• This number was often allocated to Lloyds Bank. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to Lloyds Bank at the end of the page.

Lloyds Bank 03453002752 / +443453002752

Types of call: Trustworthy number
Caller Name: Lloyds Bank more...
Ratings: 50 (deleted: 3)
Search requests: 28852
Assessment: neutral, slightly positive, call is harmless to neutral
Latest comment (4/28/23, 1:17 PM)

whatever wrote: Purchase confirmation check - all good... all ratings

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Details about this number

Area Code: premium rate service: local rate - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 034-53002752
Phone number +443453002752 from premium rate service.

Further Information: Find out
This info is supplied without liability.

Search statistics

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Last call: 12/30/24
Views last month: 28
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Search requests are falling and spread often on weekdays

Lloyds Bank with +443453002752 - Expert Analysis

According to tellows users the number +443453002752 belongs to Lloyds Bank. They may call its customers for various reasons, such as to verify account information, discuss account activity, offer promotions or products, or to address any concerns or issues the customer may have. Additionally, they may contact customers in regards to suspicious or unusual account activity to prevent fraud or unauthorized access. This number may also be subject to spoofing, so you should be careful who you share your personal data with. Also, please remember that your phone number might have belonged to someone who had an account with Lloyds bank, hence even if you don't have an account yourself, you might receive communications. You can request that they remove your number from their customer database.
Christian Anton
Christian Anton
Consumer protection and telecommunications expert

tellows score for +443453002752

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Trustworthy number
23 reports
16 reports
Harassment calls
6 reports
Ping Call
1 reports
Caller Name:
16 reports
Lloyds Bank
11 reports
Lloyds bank
11 reports
Lloyds bank security check
1 reports
MBNA / Lloyds Bank
1 reports
MBNA/Lloyds Bank (1) SCAM CALLER BEWARE (1) Mbna (1) MBNA (allegedly) (1) Lloyds Bank Online Security (1)
Phone number +443453002752 from premium rate service: local rate tagged as Trustworthy number 23 times: Nothing wrong here, it's an automated ca... 28852 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

Heatmap (Call distribution)

Click map to enlarge

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Who calls with 03453002752?

  1. 2

    Nikkibea reported Lloyds Bank with the number ‎+443453002752 as Trustworthy number

    7/3/18, 12:21 PM via Android App

    Nothing wrong here, it's an automated call when you set up mobile banking or changing certain details

  2. 2

    busman reported Lloyds bank security check with the number ‎03453002752 as Trustworthy number

    8/17/17, 12:47 PM

    when you change any of your details with your online banking app/account a code will be sent to you to confirm it was you who made the change/update to the telephone/mobile associated to your account not applying the code will discard any changes you have made a (trustworthy number)

    John k replied 6/20/20, 8:27 AM
    agree, (automated)number was used to confirm my details when setting up banking app on new phone. Definitely a safe and legitimate number

  3. 1

    Harry reported number ‎+443453002752 as unknown

    7/14/17, 2:39 AM

    TOSSING BAndstandS ...who ever this is ... Repeatedly called at 2.07am, 2.09am, 2.11am ... until I am awoken, panicking, racing downstairs, heart-pounding that a caller that persistent must be family ... some appalling bad news about my kids
    Checked msgs - the PIN number request thing mentioned in other posts... replace the hand set - 2.15am - and the phone starts ringing again. Pulled the plug out of the wall...

    Anyone starting a Class Action against Lloyds, sign me up!

    KeefyW replied 11/7/22, 12:59 PM
    Could be your number is an old contact number for a genuine Lloyds customer who forgot to update their contact details with the app... ???

  4. 1

    Miss Blomfield reported unknown with the number ‎03453002752 as Trustworthy number

    5/27/17, 6:11 PM

    This is an automated call from Lloyds Online Banking.. This number will automatically phone you when you make adjustments to your online banking account...They will ask you for the password you received when you changed your online settings.. It is a trustworthy number

  5. 0

    whatever reported MBNA / Lloyds Bank with the number ‎03453002752 as Ping Call

    4/28/23, 1:17 PM

    Purchase confirmation check - all good

  6. 0

    The number ‎+443453002752 has been assigned to unknown

    3/24/23, 12:49 AM

    6 calls just gone midnight
    Automated number, wanted my bank details.

  7. 0

    LouAnn reported MBNA/Lloyds Bank with the number ‎+443453002752 as Trustworthy number

    1/31/23, 6:17 PM

    Staff member here I can 100% confirm this number is genuine.

    This number is for when setting up balance transfers on both MBNA/Lloyds Bank credit cards, it is also used when updating or registering for internet banking with either of these companies.

    If you are receiving a call from this number without any reason to, this is due to a customer having your number saved to their profile incorrectly.

  8. 0

    The number ‎03453002752 has been assigned to unknown

    10/1/22, 9:25 PM

    Called me at 20:53 on a Saturday night ... and I don't have a Lloyds account. Well outside of banking hours - so suspect its been hijacked for spamming/scamming purposes.

  9. 0

    Elfy reported Lloyds Bank with the number ‎+443453002752 as Trustworthy number

    7/13/22, 8:08 AM

    Totally trustworthy - automated number that calls when setting up a payment as an extra security step.

  10. 0

    Rafael Garcia reported number ‎03453002752 as Lloyds Bank

    10/21/21, 6:27 PM


  11. 0

    Investigator Rebecca reported number ‎+443453002752 as SCAM CALLER BEWARE

    9/5/21, 6:53 PM


  12. 0

    The number ‎03453002752 has been assigned to Lloyds Bank

    5/29/21, 11:10 AM

    6.30 a.m. asking me to confirm that a £5 transaction made with a credit card number which I changed 2 months ago - was a genuine transaction.

  13. 0

    MrsB reported Lloyds Bank with the number ‎03453002752 as Trustworthy number

    5/6/21, 6:07 PM

    Lloyds Bank calling on the landline to confirm a direct debit my husband was setting up.

  14. 0

    Dave W reported Lloyds bank with the number ‎+443453002752 as Trustworthy number

    1/8/21, 1:06 PM

    Totally legitimate. This is the number used by Lloyd's Bank to confirm your identity in connection with internet banking transactions.

  15. 0

    Sally reported unknown with the number ‎+443453002752 as Harassment calls

    11/14/20, 5:16 PM

    I don’t have a Lloyds bank account and this asks for your pin! Scammers! Bloody persistent too until I told the unpolitely to get lost.

  16. 0

    king reported number ‎03453002752 as Lloyds Bank

    11/3/20, 10:01 AM

    Ligit number but can be used to scam via your four pin code. Never follow instructions given unless you call the bank yourself.

  17. 0

    Lloyds Bank has been reported with number ‎+443453002752 as Harassment calls

    10/13/20, 7:44 AM

    The phone kept ringing and ringing, cutting of and ringing again at 0530hrs in the Morning. I thought it was a family member who had been rushed into hospital. I was appalled when I heard it was a Lloyds bank automated call. I don't even bank with Lloyds, so I don't trust the number. If it is Lloyds, sort yourselves out, stop harassing people early hours in the Morning, it's disgusting.

  18. 0

    Investigator Pirhanas reported Lloyds Bank with the number ‎+443453002752 as Trustworthy number

    7/1/20, 8:18 PM

    Two-factor authentication of setting up direct debits, standing orders, etc.

  19. 0

    Concerned reported number ‎03453002752 as Mbna

    5/26/20, 6:41 PM

    Mbna automated call to tether mobile number to this account. Pressing ** suspends account and recipient is required to ring mbna to unlock

  20. 0

    Name reported unknown with the number ‎+443453002752 as Harassment calls

    5/7/20, 11:59 AM

    It persistently called me at night and would call me saying it’s a call from lloyds bank (I have no affiliation with the bank or bank card from them) and would call me several times when I picked up once it was an automated call and they proceeded to call more times after that it was a scam

  21. 0

    Peter File reported number ‎03453002752 as unknown

    4/13/20, 6:47 PM

    Dangerous call.

  22. 0

    dqwdqwdq reported number ‎03453002752 as unknown

    3/30/20, 7:29 PM

    I am not located in England nor a customer of Lloyds Bank. They called my 70 year old grandmother 10 times without any reason. She didn't answer luckily. Certified scam.

  23. 0

    Defender Christinetz reported Lloyds bank with the number ‎+443453002752 as Trustworthy number

    2/1/20, 11:23 AM via Android App

    online banking confirmation

  24. 0

    MG reported Lloyds Bank with the number ‎+443453002752 as Trustworthy number

    1/21/20, 3:27 PM

    Lloyds security check

  25. 0

    Investigator James reported number ‎03453002752 as MBNA (allegedly)

    10/28/19, 4:52 PM

    Claeimed to be from MBNA saying I was logging in to an online account and was asking me for a PIN. They asked me to call another number if I had not made this request. Possibly some scammers on the other end?
    I am not an MBNA customer!
    How can there possibly be lots of good reviews about this number? Who takes time out of their day to post something about a phone call they feel was legitimate. That in itself suggests this is an elaborate scam.

    Pirhanas replied 9/6/21, 8:27 AM
    This number has, and possibly still is, used by Lloyds Bank for bona-ride reasons. Unfortunately these days, it’s a piece-of-cake to fake a number. So, alongside the bona-ride calls, there are, no doubt, fake ones as well.

  26. 0

    Derek Hall reported Lloyds bank with the number ‎+443453002752 as Trustworthy number

    7/4/19, 11:14 PM

    LLoyds bank confirm payment

  27. 0

    iPhone reported number ‎03453002752 as unknown

    4/13/19, 8:47 PM via iPhone App

    Not a Lloyd’s customer

  28. 0

    NewBorgCity reported number ‎+443453002752 as Lloyds bank

    3/15/19, 4:36 PM

    LLoyds bank internet banking.... I do not have a Lloyds bank account!!! Attempted 3 times in 4 minutes but call minder will not allow it through as the operator does not follow instructions.

  29. 0

    Guardian JRC reported Lloyds Bank with the number ‎03453002752 as Trustworthy number

    11/27/18, 11:59 AM via Android App

    Lloyds Bank Security Verification Call, used to setup services such as the Lloyds Bank app

  30. 0

    Oldman1 reported Lloyds bank with the number ‎03453002752 as Trustworthy number

    11/21/18, 1:41 PM

    If they call unexpectedly be aware someone could be trying to do something with your account. Don’t just ignore.

  31. 0

    NoName reported unknown with the number ‎+443453002752 as Trustworthy number

    5/12/18, 2:38 PM

    I set up a new recipient via lloyds online banking service. This is the number that requested confirmation.

  32. 0

    Guardian DBurdock reported Lloyds Bank Online Security with the number ‎+443453002752 as Trustworthy number

    1/16/18, 4:30 PM via Android App

    This number will call you when setting up new accounts and certain payments to verify you are you.

  33. 0

    Investigator MISHKABEAR reported number ‎03453002752 as LLOYDS BANK

    12/19/17, 3:01 PM


  34. 0

    BloodyFox reported number ‎03453002752 as unknown

    6/28/17, 8:31 PM

    Lloyds Bank
    Security lane

  35. 0

    s.k reported Lloyds bank with the number ‎+443453002752 as Trustworthy number

    5/22/17, 2:49 PM

    It is a legitimate call. when you ask for password or memorable word reset. they contact you to verify with a code to reset.

  36. 0

    Paul reported Lloyds bank with the number ‎03453002752 as Trustworthy number

    4/27/17, 8:25 AM

    Security call to confirm a new direct debit setup that i did

  37. 0

    Mrzippy reported unknown with the number ‎03453002752 as Harassment calls

    3/13/17, 8:28 AM

    Multiple calls. Treat as unfriendly.

  38. -1

    Anna reported Lloyds bank with the number ‎03453002752 as Harassment calls

    5/13/17, 2:54 PM

    Banking scam 5 calls one after another funny thing is..i am not a customer of lloyds bank.

    LouAnn replied 1/31/23, 6:13 PM
    It seems a Lloyds customer has you number saved to their profile. I assume they would need to update their number for it to stop.

  39. -2

    Rube reported unknown with the number ‎+443453002752 as Harassment calls

    4/28/17, 11:13 PM

    Banking scam

  40. iPhone reported number ‎+443453002752 as unknown

    12/18/23, 1:15 PM via iPhone App

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Numbers with the same caller name
Further numbers that were allocated to the caller "Lloyds Bank"
Most searched telephone numbers in 034 (premium rate service: local rate)
Possible ways of writing the number 03453002752
‎(034) 530 02752
‎+44 3453002752
‎(004434) 53002752
‎(+44) 34 530 02752