• This number was often allocated to Trading company. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to Trading company at the end of the page.

Trading company from London 02031296963 / +442031296963

Types of call: Aggressive advertising
Caller Name: Trading company more...
Ratings: 40
Comments in other countries:
36 in Italy
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (4/12/20, 3:27 PM)

Лёня wrote: У нехороших сомнительных личностей, звонивших с этого номера телефона и предлагающих услуги на фина... all ratings

Details about this number

City: London - United Kingdom
Telephone number: +4420-31296963
Phone number +442031296963 from London tagged as Aggressive advertising 2 times.

Further Information: Find out
This info is supplied without liability.

tellows score for +442031296963

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Aggressive advertising
2 reports
SMS spam
1 reports
1 reports
Caller Name:
Trading company
2 reports
1 reports
Not Declared
1 reports
Phone number +442031296963 from London tagged as Aggressive advertising 2 times: У нехороших сомнительных  личностей, зво... 19659 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

Approximate caller location

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Who calls with 02031296963?

  1. 0

    Investigator Лёня reported Trading company with the number ‎02031296963 as SMS spam

    4/12/20, 3:27 PM

    У нехороших сомнительных личностей, звонивших с этого номера телефона и предлагающих услуги на финансовых рынках, на самом деле отсутствует лицензия Центробанка и любые разрешающие документы на деятельность в области финансовых рынков! Отправленные им деньги вы уже не сможете вернуть, а полиция и прокуратура дадут отписки. И если вы ещё не успели подарить им деньги, то ни в коем случае не связывайтесь с ними и не отправляйте им денег, вы их обратно никогда не получите.

  2. 0

    Investigator Waleed reported number ‎+442031296963 as Trading company

    3/20/18, 2:52 PM

    I got a call from this number the caller was aggressive and better described as rude. She tried to insist on taking about trading and that I appeared in her website. When I told her not interested she made a comment "what you don't like my voice"and this is when I just told her this is the end of the call and hung up

  3. 0

    Mauri reported unknown with the number ‎+442031296963 as Aggressive advertising

    9/20/17, 3:53 PM

    Too insisting and aggressive

  4. 0

    Sten reported Not Declared with the number ‎02031296963 as Aggressive advertising

    9/5/17, 2:25 PM

    Aggressive, too insisting and offensive

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Numbers with the same caller name
Further numbers that were allocated to the caller "Trading company"
Most searched telephone numbers in 020 (London)
Possible ways of writing the number 02031296963
‎(0) 203 1296963
‎+44 2031296963
‎(0044) 2031296963
‎(+44) 203 1296963