Area Code mobil phone number 077 / +4477
The number 077 is the prefix of mobil phone number in United Kingdom. You are probably looking for information on a phone number within this area code.
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Latest comment (7/31/23, 3:48 PM)
Jane O wrote: This is a prefix number which was formerly associated with Orange Mobile.... all ratings
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Views last month: 229tellows protection: No. 17 in Blacklist
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: +4420 01484910001 01254963442 01738408738 03316308109
Request trend:Search requests are increasing and spread evenly throughout the week
Prefix +4477 for former Orange Mobile Numbers - Expert Opinion
The 077 prefix is commonly used for London numbers associated with Orange, a former mobile network operator in the UK (now part of EE). If you receive calls from numbers with the 077 prefix, be cautious and verify the caller's identity to avoid potential scams or fraudulent activities.
Who calls with 077?
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If this phone number keeps calling you, the answer should be yes!
Leaving a rating about this number creates a caller 'profile' in our database, allowing other users to inform themselves on the nature of the call before they pick up the phone. This is a step along the path to making unwanted calls a thing of the past. If there are numerous entries for a specific number, we will try to trace the caller and check their legitimacy. Please note our Terms of Use!
If this phone number keeps calling you, the answer should be yes!
Leaving a rating about this number creates a caller 'profile' in our database, allowing other users to inform themselves on the nature of the call before they pick up the phone. This is a step along the path to making unwanted calls a thing of the past. If there are numerous entries for a specific number, we will try to trace the caller and check their legitimacy. Please note our Terms of Use!
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If you are the owner of the number or if you have additional information on the company, please use special company listing for more details.
Most searched telephone numbers in 077 (mobil phone number)
Possible ways of writing the number 077
+44 77
(+44) 77
Legend Jane O reported Prefix with the number +4477 as Harassment calls
This is a prefix number which was formerly associated with Orange Mobile.