after sales from York 01904236308 / +441904236308

Types of call: Cost trap
Caller Name: after sales more...
Ratings: 16
Search requests: 12023
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (11/5/24, 10:26 AM)

wrote: No name given, poor line cut short No reason for call No previous contract with this company eith... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: York - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 01904-236308
Phone number +441904236308 from York tagged as Cost trap 7 times.

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tellows score for +441904236308

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Cost trap
7 reports
Aggressive advertising
6 reports
Trustworthy number
2 reports
1 reports
Caller Name: after sales
8 reports
4 reports
AO apparently?
1 reports
AO ?
1 reports
AO after sales
1 reports
unknown (1)
Phone number +441904236308 from York tagged as Cost trap 7 times: Same as pretty much all other comments h... 12023 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 01904236308?

  1. 1 after sales has been reported with number ‎01904236308 as Cost trap

    5/11/21, 4:37 PM

    Same as pretty much all other comments here, tried calling but left no message, rang back and it said ao. Wondered if it meant a problem with upcoming delivery, phoned back and after 'helpfully' confirming delivery details, etc, started trying to sell extended warranty framing as 'good news' and excellent offer. Not so polite and interwsted the minute I asked if this was selling a policy and saying we weren't interested - couldn't get off the phone quick enough!

  2. 1

    Harry reported after sales with the number ‎+441904236308 as Cost trap

    5/25/17, 3:26 PM

    Spam after sales call from

  3. 0

    The number ‎01904236308 has been assigned to AO

    11/5/24, 10:26 AM

    No name given, poor line cut short
    No reason for call
    No previous contract with this company either
    Just spam calling

  4. 0

    RH reported AO with the number ‎+441904236308 as Aggressive advertising

    2/25/22, 11:30 AM

    Using a no-doubt masked number to suggest calling from 01904 - tried to suggest they were just going to run through my order. They then asked me to confirm personal details - I told them I would not be doing that as they had called me! I then asked if it was a sales or a service call; she tried to avoid calling so I hung-up. This sort of aggressive sales behavior is something should be ashamed of and I think risks doing reputational damage. I echo other comments - if this had been a vulnerable person, it makes it even more reprehensible.

  5. 0

    AO has been reported with number ‎01904236308 as Trustworthy number

    7/12/21, 11:03 AM

    Called to confirm receipt of order and delivery details.

  6. 0

    Shirley reported after sales with the number ‎+441904236308 as Cost trap

    7/20/20, 2:38 PM

    Bought a tv was expecting call trying to sell insurance very aggressive tactics

  7. 0

    Paul reported after sales with the number ‎+441904236308 as Cost trap

    7/10/20, 4:19 PM

    Called not long after ordering from to confirm delivery of new kitchen appliance then went on to sneaky sales / insurance but didn't get to the point fast enough so asked him. When I said we didn't want any he didn't even say goodbye before hanging up. very rude.

  8. 0

    York reported after sales with the number ‎+441904236308 as Aggressive advertising

    1/8/20, 12:36 PM

    Very hard sales tactics and don’t take no for an answer. When I explained that I didn’t want the insurance, his tone changed and wouldn’t stop trying to convince me that I was being ridiculous for not wanting it. Thankfully, I didn’t give in but as others have said, others could easily feel obliged to.

    Appalling service and it nearly put me off using AO because of it. I actually placed another order recently as their deals were great but I’d saved this number after last time. Sure enough, I just got a missed call from it.

    Really upsetting service!

  9. 0

    JJ reported after sales with the number ‎+441904236308 as Aggressive advertising

    10/1/18, 9:13 PM

    I find it quite amusing that most companies are unable to speak with anyone on your behalf unless it involves them conning you out of more money.
    I purchased a few appliances from AO and must have forgotten to put in my new phone number. My partner now has my old one and received the call. She said they wouldn't take no for an answer to the insurance and almost gave in with bank details. Thankfully she thought better of it and as I made the purchase she gave them my new number. No call as yet, but I'll be giving them a piece of my mind when they do :)
    Not sure what AO is thinking but we won't be using them again. Can't help but feel for the vulnerable who use AO

  10. 0

    Lee reported AO with the number ‎01904236308 as Trustworthy number

    8/6/18, 12:24 PM

    Calling to arrange delivery after order

  11. 0

    Dave reported AO apparently? with the number ‎+441904236308 as Aggressive advertising

    3/14/18, 2:53 PM

    Same as others on here. Bought an appliance then get called by a York number less than an hour later so I answered and they try to sell you insurance for 6 or 7 quid a month sneakily amongst the details they take. Drainers.

  12. 0

    steve reported AO ? with the number ‎+441904236308 as Cost trap

    3/8/18, 3:21 PM

    Hi also got a call from this number today within 1 hour of ordering from AO, missed the call so checked on here. Also live in York so will always answer a York number call. So likely an agency being supplied the info by AO, will report it to them on feedback.

  13. 0

    Sally reported AO after sales with the number ‎01904236308 as Cost trap

    1/24/18, 2:43 PM

    Literally 5 mins after buying appliance online they called, new all details model number, cost etc. Tried selling extended warranty. I asked are you calling from AO or another company, he said AO. Very easy to get taken in by the way they describe extended warranty. If I wanted it I would have bought it at the time. Only answered because it was a York number where I’m from

  14. 0

    Investigator Lee reported unknown with the number ‎01904236308 as Cost trap

    11/7/17, 10:17 AM

    I too was very nearly sold after care insurance by this caller - with virtually no input from me. A more vulnerable person than I would definitely have succumbed. Makes one wonder whether one should ever deal with again!

  15. after sales has been reported with number ‎+441904236308 as Aggressive advertising

    4/19/21, 12:55 PM

  16. after sales has been reported with number ‎+441904236308 as Aggressive advertising

    5/12/20, 8:42 AM

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Most searched telephone numbers in 01904 (York)
Possible ways of writing the number 01904236308
‎(01904) 236 308
‎+44 1904236308
‎(00441904) 236308
‎(+44) 1904 236 308