Text message 03333440000 / +443333440000

Types of call: Trustworthy number
Caller Name: Text message more...
Ratings: 91 (deleted: 1)
Search requests: 70737
Assessment: neutral
Latest comment (10/15/23, 10:20 PM)

Dave wrote: Called my landline earlier today. It was a text message sent to my landline. It sounded like a scam ... all ratings

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Details about this number

Area Code: premium rate service: local rate - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 033-33440000
Phone number +443333440000 from premium rate service.

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Calls and texts from Parcelforce with 03333440000 - Expert opinion

The number 03333440000 is rated as medium to negative by the tellows community. Many users report text messages being read out regarding the arrival time of a package. However, it can also be read that tellows users are sometimes called several times by this number. Others say that they are contacted even though they are not expecting a package or similar delivery. Since there are a large number of different reports with call reasons, it can be assumed that this is probably a service to read out messages sent to the landline. Such services often cause confusion because they do not include the original number of the sender.

If such a call seems strange to you, you should stop it and block the number.

Christian Anton
Christian Anton
Consumer protection and telecommunications expert

tellows score for +443333440000

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
49 reports
Trustworthy number
18 reports
Harassment calls
7 reports
5 reports
SMS spam
4 reports
Cost trap (3)
Caller Name:
60 reports
Text message
12 reports
Text message
5 reports
TEXT fron Parcelforce
4 reports
TEXT from Parcelforce
2 reports
Dentist (1) Martin (1) Brian (1)
Phone number +443333440000 from premium rate service: local rate tagged as Trustworthy number 18 times: sms service. delivers audio text message... 70737 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

Heatmap (Call distribution)

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Who calls with 03333440000?

  1. 5

    sedna reported Text message with the number ‎03333440000 as Trustworthy number

    7/19/20, 6:18 PM

    sms service. delivers audio text message to landlines. it will only call landlines. to hear the message press 1. but this is how scammers work - press 1 to be directed to a premium rate number. understand that if you just keep listening and don't press anything, the computer will deliver the message without needing to press any buttons. haven't tried it when I get text messages relayed via this number but will do next time it calls.

  2. 3

    Dave reported Text message with the number ‎03333440000 as Trustworthy number

    10/15/23, 10:20 PM

    Called my landline earlier today. It was a text message sent to my landline. It sounded like a scam call but I hung on and just listened to the bot telling me to press buttons. The voice then read out a text message that sort of made sense. It was an appointment reminder that tied in with the time and date I am due to see my optician in a couple of days. I did search this number to find out about it and it does belong to an organisation called AQL Text to Speech. It sends text messages to landlines in audio.

  3. 3

    James reported Text message with the number ‎03333440000 as Trustworthy number

    6/15/22, 12:48 PM

    Audio text message to landline. Appointment reminder. They had my house phone number as the contact. Perfectly safe but don't press any buttons on your phone. Just hang on and listen. Computer will eventually just read the message. I get many messages like this from several of these audio text service numbers as I can never remember my mobile number when providing contact details.

  4. 2

    Janes reported number ‎03333440000 as Text message

    2/25/23, 1:21 PM

    Got another audio text message to my landline. Another appointment reminder I thought I gave these people my mobile number as the contact but obviously not. Will do when I see them next week. I used to get a lot of these audio text messages to my landline at one time from this and a couple of other text to speech to landline translation and relay service numbers but am now only giving my mobile number as the contact - when I can remember it!!!
    As usual with these audio text services, always ignore the instructions that the computer voice tells you to do. Just hang on and the message will be read out. Be aware that the computer has problems translating long complex numbers and can't handle emojis attachments links and answerphones.
    The owner of this number - a Leeds based techy firm AQL Text to Speech - has a brilliant web page that explains how all these audio text systems work

  5. 2

    eva reported number ‎+443333440000 as unknown

    5/10/21, 5:23 PM

    Received a call from this number several times. As I m expecting an appointment from hospital. I thought this may be it. Can't understand a thing they say. They want me to get to a webpage and the message is full of numbers and letters that are unrecognisable. Left me worried if I am missing something important! Very annoying!

  6. 2

    George reported Text message with the number ‎+443333440000 as Trustworthy number

    1/2/21, 4:11 PM

    Audio text to my landline. I checked it n the AQL.TTS web page. AQL operate this text audio translation and relay service. Didn't pick up when it called but called the retrieval number as instructed.

  7. 2

    Allah reported unknown with the number ‎03333440000 as Harassment calls

    9/4/19, 4:39 PM

    Called several times telling me I had an SMS message even though I haven’t told anybody this landline number as I had only recently brought this phone (though people barely use landline nowadays). Probably best not to pick up this number.

    Dean replied 4/25/23, 12:51 PM
    Our suppliers sell our info and numbers to marketing companies.

  8. 1

    Jaffa reported number ‎03333440000 as TEXT from Parcelforce

    5/15/20, 8:40 AM

    Left a message 03333440000 repeated and repeated the same number, called the number back from another phone and received message “you have dialled an incorrect number”

  9. 1

    Text message has been reported with number ‎03333440000 as Trustworthy number

    8/21/18, 10:31 AM

    SMS advising parcel delivery time

  10. 1

    Aiba reported number ‎03333440000 as unknown

    2/9/17, 12:24 PM

    I answer the phone within a few rings, got echoie silence on the other end. After several second the line got cut off.

  11. 1

    joey reported number ‎+443333440000 as unknown

    1/24/17, 9:20 PM

    Call from this number claiming I had a sms message????

    Jessie replied 3/9/17, 7:56 AM
    Me too, I did not ring the number that the automated message asked me to, I hung up and blocked it.
    Susie 56 replied 4/30/17, 4:44 PM
    I have contacted BT they have said its a spam ignore

  12. 0

    dickshicrumbs reported Text message with the number ‎03333440000 as Trustworthy number

    5/23/23, 1:09 PM

    it’s either nationwide bank or a parcel delivery sms but it did try to charge my skype which was out of credit upon answering the call - rude! at least warn us if it’s a collect call!
    but i have about four parcels due in so i’m pretty sure that’s it. however it is worth noting, it did come in a few seconds after getting off the phone to Nationwide bank which was weird so maybe it’s them with some kind of satisfaction survey. i live in usa now and it dialled either my uk skype or usa skype numbers but i can’t see which. i don’t call the uk often apart to fam but i do have parcelforce parcels due in from dad. so i’ll bet that’s it. and it’s not beyond the sneaky royal mail to penny-grab the call cost back!!!!!

  13. 0

    Alan reported number ‎03333440000 as unknown

    7/14/22, 12:42 PM

    Nearly a dozen spam robotic calls saying press 1 to... (I
    'd hung up at this point), so don't know what it was about, and nearly a dozen calls I don't need to know, the actions of ringing so many times says it's not good, a genuine company wouldn't do that.

    But like I touch any keypad number when requested, that's what get's you paying for a premium call from a very expensive number, e.g. 09..., you never touch your keypad apart from to hang up, number is blocked now.

  14. 0

    bluesy reported number ‎+443333440000 as unknown

    9/18/21, 11:34 PM

    came home from work did 1471 to see who had called....this number apparently called literally 10 min before i got through my door....as i was googling the number and reading comments phone rang again...i answered as i was expecting a call from my mum...only to hear this robotic voice so i hung up immediately...at a loss as to how they have my number in the first place as only my mum has this number.... reading the comments here i can confirm that 1- i have no iceland or any other supermarket home delivery due 2 - i have no parcels from hermes/ebay/amazon/parcel force etc due (very strange tho that a hermes delivery note has been left in our communal mail box but with no name or flat number? a ploy perhaps hoping that someone in the building will call the number just out of curiosity?) 3 - my mother has not left me a voice to txt msg and wouldnt even know how to do it and as said already she is the only one who has my home number 4 - i have no dentist/vision express nor any other appointments due and even if i did, it would come through on my mobile number as i NEVER give out my home number....interesting that i have tried to leave this comment on other number look up/scam aware sites and it has been taken down...

  15. 0

    Hippocrates reported number ‎03333440000 as Text message

    2/25/21, 6:10 PM

    Call advising to read an SMS. I did not respond, I believe this to be a scam

  16. 0

    Ginge reported number ‎+443333440000 as Text message

    2/11/21, 12:59 PM

    Didn’t call them back to receive message.
    What I don’t understand is how they sent a text message to me as I already had the number barred!

  17. 0

    Anonymous reported Text message with the number ‎03333440000 as SMS spam

    2/9/21, 1:48 PM

    This number called me at 12 today unfortunately I pressed 1,I hope my broadband won't charge me extra for it. The recorded message told me about tomorrow's delivery. At this stage I don't know whether it's a scum or jot. The fact is I'm waiting for a delivery.

  18. 0

    Liz reported number ‎+443333440000 as unknown

    1/30/21, 7:36 AM

    No message, just very, very annoying.

  19. 0

    The number ‎03333440000 has been assigned to unknown

    1/18/21, 8:20 AM

    Totally fed up, this number calling my landline early morning regularly and waking whole household. No message, nobody speaks.Line goes dead.

  20. 0

    Angel reported number ‎03333440000 as unknown

    10/1/20, 7:18 AM

    Phoned at 7:07am. Didn't leave a message, but they managed to wake entire family! I blocked them!

  21. 0

    Suzysue reported number ‎03333440000 as unknown

    9/28/20, 3:47 PM

    Left a message on my landline. Obviously did not wait for my outgoing message to finish playing so all I got was a woman reciting numbers. It must be a scam recorded message.

  22. 0

    The number ‎03333440000 has been assigned to unknown

    6/19/20, 8:31 AM

    Text message asking to press 1 and saying that the household had won some money - call at 7am this morning.

  23. 0

    Investigator chez reported number ‎+443333440000 as unknown

    4/30/20, 6:04 PM

    03333440000 keeps calling but there is just silence.

  24. 0

    Beanpole reported number ‎+443333440000 as TEXT from Parcelforce

    4/5/20, 9:49 AM

    Woke me at 7am I didn't answer.No deliveries expected

  25. 0

    Jenny Davis reported number ‎03333440000 as unknown

    3/26/20, 9:18 PM

    fed up with getting calls from this number if they do it again they will be reported and blocked we are not interested

  26. 0

    Mike C reported Text message with the number ‎+443333440000 as SMS spam

    1/14/20, 12:03 AM

    3 calls around 11pm, supoped sms message, no message left

  27. 0

    unknown has been reported with number ‎03333440000 as SMS spam

    1/1/20, 9:38 AM

    SCAM Message service. Do not respond to this number. Jersey Telcom should get to grips and stop making more money, absolute disgrace for a high profile company like Jersey Telecoms.

  28. 0

    Terry Flapjack reported unknown with the number ‎+443333440000 as SMS spam

    12/18/19, 9:37 AM

    0920 18-Dec-2019.
    Automated call to my landline, saying I had a text message. Please press 1 to hear message.
    Sounded like a scam, so hung up call.
    I'm not expecting any parcels from anyone.

  29. 0

    iPhone reported number ‎03333440000 as unknown

    11/13/19, 5:59 PM via iPhone App

    Strange garbled message left on ansaphone

  30. 0

    Harlequin reported Text message with the number ‎+443333440000 as Trustworthy number

    10/5/19, 9:14 PM

    I experimented with sending SMS messages from mobile to landline; each time I got a call from 03333440000 and the message was read out. It seems to be an SMS message centre, with no indication of the sender. Not a dodgy number.

  31. 0

    The number ‎+443333440000 has been assigned to unknown

    9/30/19, 12:21 AM

    Computer generated message left on my landline. It was about a text sent to me (on landline). I deleted it. Some sort of scam.

  32. 0

    Frank reported number ‎+443333440000 as unknown

    8/26/19, 12:15 PM

    Just keeps calling about once a day no message no one on other end

  33. 0

    Anne Whittaker reported number ‎03333440000 as unknown

    8/20/19, 3:06 PM

    when I answered it was a voice saying I had a text message I hung up

  34. 0

    mad dog reported number ‎+443333440000 as unknown

    8/7/19, 9:48 AM

    caller left a message which was 3 3 3 3 . Had 4 of these stupid messages and I think it is some sort of scam. Then 2 more with nothing on them. They rang my answer machine.Must have been very disappointing for them

  35. 0

    pestered10 reported number ‎+443333440000 as unknown

    8/5/19, 10:59 AM

    Rang several times, no-one there. Ignored it eventually and it rang and rang and rang before giving up.

  36. 0

    J reported number ‎03333440000 as unknown

    7/24/19, 4:27 PM

    called our landline 4+ times just today, never says anything and hangs up after about 8 seconds

  37. 0

    Lindy reported unknown with the number ‎+443333440000 as Harassment calls

    5/25/19, 5:12 PM

    3 missed calls today to landline final one I recorded. This was an sms message about a loan and to ring the number 03333440000 back if you had not arranged a loan!!! I have now blocked this number another site says it is 13p - 22p minute to ring back

  38. 0

    Investigator anthony hoe reported number ‎+443333440000 as unknown

    5/4/19, 10:24 AM

    said i had a text message and to press 1,as if!with no name or company i left it.

  39. 0

    Lainey reported number ‎03333440000 as TEXT fron Parcelforce

    4/16/19, 7:56 AM

    Called a text 7am, garbled message saying had a parcel from Parcelforce, we have no orders from anywhere at the moment!!!!! Didn't answer or listen to recorded message

  40. 0

    Investigator karloff reported number ‎03333440000 as unknown

    1/29/19, 2:25 PM

    nobody there -rang twice with 5 mins of each other

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Most searched telephone numbers in 033 (premium rate service: local rate)
Possible ways of writing the number 03333440000
‎(033) 334 40000
‎+44 3333440000
‎(004433) 33440000
‎(+44) 33 334 40000