• This number was often allocated to Prefix. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to Prefix at the end of the page.

Prefix 07404 / +447404

Types of call: Harassment calls
Caller Name: Prefix more...
Ratings: 12
Search requests: 17877
Assessment: untrustworthy, Do not accept call, check comments!
Latest comment (7/23/24, 1:06 PM)

wrote: Indian man just kept asking who I was and shouting at me.... all ratings

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Details about this number

Area Code: mobil phone number - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 074-04
Phone number +447404 from mobil phone number tagged as Harassment calls 7 times.

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This info is supplied without liability.

Search statistics

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Views last month: 53
tellows protection:
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: 01173745544 01218160760 01245820522 01218160874 02080581021
Request trend:
Search requests are falling and spread often on weekdays

Prefix +447404 for Lycamobile Mobile Numbers - Expert Opinion

The 07404 prefix is commonly used for London numbers associated with Lycamobile, a mobile virtual network operator. It indicates that the phone number is linked to Lycamobile's services in the London area. As with any phone calls, be cautious of potential scams, especially if the caller is using the 07404 prefix. Verify the authenticity of the caller before sharing sensitive information to protect yourself from potential fraud.
tellows Team
tellows Team
tellows Team - Experts for consumer protection and telecommunication

tellows score for +447404

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Harassment calls
7 reports
Cost trap
2 reports
2 reports
Caller Name:
8 reports
3 reports
Phone number +447404 from mobil phone number tagged as Harassment calls 7 times: This is a prefix number for Lycamobile n... 17877 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

Heatmap (Call distribution)

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Who calls with 07404?

  1. 1

    Legend Peter I reported Prefix with the number ‎+447404 as Harassment calls

    7/31/23, 3:25 PM

    This is a prefix number for Lycamobile numbers. I have received calls from numbers using this prefix, who tried to scam me.

  2. 0

    unknown has been reported with number ‎07404 as Harassment calls

    7/23/24, 1:06 PM

    Indian man just kept asking who I was and shouting at me.

  3. 0

    M reported Prefix with the number ‎07404 as Harassment calls

    10/26/23, 10:11 AM

    078404704806 prerecorded message with an american accent about national insurance number IGNORE scam

  4. 0

    Jonesy reported unknown with the number ‎+447404 as Harassment calls

    9/21/23, 1:53 PM

    07404004775 - recorded message from HMRC telling me that I was in trouble. Hung up.

  5. 0

    Gordon reported Prefix with the number ‎07404 as Cost trap

    9/5/23, 11:51 AM

    Automated service claims to be Visa fraud tries to lead you down menu options to "cancel" fraudulent charges. Put phone down checked banks, cards no fraudulent transactions so looks like vishing (Phone Phishing) scam Actual number 07404 908801

  6. 0

    Prefix has been reported with number ‎+447404 as Harassment calls

    8/10/23, 11:18 PM

    Told me the HMRC was coming for me because of money owed for tax total bs

    chester replied 8/22/23, 7:41 PM
    I had a call from 07404 906413 yesterday pretending to be HMRC, requiring money in an American dalek accent, I put the phone down, I had only answered it because I was expecting a call from someone

  7. 0

    Ben Dover reported unknown with the number ‎+447404 as Harassment calls

    8/10/23, 12:41 PM

    07404 006203

    India Scam Centre calls. I just waste there time for fun.

  8. 0

    Investigator Carol reported number ‎07404 as Prefix

    3/8/21, 8:55 AM

    Sick of getting these calls somtimes 3 a day

  9. 0

    idiot reported Prefix with the number ‎+447404 as Harassment calls

    2/20/21, 10:40 AM

    calling about amazon I owe them money

  10. 0

    withheld reported Prefix with the number ‎+447404 as Cost trap

    2/17/21, 10:48 AM

    Scam. Purports to be from Amazon Prime saying that you'll be debited with £79 for annual charge. Refers you to a manager who will then try to get bank details from you.

    Amazon NEVER makes calls like this an always charges monthly. If in doubt check Amazon to se if you ARE a registered Prime customer.

  11. The number ‎07404 has been assigned to Prefix

    8/3/23, 2:48 PM

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Numbers with the same caller name
Further numbers that were allocated to the caller "Prefix"
Most searched telephone numbers in 074 (mobil phone number)
Possible ways of writing the number 07404
‎(074) 04
‎+44 7404
‎(004474) 04
‎(+44) 74 04