Shawn Daniels 07341100452 / +447341100452

Types of call: Cost trap
Caller Name: Shawn Daniels more...
Ratings: 8
Search requests: 1011
Assessment: untrustworthy, Do not accept call, check comments!
Latest comment (6/22/24, 6:35 PM)

Ed wrote: Called saying they’d found hair in a food product I sell wanting refund (from a week ago) Knew whe... all ratings

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Details about this number

Area Code: Vodafone - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 07341-100452
Phone number +447341100452 from Vodafone tagged as Cost trap 5 times.

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Views last month: 1
tellows protection:
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: 02075366450 01513533618 01413750948 01782203100 01612250225
Request trend:
Search requests are not regular and spread often on weekdays

Attention, 07341100452 has been rated negatively.

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tellows score for +447341100452

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Cost trap
5 reports
2 reports
SMS spam
1 reports
Caller Name:
7 reports
Shawn Daniels
1 reports
Phone number +447341100452 from Vodafone tagged as Cost trap 5 times: Called saying they’d found hair in a foo... 1011 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

Heatmap (Call distribution)

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Who calls with 07341100452?

  1. 0

    Investigator Ed reported Shawn Daniels with the number ‎07341100452 as Cost trap

    6/22/24, 6:35 PM

    Called saying they’d found hair in a food product I sell wanting refund (from a week ago)
    Knew where I’d been and what I sold. Provided a bank account to send money to

    I asked them for full address etc as I knew it was a scam and of course they went very quiet

  2. 0

    Small business owner reported unknown with the number ‎+447341100452 as SMS spam

    6/13/24, 3:57 PM

    Careful out there! They’ve just text us stating they found a hair in their meal. We asked when and they stated a date we should have been working (our child was sick and couldn’t trade)

  3. 0

    Fluff reported unknown with the number ‎07341100452 as Cost trap

    6/8/24, 7:37 PM

    Called via WhatsApp (gave no name) then left messages, lots of messages asking for a refund because their ice cream had a hair in it. But they didn't just want one ice cream refund they wanted 5 refunds!! As the "family" threw their ice creams away too.?

  4. 0

    Small Biz Owner reported unknown with the number ‎07341100452 as Cost trap

    6/3/24, 7:45 PM

    +44 7341 100452 I am an owner of a small business (pizza company) random number text to advise they had hair on pizza and wanted refund. Couldn’t prove purchase or provide any real details outside of publicly available info.

    Beware - scam

  5. 0

    unknown has been reported with number ‎07341100452 as Cost trap

    6/3/24, 7:35 PM

    Rang small business requesting refund saying hair in pizza and then said card was cancelled so needed refund by another means. Caught them out because they quoted a price that didn’t match any transactions taken that day. BEWARE

  6. 0

    unknown has been reported with number ‎07341100452 as Cost trap

    6/3/24, 6:03 PM

    Text saying our dog treats cut their dog, I asked for the name of their vets and no reply yet.

  7. 0

    The number ‎07341100452 has been assigned to unknown

    6/2/24, 2:52 PM

    Pretended to be a customer of small business, I caught them out quick and they didn't reply. Be careful

  8. 0

    Embra reported number ‎+447341100452 as unknown

    6/2/24, 2:38 PM

    Pretended to be customer of small business, requesting refund.

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Most searched telephone numbers in 07341 (Vodafone)
Possible ways of writing the number 07341100452
‎(07341) 100 452
‎+44 7341100452
‎(00447341) 100452
‎(+44) 7341 100 452