• This number was often allocated to The Money Club. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to The Money Club at the end of the page.

The Money Club from Slough 01753441520 / +441753441520

Types of call: Harassment calls
Caller Name: The Money Club more...
Ratings: 161 (deleted: 1)
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (3/21/19, 10:41 AM)

Tallulah wrote: This number has been calling me,at least 3/4 times a day for weeks. When I answer it's just silence ... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Slough - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 01753-441520
Phone number +441753441520 from Slough tagged as Harassment calls 28 times.

Further Information: Find out
This info is supplied without liability.

tellows score for +441753441520

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
67 reports
Harassment calls
28 reports
18 reports
Cost trap
9 reports
Trustworthy number
4 reports
Aggressive advertising (4) Survey (2)
Caller Name:
101 reports
The Money Club
12 reports
2 reports
Money Club
2 reports
Moneyshop Tracking service
1 reports
silent call (1) groupon (1) ACES Linguistics Incorporated (1) Lady - Money Club (1) in partnership with groupon (1)
N/A (1) Cambs 16:40pm 19th Sep 16 (1) Money Vlub (1) OneAndOne (1) the bond Street Optician (1) Ms (1) A.Knobhead (1) Money club/Groupon (1) Resident (1)
Phone number +441753441520 from Slough tagged as Harassment calls 28 times: rang me up claiming to save me money buy... 153469 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 01753441520?

  1. 29

    jazz reported number ‎+441753441520 as unknown

    4/14/14, 1:27 PM

    rang me up claiming to save me money buying wholesale, instead of retail. Said they were in partnership with groupon. Knew my name, email address, house address and which bank I was with. very scary. Hung up when they claimed they wanted my bank branch number saying its on my card under sort code hahaha, idiots. Still scary how much they did know about me in the beginning. AVOID THIS NUMBER.

    Loubie replied 2/17/15, 12:01 AM
    Exactly the same happened to me!! Didn't know what bank I was with but very sneakily tried to get my sort code and account number!
    Margaret replied 5/31/17, 2:47 PM
    Thank you...you have answered my query because I didn't know what this call was about as I didn't get to my phone on time when it called twice. I called back several times to find out but line was constantly engaged even very late at night so hence I'm on google to satisfy my curiousity!
    Emma Matthews replied 10/13/17, 10:28 AM
    I have been having daily calls from this number which i havn't answered today i answered, they new everything about me as well i listened to it all then got very worried when he wanted to know what my sort code started with he said it was to find the address of my bank i said i didn't feel comfortable giving iut that information and he tried to make me feel stupid for not giving it saying it wasn't as if he was asking for my ac no he just wanted to find the address of my bank i told him i had to go and hung up.
    Sheena Dattani replied 11/17/17, 10:10 AM
    this number has been calling me every single day for the past two weeks! When i answer, they put the phone down! They don't tell me anything
    Debbie replied 3/26/18, 3:50 PM
    They tel me said they can save me money wanted my bank code account I did no give but seem to no alot about me
    Mystery lady replied 7/25/18, 12:55 PM
    OMG...they just called me, but was driving, when she (Jasmine) got to the bit about my a/c no. Told did not have, she said if you have online banking it will be on there, that's when I ended call and blocked
    Hazel replied 10/15/18, 12:56 PM
    Same here! “We just need your sort code and account number, not to take any money though”. Knew too much about me :( hung up sharpish when I said I’d need to do some research before agreeing.
    Becki replied 10/24/18, 2:31 PM
    This same thing just happened to me. When I said I wanted to see the pack before I signed up to anything as he asked who I banked with, he ended the call. Dodgy!!
    Lynne replied 1/18/19, 2:12 PM
    I have been rung constantly throughout the day by this number. Fortunately I could not get to my phone quick enough to answer. Have blocked caller.

  2. 2

    Victim reported OneAndOne with the number ‎01753441520 as Telemarketer

    10/24/13, 10:34 AM

    Purpose appears to be to trick you into signing up for website services.

  3. 1

    Iccleanne reported Money club/Groupon with the number ‎+441753441520 as Harassment calls

    3/9/18, 4:58 PM

    She knew my full name, and said she was from a money club (or similar) from Groupon. She then proceeded to tell me about what she could offer (wholesale prices on retail items, by calling them & they'd confirm if they could do it). She said it was for shops, online, holidays... at which point I stopped her & asked how much. She said it was a one off fee of £5, which would come out after about 8 days, but she then started telling me how she'd put a pack in the post which I could start using as soon as I received it, I didn't have to wait for the payment to come out. I then asked if she meant I'd get the pack, then I could decide whether to sign the form in it. She said no I didn't need to sign anything, the payment would come straight out of my account. She made it sound like she already had my bank details (& how direct debit was safer than taking a card payment over the phone). When she'd said it was an automatic payment I said I wasn't interested & not to send me the pack. I would not sign up to something that did not require me to sign something to confirm. I've since checked my Groupon app and there's no bank/card details saved.

    Cruising replied 8/9/18, 1:26 PM
    I had exactly the same thing happen to me just now. Tried calling back and number engaged. Sounds like a call center as could hear other calls in background. They knew my name address. I said I would want to see the pack first before I gave out any bank details. She asked if I used a banking app. All sounds very dodgy to me.
    aliya replied 2/26/19, 3:43 PM
    iv had same issue someone called me kenw my address my name eveything about me, but i font have a groupon account
    he asked me what bank im with .. i said dont have a bank account he asked again to trick me thne cut me off ... kinda worried cos he knew most of my informatiom

  4. 1

    Antiscammer reported unknown with the number ‎01753441520 as Harassment calls

    3/20/17, 3:20 PM

    If this number calls you don't answer or just hang up.

  5. 1

    Investigator Scas reported number ‎01753441520 as unknown

    3/15/17, 10:38 AM

    4 times now and never anyone on the end of the line annoying

  6. 1

    Edy reported unknown with the number ‎+441753441520 as Harassment calls

    7/14/14, 1:42 PM

    Called today 1:30 and wanted my bank details but I told them to move on now I've blocked them on my iPhone.

  7. 1

    richard reported number ‎01753441520 as unknown

    4/28/14, 10:31 AM

    A woman phoned me and asked for me by name. When I said it was me she rang off.

  8. 0

    Tallulah reported unknown with the number ‎01753441520 as Harassment calls

    3/21/19, 10:41 AM

    This number has been calling me,at least 3/4 times a day for weeks. When I answer it's just silence then they hang up! I'm going to block the number right now

  9. 0

    Eirelass reported number ‎01753441520 as unknown

    2/13/19, 11:35 AM

    Constantly ringing mobile for the last week. I have blocked the call but I get alerted when they ring it’s very annoying. Blocked to me is not being able to even ring your number ..hope they get the hint soon..avoid number like the plague very dodgy

  10. 0

    Kacey reported The Money Club with the number ‎+441753441520 as Harassment calls

    2/8/19, 10:18 AM

    They phoned and introduced themselves as The Money Club - Windsor . Explained they can save me money by cutting out the middle man on everything such as domestic appliances , holidays (even said they are ATOL protected ) technology, clothes. Only thing it didn’t cover was food and petrol.
    They said it’s £5 a month but I get a free 4 week trial. They said they will send me a membership card in the post with a guarantee. When I said no. she put the phone down immediately. Suspect they realised they weren’t getting my bank details.
    Scariest thing is she new my name, address, email address, telephone number etc! Very invasive !

  11. 0

    K8T reported unknown with the number ‎01753441520 as Cost trap

    1/22/19, 1:01 PM

    Just received a call from these people claiming to be providing access to some sort of discount club and that they would send a welcome pack in the post. They asked how many holidays I have a year and whether they are abroad or not (in hindsight maybe that’s to determine disposable income). They asked who I bank with and I refused to answer. He said to get access to these benefits all I had to do was pay £5 as a one off payment (no monthly payments etc) and that they wouldn’t ask for my card number, just my sort code and account number

  12. 0

    Bri reported The Money Club with the number ‎+441753441520 as Cost trap

    1/11/19, 1:05 PM

    Had several missed calls, no message ever left. I have since answered one of them, the lady had my name, number, street and started to try to sell me something? I stopped her and asked who she was again "Money club, part of the groupon group" was the answer. As I don't have a groupon account and have never shown any interest in one, I decided to ask her to end the call with no sale and take me off the calling list. She just hung up. Next day (today) at 1251 (same time as yesterday) I had another call from the same number. I have now blocked it!!

  13. 0

    Holly-Chantelle reported The Money Club with the number ‎01753441520 as Harassment calls

    11/2/18, 3:09 PM

    Called asked to confirm my addrsss to which I refused and she said is it “previous address” when I said no she pressured to for my address and then asked who I bank with. Hung up. Very politely spoken female, very dangerous for vulnerable people AVOID at all cost

  14. 0

    bullit. reported A.Knobhead with the number ‎01753441520 as Trustworthy number

    10/19/18, 5:31 PM via Android App

    Ringing up fishing for post codes and sort codes. Beware.

  15. 0

    Nico reported number ‎+441753441520 as unknown

    9/28/18, 3:27 PM

    Called and asked for someone else. When challenged did not give details on what company they called from.

  16. 0

    flourhead reported number ‎+441753441520 as unknown

    7/27/18, 1:06 PM

    Keeps ringing every day. Number is blocked. Will never answer.

  17. 0

    Investigator Mystery lady reported Groupon with the number ‎01753441520 as Trustworthy number

    7/25/18, 12:51 PM

    As above comments mentioned Groupon, I was driving but very persistent, asked for my bank sort code for 4 week trial of trade discount on all sorts of things like holidays, clothing...etc..wanted my bank account no.thats when I said no. Ended call and blocked them

  18. 0

    sparky reported number ‎01753441520 as unknown

    6/13/18, 12:45 PM

    they have called me at least 3 times a day for over 3 weeks. Not answered and looking at the comments I have now blocked the number - thank you

  19. 0

    MIB reported number ‎01753441520 as unknown

    6/5/18, 3:53 PM

    Very suspicious, persistant caller, the one time I answered, asian sounding "gentleman" asked to speak to a particular person, when I refused to confirm if I was that person untill I knew where he was calling from, he hung up abruptly!

  20. 0

    shonie reported number ‎01753441520 as unknown

    4/19/18, 11:51 AM

    been callin gme every day for a week and when i answered today she asked for someone completely different - didnt say what company it was or what they wanted - number has now been blocked on my phone

  21. 0

    debi reported number ‎01753441520 as unknown

    3/7/18, 3:44 PM

    3RD time number has called me noone talks when i answer just puts phone down
    however have had calls from a similar number stating from groupon and wanting information since i do not have a groupon membership this has to be some sort of scam have blocked and reported it ti groupon itself.

  22. 0

    Pudster reported number ‎+441753441520 as unknown

    1/26/18, 12:09 AM

    Having seen the comments on here I'm glad to get the heads up and I never give bank details over the phone but I'm dying to have a little fun with the number I must resist the temptation .☺

  23. 0

    Pudster reported number ‎01753441520 as unknown

    1/26/18, 12:09 AM

    Having seen the comments on here I'm glad to get the heads up and I never give bank details over the phone but I'm dying to have a little fun with the number I must resist the temptation .☺

  24. 0

    Chris reported unknown with the number ‎+441753441520 as Trustworthy number

    1/19/18, 11:23 AM

    Scam asking for Bank Details, had name and address.
    Don't answer, unless you want to have fun and give false details.

  25. 0

    Jude reported Money Club with the number ‎01753441520 as Telemarketer

    1/19/18, 10:21 AM

    I've just had a similar call to those reported many times by other people. Quite frightening that they knew my name, address, email, etc. Purported to save me up to 40% on just about everything (if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!!) and wanted by bank sort code, etc. at which point I terminated the call.

  26. 0

    David reported number ‎+441753441520 as unknown

    1/15/18, 10:17 AM

    Called, but no one there, then it hung up, happened twice, now barred.

  27. 0

    Aya reported number ‎01753441520 as unknown

    12/29/17, 10:33 AM

    Not picked up

  28. 0

    Leanne reported unknown with the number ‎01753441520 as Telemarketer

    11/13/17, 10:43 AM

    This number called trying to save me money. I said no and now it keeps calling and hanging up as soon as I answer.

  29. 0

    Angela Clarke reported number ‎01753441520 as Ms

    11/8/17, 2:40 PM

    I've an app on my phone which screens numbers (It's awesome) this number showed as money club only 2 things to do reject & block.

  30. 0

    fred reported number ‎+441753441520 as unknown

    10/26/17, 1:18 PM

    called but no-one there when I answered. now blocked.

  31. 0

    Kim reported number ‎01753441520 as unknown

    10/25/17, 11:19 AM

    Received a call from these people today. I'm usually quite quick about telling them where to go and hanging up but I was asked for by my full name, she knew my email address and home address and that I'd signed up to groupon. She then went on and on at speed talking about 20% discounts and all sorts, slipping in a comment about £5 sign up fee or something. It was all very confusing but I eventually put a stop to it. Be care with this number. Something doesn't feel right about them at all.

  32. 0

    Investigator midge reported Groupon with the number ‎+441753441520 as Harassment calls

    10/24/17, 11:03 PM

    has been phoneing at the same time, 5 days a week for the last 2 and a half weeks! annoying. when i first answered the lady asked for meby my first name, i asked what it was regarding, she basically claimed she could get me coupons to use on the highstreet of up to 50% off. she then asked for my sort code, i made an excuse up that i didn't know it and i had the baby with me so i was occupied and the she said she'd call back in an hour, wouldn't really take no for an answer to be honest but she was always polite. anyway she did phone back in exactly an hour, obviously i didn't answer, and the number has been calling me ever since. therefor today i've decided to block the number so hopefully that will be the end of it.

  33. 0

    Tall Sof reported unknown with the number ‎01753441520 as Harassment calls

    10/13/17, 2:22 PM

    Calls at least x 2 I have blocked their number I don’t trust these type of numbers and I always google them to check. Scammers who want to steal your money do not trust do not give them any information they should be reported to the police and investigated.

  34. 0

    PP21 reported unknown with the number ‎01753441520 as Telemarketer

    9/5/17, 2:00 PM

    Tried to sell me wholesale price goods if I signed up - do not answer - scammers

  35. 0

    peter reported number ‎+441753441520 as the bond Street Optician

    8/29/17, 4:20 PM

    Like everyone else...have so many calls from this number got it filed under ignore...and do just that.

  36. 0

    Roger reported number ‎+441753441520 as unknown

    7/13/17, 2:32 PM

    Didn't answer partly because have seen comments here but also because I never answer unknown numbers or numbers not in my contact list on first call. If someone genuinely wants to speak to me they will leave a voicemail. This number has rung many times and never leaves a message

  37. 0

    bao reported unknown with the number ‎+441753441520 as Trustworthy number

    6/26/17, 5:28 PM

    Very annoying, just blocked it.

  38. 0

    Amanda reported number ‎+441753441520 as unknown

    6/22/17, 9:32 AM

    Tried to get my sort code number how stupid do you think I am

  39. 0

    howard reported unknown with the number ‎01753441520 as Harassment calls

    6/15/17, 3:39 PM

    these idiots called me and just laughed when I answered. so sad nothing better to do.

  40. 0

    Margaret reported number ‎+441753441520 as unknown

    5/31/17, 2:38 PM

    this number phoned me twice in a row and I didn't get to the phone on time. I tried phoning it back several times even very late at night but each time it was constantly engaged so I eventually gave up.

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Most searched telephone numbers in 01753 (Slough)
Possible ways of writing the number 01753441520
‎(01753) 441 520
‎+44 1753441520
‎(00441753) 441520
‎(+44) 1753 441 520