• This number was often allocated to UKSL. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to UKSL at the end of the page.

UKSL 07860092943 / +447860092943

Types of call: Debt collection company
Caller Name: UKSL
Ratings: 6
Search requests: 3041
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (9/1/23, 10:54 AM)

Shehzeen Anwer wrote: The number +447860092943 I have been receiving texts and emails from them regarding making a paymen... all ratings

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Details about this number

Area Code: mobil phone number - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 078-60092943
Phone number +447860092943 from mobil phone number tagged as Debt collection company 4 times.

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Search statistics

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Views last month: 2
tellows protection:
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: 02045688448 +447701407216 +393440679265 01182305131 01414747890
Request trend:
Search requests are not regular and spread often on weekdays

tellows score for +447860092943

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Debt collection company
4 reports
1 reports
SMS spam
1 reports
Caller Name:
6 reports
Phone number +447860092943 from mobil phone number tagged as Debt collection company 4 times: The number +447860092943 I have been rec... 3041 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

Who calls with 07860092943?

  1. 0

    Investigator Shehzeen Anwer reported UKSL with the number ‎+447860092943 as Debt collection company

    9/1/23, 10:54 AM

    The number +447860092943
    I have been receiving texts and emails from them regarding making a payment for debt collection even though am not working and neither they are my suppliers. So is this fake or scam!? They are literally mentally torturing me.

  2. 0

    Investigator Liz reported UKSL with the number ‎+447860092943 as SMS spam

    11/4/22, 7:48 AM

    Text concerning utility warehouse. I’ve never had anything to do with utility warehouse!

  3. 0

    Paula reported UKSL with the number ‎07860092943 as Debt collection company

    9/30/22, 11:35 PM

    Got a text 29/09 saying it’s UKSL attempting to contact me on behalf of South East Water. We closed our account with SE almost half a year ago now.

  4. 0

    Investigator Stephen reported UKSL with the number ‎+447860092943 as Debt collection company

    8/8/22, 3:09 PM

    Got a text saying I owed money to Affinity Water.
    I rung to checky account and all good. I suspect that they just text people with all the energy suppliers. Eventually they will get someone who will pay. If in doubt always ring your supplier.

  5. 0

    Bob reported UKSL with the number ‎+447860092943 as Debt collection company

    5/7/22, 10:34 AM

    I received a text from this number asking me to ring them. The text claimed they are UKSL debt collectors working for Octopus energy who is not my supplier.

  6. The number ‎+447860092943 has been assigned to UKSL

    5/24/23, 10:21 AM

New rating to 07860092943

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Numbers with the same caller name
Further numbers that were allocated to the caller "UKSL"
Most searched telephone numbers in 078 (mobil phone number)
Possible ways of writing the number 07860092943
‎(078) 600 92943
‎+44 7860092943
‎(004478) 60092943
‎(+44) 78 600 92943