01668 86633 from Bamburgh 0166886633 / +44166886633

Types of call: Telemarketer
Caller Name: 01668 86633 more...
Ratings: 15
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (4/15/14, 6:26 PM)

Pete wrote: Just had a call from this number. Said his name was Sam, but sounded Indian origin to me. Said that ... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Bamburgh - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 01668-86633
Phone number +44166886633 from Bamburgh tagged as Telemarketer 3 times.

Further Information: Find out
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tellows score for +44166886633

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
7 reports
3 reports
Harassment calls
1 reports
Cost trap
1 reports
Caller Name:
10 reports
not known
1 reports
01668 86633
1 reports
Phone number +44166886633 from Bamburgh tagged as Telemarketer 3 times: Just had a call from this number. Said h... 8198 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 0166886633?

  1. 1

    Pete reported not known with the number ‎+44166886633 as Telemarketer

    4/15/14, 6:26 PM

    Just had a call from this number. Said his name was Sam, but sounded Indian origin to me. Said that he was phoning about free quotes for solar panels. I told that he was cold calling and asked him if he knew what the TPS was. He said yes and he didn't know I was registered with them. He said sorry but I told him that he should check before phoning, but by cold calling he is still breaking the law.

  2. 0

    Investigator News Doctor reported unknown with the number ‎+44166886633 as Telemarketer

    4/9/14, 11:38 AM

    I played along with this cold call and the bloke, who gave an English name but had an Indian accent, admitted he was in a call centre in India and was working for a solar power company called Energy Savers in Manchester. I asked him to delete my number and he said he would. We'll see but I won't hold my breath.

  3. 0

    Investigator karen reported number ‎0166886633 as unknown

    2/10/14, 2:27 PM

    keeps ringing, i won't answer call

  4. 0

    Annoyed reported unknown with the number ‎0166886633 as Telemarketer

    1/20/14, 4:33 PM

    getting really annoyed now!!

  5. 0

    Jac reported number ‎+44166886633 as unknown

    5/17/13, 1:09 PM

    Called today asking for previous occupant they havent lived here for 13 years

    Jac replied 7/25/13, 5:09 PM
    Called again today sane story asking for previous occupant

  6. 0

    Investigator Skeeboots reported number ‎0166886633 as 01668 86633

    7/6/12, 4:33 PM

    I am sick to death of this caller continually calling me, morning afternoon and evening, nobody speaks and then you get the engaged tone. It calls a minimun of 4 times a day, everyday. Have tried phoning the number but it doesn't exist. Please can someone stop it!!!

  7. 0

    Lola reported number ‎+44166886633 as unknown

    7/6/12, 2:38 PM

    Three or more missed calls a day from this number seems i am not the only one - when u try call back it says the number i am calling is not recognised. Wont even be answering now if i am in and it rings as its clearly nuisance.

  8. 0

    ENUFF reported unknown with the number ‎+44166886633 as Harassment calls

    7/5/12, 7:06 PM

    Three calls today. 30 over recent months.
    None of the usual agencies are interested.
    How can this be stopped?

  9. 0

    Kirsty reported number ‎0166886633 as unknown

    7/5/12, 5:39 PM

    Keeps ringing then when I answer they hang up, very annoying. Suggest they go and get a real job idiots!

  10. 0

    frustrated reported number ‎+44166886633 as unknown

    7/5/12, 2:39 PM

    Keeps calling - no responce when you pick up phone, time wasting, upsets my very elderly mother. Why cant this be stopped?

    Lisa replied 7/5/12, 7:13 PM
    I've just reported this number at http://consumers.ofcom.org.uk/tell-us/telecoms/privacy/silent-call/ - don't know if it will help but shouting down the phone hasn't stopped the 2 calls a day i have been receiving for over a month now!!

  11. 0

    james reported number ‎0166886633 as unknown

    7/3/12, 7:01 PM

    kept ringing me and hanging up , cannot get in touch ....a scam

  12. 0

    Evan reported unknown with the number ‎0166886633 as Cost trap

    12/15/11, 12:33 PM

    calls in the morning as well as in the evening. answered once... line was still connected yet nobody was speaking. the second time I took the call an Indian accented person enquired about the state of my loft insulation. one word: !!! SCAM !!!

    giovanna replied 6/27/12, 4:25 PM
    yes same thing happened to me. i tried redialling it and nothing.

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Most searched telephone numbers in 01668 (Bamburgh)
Possible ways of writing the number 0166886633
‎(01668) 866 33
‎+44 166886633
‎(00441668) 86633
‎(+44) 1668 866 33