them repeatedly to not call me, don't bother me when I'm at work, not interested etc, they just wont stop. The most recent call was today. "Henry" asked for me by name and when I asked who was calling told me he was calling from Verso. I told him I had repeatedly asked for them to refrain from calling me at which point the ignorant so and so hung up. I rang them back and went through to their customer services department. I explained the repeated harrassment I was receiving from their staff, pointed out that I didn't believe for one minute their names were genuine and once again asked them to stop calling me and remove my number from their list. The chap I spoke appeared to be most apologetic and assured me my number would be removed from their database within the next 48 hours. I pointed out that if they rang me again I would contact the Police and file an harrassment order against them and surprise, surprise their so called "customer service" also hung up on me. I can only hope they have taken note of my request and my number is indeed removed but I won't hold my breath.

  28. 0

    Investigator JoL reported number ‎+442036300293 as unknown

    10/20/14, 2:22 PM

    Well I phoned the 02036300293 number and as others had said goes through to abroad. I pressed option 2. requested they remove my number from their system, she assured me that i will no longer receive calls from Verso so i made it clear that if i do i will be charging them for my time.

  29. 0

    fedupto the eyeballs reported unknown with the number ‎+442036300293 as Harassment calls

    10/16/14, 5:13 PM

    Tried to be polite as I never know whose calling......they'll now be getting a F**k off from me now!!

  30. 0

    Peter reported unknown with the number ‎+442036300293 as Harassment calls

    10/15/14, 1:02 PM

    They phoned me today from VERSO quoting my old address. I asked them what they wanted but then asked for my new address which I didn't give them. If they ask to confirm your name, ask them to first quote your name as they phoned you. Then say "no, he/she is dead, please delete from your system" - works every time.

  31. 0

    Yell reported number ‎02036300293 as unknown

    10/11/14, 12:08 PM

    Irritating and annoying. Rang me during driving!

  32. 0

    irritated reported 02036300293 - Verso with the number ‎02036300293 as Survey

    10/9/14, 3:25 PM

    Call me every day at around the same time and say they want to do a survey for Verso. They have my name and postcode and ask me to confirm it?!! Always a foreign language person, no idea how they got my details i'm extremely annoyed.

  33. 0

    Terryrist reported number ‎+442036300293 as (020)36300293

    10/8/14, 3:29 PM

    I didn't know who this was so called from my desk 'phone and it was Verso. I asked to be removed and the gentleman was most gracious in doing so and I haven't heard from them since. I enquired as to how they had my number and he told me it was sold to them by a mail order company - so please be aware of those tick boxes!

  34. 0

    Lewis reported number ‎02036300293 as unknown

    10/2/14, 2:48 PM

    this number is now calling me everyday for the past 6 working days - have not answered the call..

  35. 0

    York reported number ‎02036300293 as unknown

    9/25/14, 12:19 PM

    This number keeps calling, I do not know them and do not know how they got my number. The rise of unknown numbers calling is astronomical!

  36. 0

    jws reported number ‎+442036300293 as unknown

    9/23/14, 8:36 AM

    This number keeps calling me every a few hours today. Is there any way to stop it in iphone??

    Sam replied 9/29/14, 6:39 PM
    Press i for info, scroll down and block the caller

  37. 0

    Tankgirl reported number ‎02036300293 as unknown

    9/23/14, 3:44 AM

    I have been receiving phone calls from this number to my Australian mobile number. I used to live in London about 5 years ago but now live in Australia. When I answer they just hang up.

  38. 0

    iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎02036300293 as Harassment calls

    9/20/14, 9:48 AM

    Nuisance call verso?

  39. 0

    Clangers reported number ‎+442036300293 as unknown

    9/19/14, 8:02 PM

    Continuously calling on mobile over past several months also 020 363 002834

  40. 0

    shaz reported number ‎+442036300293 as unknown

    9/11/14, 8:31 PM

    I had 2 calls from this number but I don't know anyone in Egypt. when I answer it goes off immediately.

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Leaving a rating about this number creates a caller 'profile' in our database, allowing other users to inform themselves on the nature of the call before they pick up the phone. This is a step along the path to making unwanted calls a thing of the past. If there are numerous entries for a specific number, we will try to trace the caller and check their legitimacy. Please note our Terms of Use!

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Most searched telephone numbers in 020 (London)
Possible ways of writing the number 02036300293
‎(020) 363 00293
‎+44 2036300293
‎(004420) 36300293
‎(+44) 20 363 00293