• This number was often allocated to Beneficial. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to Beneficial at the end of the page.

Beneficial from Swansea 01792735267 / +441792735267

Types of call: Harassment calls
Caller Name: Beneficial more...
Ratings: 41
Assessment: untrustworthy, Do not accept call, check comments!
Latest comment (9/17/21, 5:10 PM)

Terry wrote: Beneficial have been calling me now almost every day for nearly two years. At first I tried asking p... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Swansea - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 01792-735267
Phone number +441792735267 from Swansea tagged as Harassment calls 16 times.

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tellows score for +441792735267

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Harassment calls
16 reports
7 reports
7 reports
2 reports
Caller Name:
31 reports
1 reports
Phone number +441792735267 from Swansea tagged as Harassment calls 16 times: This company called beneficial ignore yo... 7009 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 01792735267?

  1. 5

    Sharon reported number ‎+441792735267 as Beneficial

    4/8/20, 6:56 PM

    This company called beneficial ignore you constantly when you ask them to remove you from their data base and if you block number.ber they just ring from another one.Obviously very harassing and why so persistent when you clearly are not going to give them the info they request.

    Legal Mick replied 7/9/20, 11:50 AM
    Report them to OFCOM,and the Information Commissioner......if you install a phone recording app.on your mobile phone, you can dave the recording,then share it to OFCOM,and the I.C.
    George replied 9/7/20, 10:24 PM
    Try this one set up Nuisance call in your contact list text number is 7726
    When you get a call inform them being recorded for legal purposes. They will hang up. Copy the received number then send a text to the above number placing call space and number, send and this will go onto a directory that the mobile phone provider's are sharing. My calls from these shit head's have now dropped from 2 a day to maybe one a month.
    Granny replied 9/30/20, 7:17 PM
    After repeatedly asking them to stop calling me wasting my time ive now resorted to wasting thiers. I ramble on refusing to admitting my address I ask them to repeat themselves I say no comment to their questions they soon get fed up and they rudely hang up I'm finding it hilarious I look forward to their calls now. Ha ha ha
    Lee replied 10/7/20, 4:04 PM
    I have downloaded a blocker app for my phone, but they call from multiple numbers. This has been going on for about 1 year now. I have resorted to asking them t do me a favour and F off.

  2. 1

    Mary reported number ‎01792735267 as Beneficial

    1/23/19, 10:09 AM

    Called saying she was calling from Beneficial but she didn't sound as if she was calling from Wales! I hung up. I thought this malarkey was supposed to stop?

  3. 0

    Investigator Terry reported Beneficial with the number ‎01792735267 as Harassment calls

    9/17/21, 5:10 PM

    Beneficial have been calling me now almost every day for nearly two years. At first I tried asking politely for them to remove me from their list, which achieved nothing.

    After a period of just hanging up, I decided to start playing around with them, giving false names like Ivor Bigun, Hugh Janus etc, immature I know but you had to get your kicks wherever you could during lockdown. Although this made me chuckle in the moment, I now receive tons of calls for Mr Janus and Mr Bigun, from loads of other spam call companies.

    There really is no way of stopping these scumbags from bothering you. If you block them, they re-route their calls through a different number.

    I now only answer calls that are local or calls from London, who could be clients.

  4. 0

    Hacked off reported number ‎+441792735267 as Beneficial

    8/6/21, 4:41 PM

    At least one call a day, including weekends for several years, block every number but to no avail. Have tried nic, rude, very rude, pleading (not for a long time though) to be taken off their list. I have never answered a single question or ever confirmed a single detail.

    Frankly I'm amazed they are willing to invest so much time in me when clearly they are not EVER going to get anything from me!

  5. 0

    Investigator Chris reported Beneficial with the number ‎+441792735267 as Harassment calls

    7/24/21, 3:53 PM

    They have been continuously calling me multiple times a week for little under 2 years, I have blocked 60+ of their numbers and they just continue to call with different numbers, the caller ID is from a different place each time, looking back through my phone got the last two weeks I have received and blocked calls from Manchester, Swansea, Bristol, Derby Coventry and Birmingham.

    They ignore me if I ask them to remove my info from their database.

    When I pick up the phone I know it is them because there is a five second gap before a women says “hello, I’m calling from Beneficial” at this point I hang up and block.

    I get an average of 3 calls a week.

  6. 0

    Investigator Abigail reported number ‎+441792735267 as Beneficial

    2/4/21, 1:03 PM

    For over 2 years now calling all the time, hanging up when I ask for number to be removed or to speak to manager. Its been going on that long they as for me by my maiden name and I tell them I don't know who that is but they don't care and carry on calling me. I have true caller but they change number.

  7. 0

    titi reported Beneficial with the number ‎01792735267 as Harassment calls

    1/28/21, 2:01 PM

    0121 797 9111
    now the company beneficial has phone numbers constantly change and everytime i said wrong person and ask to remove they just ignored. really harassing the agent. i already block but keep calling from different numbers.

  8. 0

    A SMITH reported Beneficial with the number ‎+441792735267 as Harassment calls

    1/13/21, 1:27 PM

    This company has called me daily despite telling them i am not interested, ignoring calls they still call every day. They knew my address which is quite scary and I am not really sure what more I can do now to get them to stop calling.

  9. 0

    Beneficial has been reported with number ‎+441792735267 as Survey

    12/14/20, 6:20 PM

    Asked to be removed, but they wouldn't consne,t he just said "We'll be calling you more, by bye."

  10. 0

    Rosemary reported Beneficial with the number ‎01792735267 as Survey

    10/30/20, 10:23 AM

    Get calls from land lines and mobiles requested to be took off the list many times they don’t listen they are very rude, now when I gat calls from numbers I don’t know I say hello is that beneficial they hang up without saying a word I block every number that calls but the seem to have endless numbers so next step is to change my number

  11. 0

    Moz reported Beneficial with the number ‎01792735267 as Harassment calls

    10/16/20, 4:46 PM

    Constantly ringing from different numbers despite them being blocked and told on numerous occasions to remove my details Have followed somebodies advice and i start conversation with the fact that i am recording call for purpose to use for harassment Their phone goes down instantly must find somewhere to report this

  12. 0

    Beneficial has been reported with number ‎01792735267 as Harassment calls

    10/8/20, 8:52 PM

    been recieving calls after 8:30pm and told them delete my details but they still harassing me

  13. 0

    Kiri reported Beneficial with the number ‎01792735267 as Survey

    9/19/20, 5:56 PM

    I have calls from these people 3 times a week! Constantly for the last 6 months! It’s Illegal to call someone without their permission to do so

  14. 0

    Sheila Hughes reported Beneficial with the number ‎01792735267 as Harassment calls

    9/19/20, 4:05 PM

    01616404880, 02922469783, 029224466710, 02922460407,02922469351, 0292246122 just a few of the phone numbers used by this bunch of nuisances. I have swore, shouted, been nice (but only once), and lost my rag with them but they still keep ringing all times of the day and night. I am getting really hacked of with them pestering us all. How do we get them to stop!!!

  15. 0

    AR reported Beneficial with the number ‎+441792735267 as Harassment calls

    8/24/20, 2:34 PM

    I have been recieving phone calls from Beneficial for a very long time. I have repeatedly asked them to not call me and also remove my information from their database and then I block the number I've been called from.

    I have even said I will report them when it began getting rediculous and that's when the phone calls came from various numbers and places, today's current call was from Cardiff 0292 246 0705.

    It is always someone different, usually a woman. This current caller was extremely rude when I said I've reported them, I stammer and she started to make fun of my stammer. I am extremely distraught by this behaviour. It's disgusting. This company is disgusting, the people that work for them are also disgusting.

  16. 0

    Ian reported Beneficial with the number ‎01792735267 as Harassment calls

    8/10/20, 6:04 PM

    These guys are very rude. I have asked several times if they will take my details off their database and they’ve even said no! I think they use a different number each time they call. They call almost every day now.

  17. 0

    I didn’t tell them, so I’m not t reported Beneficial with the number ‎+441792735267 as Harassment calls

    6/22/20, 3:02 PM

    Wow! I just had some fun! This bunch of cretins have been calling me on a regular basis for the past year, I’ve actually lost count. I’ve had them from numbers from Bristol, Stoke, Kidderminster, Bath, Manchester and Solihull to name a few. They are obviously an overseas fraudulent ‘Company’ that are calling on such regular occasions that no matter how many of their numbers you block, they will just keep coming. I have asked at least 20 times for them to remove my number from their database and that I wasn’t going to answer their questions. When you ask nicely, they just seem to call more regularly, when you hang up, they leave it a few days and call again. It’s actually gotten to the point where I am recognising their voice before they even say the ‘Company name’. Well today I had a bit of a sense of humour failure and when asked if he could remove my number and never call again, he said ‘No’ and said I was ignorant. With the red mist firmly dropping all over the joint, I turned my giant ‘Fuckoffometer’ up to 11 and continued for a good 90 seconds of barraged and sustained abuse. I have to hand it to the bloke, he was pretty persistent. I have no idea how he didn’t hang up because it was pretty obvious he was getting no info from me. The best part was, when I took a breath, he said, and these were his exact words ‘This is a professional call, from a professional company’, to which I responded with, ‘a professional company would honour the wishes of their clientele’ and dropped a giant C Bomb on him. I couldn’t come up with any more swear words to describe the gentleman on the other end of the phone as I’d used them all.

    To summarise, just hang up. They won’t listen.

    Dave replied 8/13/20, 11:04 AM
    Each time they call ask ok my name is correct I say yes then they start to talk but I cut in and say thank you good by?

  18. 0

    Investigator Christine Baker reported Beneficial with the number ‎+441792735267 as Harassment calls

    6/16/20, 4:29 PM

    Beneficial have called from 01225 439147 / 01562 542716 / plus a different number with every call.

    This Company are an absolute nuisance. We have been receiving calls from them for about 18 months or more and no amount of pleading with them to please remove my number from their database makes the slightest difference. Their callers are so thick-skinned and rude it beggars belief. I'm disabled with several chronic health problems including heart failure. This constant battling with Beneficial is making me ill. Surely people should be protected from unsolicited calls and should be able to block the numbers but it's impossible. A nightmare company that should be stopped. They called today 16/6/19_ yesterday 15/6/19, 2 days ago, 4 days ago. What am I to do?

  19. 0

    The number ‎01792735267 has been assigned to Beneficial

    6/10/20, 7:37 PM

    I have actually begged them over a dozen times to stop hassling me, but they continue to ring.

  20. 0

    YANGSONSING reported number ‎01792735267 as Beneficial

    1/9/20, 4:56 PM


  21. 0

    Investigator Hubeena Hammond reported Beneficial with the number ‎01792735267 as Survey

    12/11/19, 3:28 PM

    Harrasment call , would not leave me alone, very aggressive

  22. 0

    Investigator Mike Hunt reported Beneficial with the number ‎+441792735267 as Survey

    12/10/19, 4:55 PM

    Asian callers. Call everyday under a slightly different number.

  23. 0

    Beneficial has been reported with number ‎01792735267 as Harassment calls

    10/18/19, 4:36 PM

    Refuses to take number off call register

  24. 0

    Ciderman reported Beneficial with the number ‎01792735267 as Survey

    10/17/19, 1:07 PM

    I must be getting 3 or 4 calls a week from these clowns quoting a postcode I haven't lived at for over 5 years. Very pushy to get up to date details. I've demanded they remove my number and stop calling me and they refuse point block. I've threatened reporting them to ICO, but they keep at it. Last call I told them to go F*** themselves and hung up. Keep blocking the number but they just use another.

    Fed up from Port Talbot replied 10/2/20, 6:45 PM
    Every time I block one number., they call on another. Reported them to both ofcom and trading standards

  25. 0

    Tommy reported number ‎+441792735267 as Beneficial

    10/15/19, 1:45 PM

    These lot are persistant!! I get approx 10 calls per week from Beneficial with varying degrees of arseholism each time. The best one to date is "if you dont give us the information we will send all your details to India"

    Rebecca replied 10/25/19, 11:29 AM
    Yep. Just had the same. 12th Beneficial call since Monday. Been having them for weeks. I raised my voice which I rarely do on a phone call and he said I was mad and an idiot for not giving him my address details. They have my name back to front which is pathetic that they can’t even work that out. He responded with if you don’t give me your details I will ensure that the whole of India gets your number and you will not stop getting calls..
    How can this be put to a stop. There must be someone who can shut this operation down.
    Legal Mick. replied 7/9/20, 11:58 AM
    It's obviously an India outfit's the caller keeps saying they will "give your details to the whole of India".Ask them who gave them your phone number, and ask them their name.I bet they hang up,and leave you alone.

  26. 0

    Investigator Unknown reported Beneficial with the number ‎01792735267 as Harassment calls

    9/24/19, 1:05 PM

    Persistent calls from this company Beneficial ‭029 2246 6377‬ - Wales. Told me if I answered there calls I would not receive any more. Wanted personal information. When I told them I would not answer but wanted to calls to stop, she hung up

  27. 0

    Annoyed reported Beneficial with the number ‎+441792735267 as Harassment calls

    9/3/19, 2:10 PM

    Calls repeatedly, will not take no for an answer, number blocked

  28. 0

    Mike Woodcock reported Beneficial with the number ‎+441792735267 as Telemarketer

    7/16/19, 6:10 PM

    This company called Beneficial repeatedly call at different times of the day and night. I block their number every time... They just call from a different number every day. Seriously I must have blocked at least twenty different numbers and the calls still keep coming last one was an 0161 (Manchester) number. Something needs to be done about this company...

  29. 0

    Joe reported Beneficial with the number ‎+441792735267 as Survey

    1/23/19, 6:47 PM

    Have insisted my details be removed from their list.

  30. 0

    Annoyed reported unknown with the number ‎+441792735267 as Harassment calls

    1/23/19, 1:15 PM

    I asked for this person (not with welsh accent) to delete my details they persisted in asking for sensitive data postcode / age range
    I was not at all happy and felt they were harassing me as they would not hear the word “no”

    Scotsmist replied 11/28/20, 4:20 PM
    Sick of these calls,they take no notice of what you say to them. Can’t find a way to stop them
  31. Yoel reported Beneficial with the number ‎+441792735267 as Harassment calls

    10/10/20, 3:03 PM

  32. Beneficial has been reported with number ‎01792735267 as Telemarketer

    5/21/19, 4:32 PM

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Most searched telephone numbers in 01792 (Swansea)
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‎(01792) 735 267
‎+44 1792735267
‎(00441792) 735267
‎(+44) 1792 735 267