Area Code Vietnam: 0084 / +84

If you want to call a number in Vietnam, you have to dial 0084 from United Kingdom and omit the initial 0 of the city prefix of Vietnam. The phone number should then look like this: 0084234578978

You can tell if you received a call from Vietnam, by the initial numbers 0084 or +84 in your telephone display.

Favourable dialling codes for Vietnam

Find cheap prefixes for international calls with 0084 via Google:

Recently added comments

  1. iPhone reported number ‎+8431101081 as unknown

    10/29/20, 1:27 PM


    1 Rating for +8431101081 (Hai Phong )
  2. iPhone reported number ‎00848168750 as unknown

    3/29/19, 11:06 PM

    Scammers Vishers Scummers...

    3 Ratings for 00848168750 (Ho Chi Minh City)
  3. iPhone reported unknown with the number ‎00848168750 as Cost trap

    12/27/18, 9:03 PM

    Scammers Vishers Scummers...

    3 Ratings for 00848168750 (Ho Chi Minh City)
  4. iPhone reported number ‎00848168750 as unknown

    8/21/18, 12:26 AM

    Scammers Vishers Scummers...

    3 Ratings for 00848168750 (Ho Chi Minh City)
  5. Piglet Swinkey reported unknown with the number ‎+8454290004 as Cost trap

    3/14/16, 1:25 PM

    left voicemail saying call back to get info pack, although they don't state whom from. rather dodgy ...

    1 Rating for +8454290004 (Thua Thien Hue )

Telephone numbers with 0084

  1. 00841119117341 1 ratings and 279 queries.
  2. +84175947781 3 ratings and 9447 queries.
  3. +84344318993 10 ratings and 7867 queries.
  4. +8456985238 7 ratings and 4654 queries.
  5. 00841207142178 1 ratings and 3714 queries.
  6. +841256235516 3 ratings and 4013 queries.
  7. 0906506724 1 ratings and 3668 queries.
  8. 0084918871011 1 ratings and 2935 queries.
  9. 0084698960329 0 ratings and 276 queries.
  10. 01184080033 1 ratings and 2492 queries.
  11. 008459282408 4 ratings and 2468 queries.
  12. 008448682365 9 ratings and 2456 queries.
  13. 00842250213 0 ratings and 649 queries.
  14. 008451297936 7 ratings and 2135 queries.
  15. 008428977 1 ratings and 1569 queries.
  16. 0084145 4 ratings and 1955 queries.
  17. +8455195443 3 ratings and 1801 queries.
  18. 0084427707449 1 ratings and 0 queries.
  19. 008472583794 13 ratings and 1488 queries.
  20. 0533 0 ratings and 1177 queries.