DWP (dept for work & pensions 08000232635 / +448000232635

Types of call: Trustworthy number
Caller Name: DWP (dept for work & pensions more...
Ratings: 93 (deleted: 1)
Search requests: 73670
Assessment: neutral, slightly positive, call is harmless to neutral
Latest comment (6/13/24, 5:45 PM)

wrote: Scam call do not answer... all ratings

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Details about this number

Area Code: free-call service - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 080-00232635
Phone number +448000232635 from free-call service tagged as Trustworthy number 32 times.

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Last call: 1/14/25
Views last month: 19
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Department for Work and Pension (DWP) by 08000232635 -Expert Opinion

Most tellows users have reported the number +448000232635 as a trustworthy phone number by the Department for Work and Pension. They may call people for various reasons related to their benefits, pensions, or employment support. However, we recommend making sure you are connected to the correct person and don't give sensitive information if you are not sure about the caller or purpose.
tellows Team
tellows Team
tellows Team - Experts for consumer protection and telecommunication

tellows score for +448000232635

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Trustworthy number
32 reports
25 reports
Harassment calls
12 reports
2 reports
Debt collection company
1 reports
Caller Name:
29 reports
DWP (dept for work & pensions
24 reports
universal credit
8 reports
2 reports
2 reports
ESA GIRO Job Centre (1) Tim (1) ShortCallScamboys (1) DWP??? (1) Department for Work and Pensions U.K. (1)
dwp (1) The Department for Work and Pensions, UK (1)
Phone number +448000232635 from free-call service tagged as Trustworthy number 32 times: Answered the call and it was a civil ser... 73670 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

Heatmap (Call distribution)

Click map to enlarge

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Who calls with 08000232635?

  1. 3

    Damo reported DWP (dept for work & pensions with the number ‎+448000232635 as Trustworthy number

    2/18/15, 4:38 PM

    Answered the call and it was a civil servant helping me with my benefit payments. Perhaps others would rather not hear from the DWP(!) but if you're expecting a call as I was then it's probably best to accept it.

    terry replied 3/5/16, 11:13 AM
    Do you put every call you received on this site - even the positive ones? Wow you must have an exciting life !
    Jack replied 12/7/16, 12:55 PM
    Odd that you would get a call you know who was from then Google he number to find this site when you say nothing happened?
    Dave replied 9/4/20, 2:03 PM
    Maybe the person who reported this as safe is doing so that as those who do search the number have information for when they need it, I've never understood people who just comment with negativity
    Peos replied 3/16/21, 3:41 PM
    looks like terry is leading an exciting life!

  2. 1

    Mrc reported number ‎08000232635 as unknown

    12/22/21, 2:06 PM

    Got a call today told me I had back dated money he said they would be back in contact with a letter. I'll update this if I hear anything back from this number

  3. 1

    Tim cork reported unknown with the number ‎08000232635 as Harassment calls

    3/12/21, 5:24 PM

    After a 20mins call to Dwp it was confirmed nothing on record she said scam defno

  4. 1

    n/a reported number ‎08000232635 as unknown

    11/4/15, 1:43 PM

    I do not claim benefits of any kind and they just keep ringing and ringing. I've been ignoring them.
    I did a lookup of the number after the first missed call and based on several of these web pages/forums decided I would just not answer.
    Why should I? I don't claim anything, so not answering their cold calls is not going to affect me in any way.
    Although, I'm tempted to answer and just leave the phone off the hook so they waste their own time and money.

  5. 0

    The number ‎08000232635 has been assigned to universal credit

    6/13/24, 5:45 PM

    Scam call do not answer

  6. 0

    Investigator RV reported number ‎08000232635 as DWP (dept for work & pensions

    5/7/24, 8:09 PM

    Keeps calling. When called back message says DWP. Called DWP, nobody called.

  7. 0

    Investigator Tbrady reported number ‎+448000232635 as DWP (dept for work & pensions

    6/10/23, 1:10 PM

    have just had a call from a DWP that I wasn't aware of. 08000232635 and I was shocked, at how they called me on a Saturday at 9:45 am, please can anyone tell me if it's a scam? I tried calling it back several times no answer. They was a woman's voice saying "Call back in the future".

  8. 0

    CJF reported unknown with the number ‎08000232635 as Harassment calls

    3/23/23, 1:50 PM

    I called dwp up and they said everything looks good there's no calls or messages or why anyone should call me. No letters have been received in the post stating I'd receive a call! I had two missed calls straight after eachother with only two rings before they hung up - when I called back it said we will contact you again in the future!

  9. 0

    DWP (dept for work & pensions has been reported with number ‎08000232635 as Harassment calls

    3/21/23, 2:31 AM

    i had a phone call from dwp and then i phoned back i was told it was m and g such ascam

  10. 0

    DWP (dept for work & pensions has been reported with number ‎+448000232635 as Trustworthy number

    3/20/23, 1:32 AM

    People On ESA Are Now Meant To Have Mandatory Back To Work Interview Every 3 Months... But If You Have A Good Worker Like Mine (Blackburn) She Does Face To Face Interview Then Next One Over The Phone Even As Late As 7.28pm
    Hope This Helps

  11. 0

    DWP (dept for work & pensions has been reported with number ‎+448000232635 as Trustworthy number

    7/29/22, 5:41 PM

    Compliance interview to any changes of benefits / benefit fraud

  12. 0

    DWP has been reported with number ‎08000232635 as Trustworthy number

    6/6/22, 3:14 PM via Nize

    job search sector

  13. 0

    DWP (dept for work & pensions has been reported with number ‎+448000232635 as Trustworthy number

    7/21/21, 12:56 PM

    It's one of the numerous numbers that the DWP will call you on before making a decision about your claim for any benefit. They say it's a "courtesy call" but it's actually to try and catch you out and disqualify your claim. Eg: You say you live alone but they hear you speaking to your partner. Or you say you don't have a pet but they hear your dog barking.Or your working, partying etc and they hope to catch you out. Perfectly safe to answer if you have nothing to hide, but, no need to answer because it's just a "courtesy call".

  14. 0

    The Jenkmeister reported DWP (dept for work & pensions with the number ‎08000232635 as Trustworthy number

    6/1/21, 2:04 PM

    Job centre call

  15. 0

    HELEN HOBSON reported DWP (dept for work & pensions with the number ‎08000232635 as Trustworthy number

    5/10/21, 10:54 AM

    DWP number this is a legitimate number

  16. 0

    Danielle reported DWP (dept for work & pensions with the number ‎08000232635 as Trustworthy number

    3/30/21, 10:37 AM

    DWP, mine was about universal credits / sickness..

  17. 0

    Tim cork reported number ‎+448000232635 as Tim

    3/15/21, 10:14 AM

    After ring up today and filling qustion on phone they just want to see if im intileted to severe disability grant seem legit as i rang official number on letter and they did it on phone

    Phil.w replied 6/22/22, 6:23 AM
    Hi what is the official number to call them back on? As I checked with my Job centre coach and they have no records of a compliance interview to take place.

  18. 0

    Tim reported Scam with the number ‎+448000232635 as Harassment calls

    3/14/21, 11:20 AM

    Why would they ring on a Saturday when not open rang Friday nothing on flies seems very odd and upsetting

    Phill J replied 11/22/22, 2:46 PM
    Actually the DSS Does work on Saturdays, often to catch up on claimants phone calls. and the backlogs caused by the claims through the pandemic.

  19. 0

    Tim cork reported unknown with the number ‎08000232635 as Harassment calls

    3/14/21, 11:18 AM

    Why would u get a call on a Saturday when not open seems very odd will be ringing you 8am Monday question it

  20. 0

    Tim reported number ‎+448000232635 as unknown

    3/13/21, 12:58 PM

    Why would the dwp call on a sat when not open ill be calling Monday to check this out sims very fishy

    Chantelle replied 2/9/22, 2:40 PM
    They do open on a Saturday now only for half day I think as can get appointments on sat now

  21. 0

    Tim reported number ‎+448000232635 as unknown

    3/12/21, 9:55 AM

    Was call once by them never called again no letter nothing i rang dwp nothing on files very odd and seems very fishy i defno say scam dont give out details be very careful

  22. 0

    Tim reported number ‎+448000232635 as unknown

    3/11/21, 3:54 PM

    Was call on this number its a scam as i rang DWP number on letter no letter to say calling and there was nothing on record
    Seems fishy defno scam left voicemail but never rang back

  23. 0

    Leslie Bailey reported DWP (dept for work & pensions with the number ‎08000232635 as Trustworthy number

    3/4/21, 2:55 PM

    Local Jobcentre telling me JSA/UC interviews will start over the phone again from now on. And told me when my first will be.

  24. 0

    Melane Ross reported universal credit with the number ‎08000232635 as Trustworthy number

    2/2/21, 11:37 AM

    It's perfectly safe and it is DWP/UC. If you're receiving Universal Credit, the call is a work search interview.

  25. 0

    U reported number ‎+448000232635 as unknown

    1/29/21, 1:46 PM

    Answered the call no one on the other end call ended

  26. 0

    The number ‎+448000232635 has been assigned to unknown

    1/14/21, 1:42 PM

    I have received a call from 0800 023 2635 , I ama sexworker and I have received a call from a man using this number .When I have asked him which number he is calling me from, he said it was his number. I do not know how he owns a number starting 0800 . This should be investigated why a person calls sex workers froma 0800 number.

    Bignutz replied 5/11/21, 12:12 PM
    Il have to get on the phone to them for your bumper ;p

  27. 0

    ... reported DWP (dept for work & pensions with the number ‎08000232635 as Harassment calls

    12/30/20, 5:24 PM

    DWP - now BLOCKED


    LIFT THE LOCKDOWN & TIER 1,2,3,4 etc
    Or pay us without HOUNDING all of us...


  28. 0

    Investigator Gemini59 reported number ‎+448000232635 as unknown

    12/22/20, 1:14 PM

    Hi everyone I had this call this morning twice, in a row ( could be genuine) but never answered as not in my contacts if it is DWP I normally get a letter for my appointments I am waiting for a voicemail to see what it says if in doubt, I will ring DWP from one of my old letters apps and not number left on my mobile as very dubious my phone is a old classic Nokia 108 and voice mails take about 20 minutes or 3 days these days to get to me so I am going to ring dwp from my last letter appointment as I get my appointments by letter these days as I am not on benefits and NI credits only. if they have sent a letter via to the phone call it must have been delayed and they have phoned to confirm my app but have not waited long enough for letter to arrive but as I say I will ring the number from the letter and not the one just now on my mobile ( just in case its a scam) they don't normally ring me but I| suppose as the job centres have been shut for months due to coronavirus they are letting me know they are open again as its 22/12/2020 and they are probably wanting me in tomorrow but like I say not ringing that number the dwp from my last letter last year will be able to confirm if its genuine or not and I advise everybody to do this but wait a least five minutes to ring from the same phone you had the call or ring from another like a landline or another mobile as fraudster's could be still connected to your phone !

    Tbrady replied 6/10/23, 1:16 PM
    Hi, I am just wondering if the number for 0800232635, from DWP; is a scam as I received a call today, but when calling it back it went straight to the answering machine.

  29. 0

    char reported universal credit with the number ‎+448000232635 as Trustworthy number

    12/16/20, 12:22 PM

    Missed the call. Left a voicemail to say to complete things in our journal

  30. 0

    universal credit has been reported with number ‎08000232635 as Trustworthy number

    12/11/20, 3:58 PM

    Asking additional details to complete claim.

  31. 0

    Paul Allen reported DWP (dept for work & pensions with the number ‎+448000232635 as Trustworthy number

    11/13/20, 9:36 AM

    Test call of my system. I'm DWP, was wondering what the number was, didn't recognise it. :)

  32. 0

    . reported universal credit with the number ‎08000232635 as Debt collection company

    10/23/20, 2:44 PM

    universal credit scam. didnt let anyone else in the room so that the scam wouls be easyer. also were super suspisious. might be real but most likly not

  33. 0

    Nigel reported DWP (dept for work & pensions with the number ‎+448000232635 as Trustworthy number

    10/22/20, 11:37 AM

    It is DWP,could be UC,disability premium etc 23/10/20

  34. 0

    Conor reported universal credit with the number ‎+448000232635 as Trustworthy number

    10/22/20, 10:27 AM

    Called about 10 in the morning and I wasn’t expecting the call turns out my partner was and they were fully aware it was coming so yes trust worthy and universal credit

  35. 0

    Defender Poppy101 reported DWP (dept for work & pensions with the number ‎+448000232635 as Trustworthy number

    8/22/20, 12:30 PM via Android App

    I was expecting this call as I had been notified in writing that they would be calling. ESA assessment.

  36. 0

    wahoo2 reported DWP (dept for work & pensions with the number ‎+448000232635 as Trustworthy number

    7/27/20, 2:48 PM

    JSA - seemed fine. Only asked for postcode

  37. 0

    Bri reported universal credit with the number ‎+448000232635 as Trustworthy number

    7/21/20, 4:22 PM via Android App

    universal credit

  38. 0

    AKAJ reported ShortCallScamboys with the number ‎08000232635 as Harassment calls

    6/3/20, 12:12 PM

    Called for 0.7 seconds twice. Call confirmed.

  39. 0

    Ken reported number ‎08000232635 as unknown

    5/18/20, 12:07 PM

    After I received a call from this Number my email address and phone Number was changed on my Universal Credit account to phone Number and a yopmail.com email I would be carefully

  40. 0

    drane5pur reported DWP (dept for work & pensions with the number ‎+448000232635 as Trustworthy number

    1/29/20, 6:29 AM via Android App

    Call back that was requested.

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Most searched telephone numbers in 080 (free-call service)
Possible ways of writing the number 08000232635
‎(080) 002 32635
‎+44 8000232635
‎(004480) 00232635
‎(+44) 80 002 32635