• This number was often allocated to NHS Scotland. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to NHS Scotland at the end of the page.

NHS Scotland 08006783393 / +448006783393

Types of call: Trustworthy number
Caller Name: NHS Scotland
Ratings: 153 (deleted: 1)
Search requests: 261883
Assessment: trustworthy, harmless call
Latest comment (9/28/22, 11:34 AM)

Fred wrote: Automated voice call. Said to be confirmation of an outpatient appointment but wished to confirm my ... all ratings

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Details about this number

Area Code: free-call service - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 080-06783393
Phone number +448006783393 from free-call service tagged as Trustworthy number 72 times.

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NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde from 08006783393 - Expert opinion

The phone number 08006783393 belongs to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. NHSGGC is the largest health board in the UK. The number belongs to an automated voice system and is used to remind customers of their scheduled appointments. The system will not take incoming calls. Calls to the 08006783393 number were found to be positive by the majority of tellows users.
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tellows score for +448006783393

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Trustworthy number
72 reports
41 reports
Harassment calls
2 reports
Aggressive advertising
1 reports
1 reports
Caller Name:
NHS Scotland
117 reports
Phone number +448006783393 from free-call service tagged as Trustworthy number 72 times: It is a number displayed when someone ri... 261883 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

Heatmap (Call distribution)

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Who calls with 08006783393?

  1. 13

    John Brown reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎08006783393 as Trustworthy number

    3/11/13, 4:44 PM

    It is a number displayed when someone rings from NHS in Glasgow. Was from the Western Infirmary for me.

    Anon e mouse replied 4/21/16, 12:02 PM
    Genuine call from NHS Glasgow
    Southern General spinal unit.
    Hoops88 replied 9/1/16, 2:13 PM
    Missed a call from them but tried ringing back but doesnt recieve incoming calls is there anyway to contact them
    Joe.b. replied 6/20/17, 9:49 AM
    Loch View Health Centre
    Christine Carruthers replied 9/15/17, 11:49 AM
    i got a call from them yesterday , dont know why as they did not leave a message . im off sick at the moment and work for the nhs so perhaps its nhs sick line that called . My home number only rang once as got call recognition .
    The truth replied 11/8/17, 2:02 PM
    NHS couldn't organise a piss up in Wellpark Brewery and I work for them and my MS is making it clear they want rid of me.
    Margo replied 4/2/22, 1:00 PM
    Radiology Dept of New Victoria Hospital Glasgow called me from this number on a Saturday. Unable to return call on this number, but given 0141 number to call Mon-Fri.

  2. 4

    jane reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎+448006783393 as Trustworthy number

    6/19/14, 2:55 PM

    This is an NHS number ringing to confirm an appointment; I'm guessing that they are VERY fed up with non-attendees! I have received several automated calls from this number asking me to confirm my name and appointment time.

    abdiaziz sharif replied 3/3/15, 6:30 PM
    missed this number
    and I would like to know my apointement
    solomon stewart replied 4/2/16, 8:36 AM
    Missed calls on my Mobile and house phone yesterday tryed to call Back but wasnt able to my house number is 689763 and my Mobile is 07708742694

  3. 2

    The doc reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎+448006783393 as Trustworthy number

    10/16/18, 2:38 PM

    This is the number for any call from NHS Scotland. The system cannot leave any messages as it would be a breach of patient confidentiality if anyone was to pick up the message.
    The number will not accept incoming calls.

  4. 2

    Fahid reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎08006783393 as Trustworthy number

    11/1/13, 2:56 PM

    I called my GP(Glasgow) who wasnt available at the time so I left my number with the receptionist requesting a call back. This was the number 08006783393 that was used for the call back I recieved.
    Makes sense that you can't call this number otherwise the GPs phone would keep going off while in his/her office seeing to patients.

  5. 1

    Jacky reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎08006783393 as Trustworthy number

    10/28/17, 10:31 AM

    Nhs glasgow about hospital appointment

  6. 1

    Peter reported number ‎+448006783393 as NHS Scotland

    3/17/16, 2:41 PM

    I have seen that this is supposed to be an NHS call but I don't stay in Glasgow, I am not waiting on an appointment and they called my business number not my house number, so I would avoid.

    Mat replied 11/7/16, 10:35 AM
    Maybe they were trying to get hold of you for an employment reference from a previous colleague of yours

  7. 1

    Rick reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎08006783393 as Trustworthy number

    2/19/15, 2:09 PM

    My specialist called me from Raigmore Hospital, Inverness on this number. A very good idea as it still keeps your personal life confidential. I block all 08 numbers except 0800.

  8. 1

    lesley reported number ‎08006783393 as NHS Scotland

    8/20/14, 10:43 AM

    I had several missed calls from this number. I have various different medical referrals ongoing so makes sense that it could be an NHS number but VERY frustrating that I am unable to find out who specifically is trying to contact me and what about.

    bill replied 1/20/15, 2:04 PM
    the number is completely safe it came from a ward with the RAH Hosp Paisley
    Atie replied 7/14/15, 11:37 AM
    Also getting missed calls from this number, I also have different medical referrals. When I have a missed call I will phone back but not possible when it does not accept incoming calls. Yes very frustrating, unhelpful and worrying.

  9. 0

    Fred reported number ‎+448006783393 as NHS Scotland

    9/28/22, 11:34 AM

    Automated voice call. Said to be confirmation of an outpatient appointment but wished to confirm my identity before proceeding by asking me to provide persodetails as per phishing scams. If it is a genuine number, it is poorly operated.

  10. 0

    N/A reported number ‎+448006783393 as NHS Scotland

    9/2/22, 2:26 PM

    What is the point of this. They don't leave a message and you can't call it back so you don't know who was calling and why and there is no way to find out

  11. 0

    Spam reported number ‎08006783393 as NHS Scotland

    1/16/21, 12:03 AM

    Spam. Called at 00.02am asking to speak to Jamie which isn't my name.

  12. 0

    linda reported number ‎08006783393 as NHS Scotland

    5/18/20, 12:36 PM

    surprised to find this is an NHS number having picked up to a query on whether the car was ready to be picked up after an MOT. Im a residential address not a business.

  13. 0

    Max reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎08006783393 as Trustworthy number

    3/27/20, 2:57 PM

    NHS Scotland

  14. 0

    Hugh reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎08006783393 as Trustworthy number

    12/23/19, 12:47 PM

    NHS Scotland all towns and cities use this number to call out , just had a call from my NHS Fife (Glenrothes ) district nurse .

  15. 0

    NHS Scotland has been reported with number ‎08006783393 as Trustworthy number

    11/20/19, 2:48 PM

    Calling to confirm an appointment, I missed the call but they sent me a text with details to call back

  16. 0

    Investigator Modalconfusion reported number ‎+448006783393 as NHS Scotland

    11/2/19, 10:05 AM

    This number has called me for weeks it is so annoying. If it is NHS then it should be reported to them so that they can do something about it.

  17. 0

    K918 reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎+448006783393 as Trustworthy number

    11/1/19, 5:59 PM

    NHS number, have phoned me several times for various reasons. Seems to be an automated element, last year on Christmas day I received a call from this number, which nobody at the health centre could explain. Very unsettling at the time, however the voicemail message was clearly a robot voice. Sometimes it is a nurse or doctor who will be calling, it seems other times it is some kind of automated appointment service.

  18. 0

    Ross reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎08006783393 as Trustworthy number

    10/9/19, 12:20 PM

    Hospital Referral

  19. 0

    NHS Scotland has been reported with number ‎+448006783393 as Trustworthy number

    8/27/19, 12:15 PM

    This number come up for various outgoing calls from all of NHS Glasgow, no point calling this number back to ask who is looking for you as it connects to NHS switchboard who have no way of tracing who has been trying to contact you it may be appointments it may be any other member of staff from your hospital or gp service etc. Only thing you can do is answer the call when it rings otherwise you wont find out no need to worry or panic if they need to contact you they will always call back and reason the dont no leave voicemail is because of confidentially just incase the number they are calling is no longer used by person they are trying to contact

  20. 0

    NHS Scotland has been reported with number ‎08006783393 as Trustworthy number

    5/28/19, 2:31 PM

    I ignored it because it was a 0800 number,what a stupid mistake to make.

  21. 0

    Annie reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎+448006783393 as Trustworthy number

    4/26/19, 9:00 AM

    NHS called to confirm I had post I had applied for. This was number that came up on my phone.

  22. 0

    Sandra reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎+448006783393 as Trustworthy number

    3/28/19, 10:05 AM

    Call came from my local NHS Health Centre and a doctor was following up with me after returning home from hospital. It was an important call and 100% trustworthy.
    My advice would be that if you “miss” the call then call your Health Centre wherever you are in Scotland and ask them why they called. It may be important!

  23. 0

    NHS Scotland has been reported with number ‎+448006783393 as Trustworthy number

    2/13/19, 10:18 AM

    Calling to confirm an NHS dental surgery appointment in fife.

  24. 0

    Muttley reported number ‎08006783393 as NHS Scotland

    7/23/18, 12:41 PM

    Missed the call but it was 20 Jul at 2240 and don't know why the NHS would call me at that time of night?

  25. 0

    Jasmine reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎+448006783393 as Trustworthy number

    6/26/18, 10:00 AM

    It's a call from the nhs. They unfortunately don't leave message and you can't call back the number as it doesn't accept incoming calls.

  26. 0

    steve reported number ‎08006783393 as NHS Scotland

    5/31/18, 4:07 PM

    why have an 0800 number and say this number doesnt accept incoming calls?
    they called about 8:30 when I was out. tried to phone back and recorded message saying they don accept incoming calls, no name or id.

  27. 0

    Tiriam reported number ‎+448006783393 as NHS Scotland

    5/29/18, 3:19 PM

    Ridiculous that number doesn't take incoming calls...very worrying when families live far apart and some have health conditions.

  28. 0

    Carol reported number ‎08006783393 as NHS Scotland

    10/15/17, 11:11 AM

    Missed call on Friday morning and again on Saturday afternoon which I thought was unusual. I did have a ct scan about 3 weeks ago. Can’t think of anything else

  29. 0

    Just Me reported number ‎08006783393 as NHS Scotland

    10/13/17, 3:41 PM

    Was a missed call. As people say it's NHS and I have had this kind of call before I think it is likely to be a reminder to have routine tests or scans. Sometimes they also call on a generic NHS number you to give you blood test results. It could be the nurse from the local health centre who took your blood or to remind you to get your blood pressure checked if you have failed to respond to a couple of reminders.

    Just Me Again replied 10/13/17, 3:55 PM
    For information, they will want you to get the following health checks and may phone you if you neglect to get them done:
    Over 40: blood pressure
    Over 50: bowel screen
    Female over 50: breast scan
    Male over 50: blood test for prostate specific antigen
    Me Yet Again replied 10/13/17, 4:07 PM
    And forgot to add:
    Female every 3 years: cervical smear test.
    All of above tests could be reminders to get them or else follow-up on results, sometimes because they didn't get a clear picture and may wish to repeat it.

  30. 0

    Bappy reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎+448006783393 as Trustworthy number

    6/26/17, 8:09 PM

    Have received calls from this number. These calls originated from hospitals in Fife. Looks like a common number used by NHS Scotland and you cannot call back.

  31. 0

    Bob reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎08006783393 as Trustworthy number

    5/29/17, 11:09 PM

    Outgoing number for all nhs Scotland calls to patients and relatives

  32. 0

    bobdabuilder reported number ‎+448006783393 as NHS Scotland

    4/6/17, 4:31 PM

    phoned today soon as i picked up, after 2nd ring they hung up. no idea who it is as only 3 people have my number.

    no nhs appointment i know of and cant call it back. useless........

  33. 0

    linda reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎08006783393 as Trustworthy number

    4/4/17, 4:07 PM

    Nhs informing me of a family member admitted to hospital. Very reputable number, no worries at all about answering this number at all.

  34. 0

    sands440 reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎08006783393 as Trustworthy number

    3/18/17, 3:12 PM

    used by Glasgow Royal hospital for sick children, called me as soon as my son was out of surgery and they couldn't locate me on the ward (although I was in the next room to them)

  35. 0

    CLaymore reported number ‎08006783393 as NHS Scotland

    1/16/17, 10:51 PM

    This number comes up when a friend called from a patient phone while in hospital in Glasgow Royal infirmary

  36. 0

    Mark reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎+448006783393 as Trustworthy number

    1/12/17, 3:57 PM

    NHS calling to confirm an appointment

  37. 0

    Jen reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎+448006783393 as Trustworthy number

    10/9/16, 3:39 PM

    Got a missed call and voicemail from this number. Unable to call back. Voicemail was from a Dr Morrison giving someone details about their early pregnancy scan... Hate to have my details left on a voicemail like that!

  38. 0

    Wondering reported number ‎08006783393 as NHS Scotland

    9/17/16, 5:35 AM

    I'm guessing it's trustworthy as other people are saying it's the NHS but I haven't been able to retrieve messages on my mobile since I set up a contract so I don't know what it's about. Probably health centre wanting me to come in for routine tests. Got a text saying a message had been left on a couple of occasions a few days apart but when I finally got access to my voicemail it said I had no messages so I don't know if they reached my voicemail without leaving a message or if they did leave a message but I tried to retrieve it too late. Finally after some searching online I found out how to access my voicemail so if they try to contact me again I'll be able to access my voicemail sooner and find out if they did leave a message.

  39. 0

    Butterfly 88 reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎08006783393 as Trustworthy number

    8/19/16, 3:55 PM

    Number used by nhs to contact patients

  40. 0

    Steve reported NHS Scotland with the number ‎+448006783393 as Trustworthy number

    6/8/16, 8:50 AM

    Totally fine, this was a call for information about my Dad to help with his treatment while he's in hospital.

    Sarah m replied 7/14/16, 9:19 AM
    Do you know a number to contact back as this is a number you cannot ring back, missed calls due to work

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Numbers with the same caller name
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Most searched telephone numbers in 080 (free-call service)
Possible ways of writing the number 08006783393
‎(080) 067 83393
‎+44 8006783393
‎(004480) 06783393
‎(+44) 80 067 83393