• This number was often allocated to AO - Air Company. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to AO - Air Company at the end of the page.

AO - Air Company from Manchester 01612350556 / +441612350556

Types of call: Trustworthy number
Caller Name: AO - Air Company more...
Ratings: 11 (deleted: 1)
Search requests: 31801
Assessment: neutral
Latest comment (12/15/23, 12:04 PM)

wrote: AO.com about warranty on previous purchases. Very polite sales person... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Manchester - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 0161-2350556
Phone number +441612350556 from Manchester tagged as Trustworthy number 5 times.

Further Information: Find out
This info is supplied without liability.

Search statistics

Search statistics


Views last month: 2
Request trend:
Search requests are not regular and spread often on weekdays

Expert Opinion on the phone number : 01612350556

The phone number 01612350556 is rated negatively by the users on our website and the caller is identified as AO company. According to tellows's users, the caller's purpose is to sell extended warranty on products. After some research, we have not found who is behind this number, and this certainly does not add to the reliability of the number itself. If you are not sure about the caller, you should hang up, we recommend not calling the number back or giving the caller any personal information.
tellows Team
tellows Team
tellows Team - Experts for consumer protection and telecommunication

tellows score for +441612350556

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Trustworthy number
5 reports
3 reports
Aggressive advertising
1 reports
Cost trap
1 reports
Harassment calls
1 reports
Caller Name:
AO - Air Company
9 reports
Priority Protection
1 reports
FFN LG 08005295556
1 reports
Phone number +441612350556 from Manchester tagged as Trustworthy number 5 times: AO.com about warranty on previous purcha... 31801 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

Heatmap (Call distribution)

Click map to enlarge

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Who calls with 01612350556?

  1. 0

    AO - Air Company has been reported with number ‎+441612350556 as Trustworthy number

    12/15/23, 12:04 PM

    AO.com about warranty on previous purchases. Very polite sales person

  2. 0

    Priority Protection has been reported with number ‎+441612350556 as Aggressive advertising

    11/16/23, 2:34 PM

    Pushy sales call for insurance, 2-3 calls a day for a month, the same company then calls again from different numbers

  3. 0

    Oney reported AO - Air Company with the number ‎+441612350556 as Trustworthy number

    7/27/23, 11:48 AM

    Aggressive insurance pushing.

  4. 0

    Investigator [email protected] reported FFN LG 08005295556 with the number ‎+441612350556 as Cost trap

    7/8/23, 3:56 PM

    Herzberg Grenze

  5. 0

    Nathan reported AO - Air Company with the number ‎01612350556 as Trustworthy number

    6/21/23, 10:31 AM

    AO Call attempting to get me to sign up to their care plan since my device warranty was coming to an end.

  6. 0

    FI reported AO - Air Company with the number ‎01612350556 as Harassment calls

    6/7/23, 1:22 PM

    AO trying to sell extended warranty - pushy

  7. 0

    Clare reported AO - Air Company with the number ‎+441612350556 as Trustworthy number

    10/13/22, 5:07 PM

    AO selling insurance as my washer and tumble drier warranty is coming to an end

  8. 0

    The number ‎+441612350556 has been assigned to AO - Air Company

    9/6/22, 5:43 PM

    AO telling me my extended warranty was nearly up on my washer & Dryer. Told him I wasn’t interested in extending it, he wanted to speak to my husband but I said why he will tell you the same? He was was rude, told me that he WILL phone again another day to talk to my hubby and he can make the decision, as if I wasn’t capable! Absolutely awful, I’ve blocked this number / similar ones 3 times now and they continue to call from other numbers. Sort it AO it’s put me off ordering from you again in the future!

  9. 0

    AO - Air Company has been reported with number ‎+441612350556 as Trustworthy number

    8/11/22, 5:13 PM

    Extend my warranty.

  10. 0

    Laura reported number ‎01612350556 as AO - Air Company

    7/13/22, 2:41 PM

    AO trying to sell an extended warranty. It sounds like a scam to me

  11. 0

    gloria reported number ‎01612350556 as AO - Air Company

    6/27/22, 9:57 AM

    It is AO trying to sell extended warranty on products, I can not handle them anymore

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Numbers with the same caller name
Further numbers that were allocated to the caller "AO - Air Company"
Most searched telephone numbers in 0161 (Manchester)
Possible ways of writing the number 01612350556
‎(0161) 235 0556
‎+44 1612350556
‎(0044161) 2350556
‎(+44) 161 235 0556