Arvato 03444729372 / +443444729372

Types of call: Debt collection company
Caller Name: Arvato more...
Ratings: 4
Search requests: 2222
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (3/17/22, 5:27 PM)

wrote: Outstanding invoice with Ionos - to be fair, i DID owe them a payment because my card details had ex... all ratings

Details about this number

Area Code: premium rate service: local rate - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 034-44729372
Phone number +443444729372 from premium rate service.

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Views last month: 8
tellows protection:
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: 03300020117 01246488759 +447979 +441212818161 02039364314
Request trend:
Search requests are very high in a particular day (presumably Callcenter) and spread often on weekdays

tellows score for +443444729372

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Debt collection company
2 reports
SMS spam
1 reports
Aggressive advertising
1 reports
Caller Name:
3 reports
Armato Finance
1 reports
Phone number +443444729372 from premium rate service: local rate tagged as Debt collection company 2 times: Outstanding invoice with Ionos - to be f... 2222 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

Heatmap (Call distribution)

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Who calls with 03444729372?

  1. 0

    Arvato has been reported with number ‎03444729372 as Debt collection company

    3/17/22, 5:27 PM

    Outstanding invoice with Ionos - to be fair, i DID owe them a payment because my card details had expired, and therefore the payment bounced - the fault here was clearly communication with IONOS that led to them passing my invoice to Arvato.
    I confirmed with my IONOS account that did state pased to Avato, and I paid the invoice very easily on

  2. 0

    Arvato has been reported with number ‎03444729372 as Debt collection company

    3/14/22, 8:03 PM

    Apparently owed money for something we knew nothin about. NB Got a letter through the post the same day they called! Made it more real but a load of scam rubbish!!!

  3. 0

    Neil reported Arvato with the number ‎03444729372 as SMS spam

    4/7/21, 2:03 PM

    Came up as Arvato in the SMS (a search brings up finance firms and a debt collection agency), dodgy link, no info what it was about but they mentioned my company name and that they "have infomation" for it.

  4. 0

    Simmyd reported Armato Finance with the number ‎+443444729372 as Aggressive advertising

    5/24/17, 1:21 PM

    Selling finance

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Most searched telephone numbers in 034 (premium rate service: local rate)
Possible ways of writing the number 03444729372
‎(034) 447 29372
‎+44 3444729372
‎(004434) 44729372
‎(+44) 34 447 29372