LucyLuis466 07077628417 / +447077628417

Types of call: Cost trap
Caller Name: LucyLuis466 more...
Ratings: 10 (deleted: 1)
Assessment: neutral
Latest comment (9/2/15, 4:54 PM)

Marc wrote: If you want fun for a few mins then call her but she ain't gunna be your girlfriend. It's a scam nu... all ratings

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Details about this number

Area Code: personal number - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 070-77628417
Phone number +447077628417 from personal number tagged as Cost trap 3 times.

Further Information: Find out
This info is supplied without liability.

tellows score for +447077628417

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Cost trap
3 reports
1 reports
Trustworthy number
1 reports
Caller Name:
2 reports
1 reports
1 reports
Kelly Scott
1 reports
Phone number +447077628417 from personal number tagged as Cost trap 3 times: If you want fun for a few mins then call... 7486 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

Who calls with 07077628417?

  1. 0

    Marc reported unknown with the number ‎07077628417 as Cost trap

    9/2/15, 4:54 PM

    If you want fun for a few mins then call her but she ain't gunna be your girlfriend.
    It's a scam number but as long as you call for what u can afford....who cares

    This number is 0.50p per minute

  2. 0

    Johnyforyou reported unknown with the number ‎+447077628417 as Cost trap

    7/31/15, 12:13 PM

    She is on chat hour under phone fun,thanks guys for warning me

  3. 0

    Investigator LtAlex reported number ‎+447077628417 as LucyLuis466

    3/15/14, 4:36 PM

    I connected with this person through a sex dating site.
    I emailed the person and we got chatting.
    she had a sexy voice and we connected very well, but then I got a 400 quid phone bill...
    She emailed to say she does not know why...

    leachman replied 5/20/14, 6:33 PM
    Hey mate she got me for £1300 in a month
    bleachman replied 5/20/14, 6:34 PM
    where did you meet her

  4. 0

    kelly reported scott with the number ‎+447077628417 as Trustworthy number

    2/24/14, 5:53 PM

    why are u doing this u were the love of my life

    bleachman replied 5/20/14, 6:34 PM
    where did you meet her
    susan replied 8/8/20, 3:55 PM
    a girls gotta eat

  5. 0

    Craig reported Kelly Scott with the number ‎07077628417 as Cost trap

    12/13/13, 2:39 AM

    07077628417 MONEY SCAM! This is not a mobile number, do not be conned like I was, £80.00 bill for an hour on the phone!!!

    bleachman replied 5/20/14, 6:35 PM
    where did you meet her

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Most searched telephone numbers in 070 (personal number)
Possible ways of writing the number 07077628417
‎(070) 776 28417
‎+44 7077628417
‎(004470) 77628417
‎(+44) 70 776 28417