• This number was often allocated to Kamran Qayyum Leicester. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to Kamran Qayyum Leicester at the end of the page.

Kamran Qayyum Leicester 08451110272 / +448451110272

Types of call: Harassment calls
Caller Name: Kamran Qayyum Leicester more...
Ratings: 79 (deleted: 158)
Assessment: untrustworthy, Do not accept call, check comments!
Latest comment (11/4/24, 3:23 PM)

Sheela wrote: Convicted Pedo Kamran Qayyum from Leicester keeps coming round to see my 14year old sister, then Per... all ratings

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Details about this number

Area Code: premium rate service - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 0845-1110272
Phone number +448451110272 from premium rate service tagged as Harassment calls 45 times.

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tellows score for +448451110272

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Harassment calls
45 reports
Cost trap
9 reports
9 reports
Aggressive advertising
6 reports
Ping Call
4 reports
Telemarketer (1) Survey (1) Trustworthy number (1)
Caller Name:
Kamran Qayyum Leicester
74 reports
Eon Energy Suppliers
1 reports
1 reports
Phone number +448451110272 from premium rate service tagged as Harassment calls 45 times: Where has the convicted child molestor L... 9098 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 08451110272?

  1. 2

    Shaheen reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Cost trap

    3/7/24, 7:19 PM

    Where has the convicted child molestor Leicester Kamran Qayyum hiding?
    Is he still begging benefits and living near to a children's park?
    Kamran Qayyum of Leicester is a Noodle Armed Coward who is part of a Pakistani Child Grooming Gang in Leicester City.
    Kamran Qayyum and his Pakistani Gang operate in Evington, Highfields and Spinney Hill area of Leicester.

  2. 2

    Cathyja reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Aggressive advertising

    10/31/23, 1:24 AM

    Pansy Kamran Qayuum whose life is ruined, so he changed his name and ran away from Leicester. Coward Kamran Qayyum who r@pes children is exposed for the Pervert Kamran Qayyum is.

  3. 1

    Faruk reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Telemarketer

    6/15/23, 6:00 PM

    It's Leicester Begger Kamran Qayyum who begs Housing Benefit but thinks he is The Don.
    What a shame of a grown man Kamran Qayyum who can't support himself and lives off the charity of infidels.

  4. 1

    Ramone reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Survey

    3/24/21, 1:37 AM

    It's Kamran Qayyum up for meets in Spinney Hill Park Leicester. He likes to bend over for white gentlemen. He charges £10 for fuk and £5 to suk.
    He will even bark like a dog for an extra £1.

  5. 0

    Sheela reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Harassment calls

    11/4/24, 3:23 PM

    Convicted Pedo Kamran Qayyum from Leicester keeps coming round to see my 14year old sister, then Pervert Kamran Qayyum keeps calling my house if my sister won't come out. We live in Spinney Hill area of Leicester. I'm scared of Kamran Qayyum.

  6. 0

    Arif reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Harassment calls

    7/4/24, 1:17 AM

    Felcher Kamran Qayyum Leicester Child Molest0r from Spinney Hill area.

  7. 0

    Immy reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Aggressive advertising

    4/2/24, 7:23 PM

    Disgraceful Pervert from Leicester Kamran Qayyum

  8. 0

    Trevor reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Cost trap

    3/13/24, 1:58 AM

    Leicester Gimp Kamran Qayyum giving free bl0wj0bs to white gentlemen in Spinney Hill Park.

  9. 0

    Kamaal reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Harassment calls

    3/5/24, 11:20 PM

    Leicester Child Molestor Kamran Qayyum and his Child Grooming Pakistani Gang from Spinney Hill area of Leicester trying to speak to my 11year old daughter on the telephone.

  10. 0

    Mussa reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Harassment calls

    3/4/24, 10:09 PM

    Pu55y of Leicester Kamran Qayyum

  11. 0

    Sohail reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Ping Call

    3/1/24, 2:13 PM

    Its Leicester Kiddy Fiddler and Famous Coward Kamran Qayyum who touches random children in Spinney Hill Park.

  12. 0

    Osman reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Harassment calls

    2/12/24, 5:21 PM

    It's the Biggest Coward Kiddy Fiddler Kamran Qayyum from Leicester who forces young boys to suk him in Spinney Hill Park. Kamran Qayyum and his gang of Peedos swap child pics with each other. Kamran Qayyum is well known to Leicestershire Police.

  13. 0

    Kathijah reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Harassment calls

    1/12/24, 2:03 AM

    Wimp from Leicester Kamran Qayyum. Complete D0rk who lives on Infidel handouts. Kamran Qayyum is a known Coward in Leicester who hides behind his Child Grooming Pakistani gang, whilst making threats. This A55wipe Kamran Qayyum needs backup before he talks to a REAL man. What a joke.

  14. 0

    Shayan reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Ping Call

    1/5/24, 3:02 AM

    Leicester Child Molester Kamran Qayyum sold me his wife for a night. I paid him £40. Now he keeps calling me to sell her again to me. I'm not interested, but the Coward Kamran Qayyum keeps calling me.

  15. 0

    Zarah reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Aggressive advertising

    12/25/23, 2:12 AM

    Leicester Child Groomer Kamran Qayyum trying to touch my 5 year old daughter in Spinney Hill Park. I screamed and he laughed. Now he keeps phoning me.

  16. 0

    Yasmeen reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Aggressive advertising

    12/24/23, 7:50 AM

    Well known Leicester Peedo Kamran Qayyum coward who blackmails kids in Leicester to send him nudes.

  17. 0

    Sarah reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Harassment calls

    11/25/23, 11:03 PM

    It's the Coward Kamran Qayyum from Leicester calling to sniff my knickers. My boyfriend spoke on phone to him and Kamran Qayyum started crying saying he has a mental illness.

  18. 0

    Kadijaah reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Aggressive advertising

    11/4/23, 12:32 PM

    Leicester COWARD Kamran Qayyum trying to sell his wife to me for £15 for one hour.
    Kamran Qayyum is already known of being The Spinney Hill Park Cum Dumpster Rent Boy, now he is pimping his wife out to raise money to fund his sex change operation.

  19. 0

    Kadijah reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Ping Call

    10/27/23, 2:26 PM

    It's well known Coward and H0m0 Kamran Qayyum Scamming from Leicester Call centre.

  20. 0

    Tyrone reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Harassment calls

    10/7/23, 11:35 PM

    Where is this Wimp Kamran Qayyum? I need to have a chat with this Leicester Cum Dumpster.

  21. 0

    Rob Green reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Harassment calls

    5/22/23, 6:40 AM

    Kamran Qayyum is my Gay husband who I met off Grindr. We are H0m0-Married and a proud Gay couple.

  22. 0

    Shakeel reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Harassment calls

    4/4/21, 10:21 AM

    It's Leicester Housing Benefit Scammer Kamran Qayyum, who can't support himself in society. This Loser Kamran Qayyum is a wanted child toucher in Spinney Hill Park.

  23. 0

    Anwar reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Harassment calls

    4/4/21, 1:40 AM

    Fcuking idiot Kamran Qayyum Leicester Fraudster trying to obtain my online bank password.

  24. 0

    Mazzar reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Cost trap

    4/4/21, 1:07 AM

    Leicester pervert Kamran Qayyum chubby child chaser.

  25. 0

    Shazad reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Harassment calls

    4/3/21, 8:11 AM

    Biggest Coward in Leicester Kamran Qayyum. Pu$$Y Noodle Arms.

  26. 0

    Mutazar reported number ‎08451110272 as Kamran Qayyum Leicester

    4/2/21, 11:17 PM

    Leicester Pervert Qayyum Kamran.
    Don't trust a single word this thieving cnut says. He lies like its his second nature. Clearly hasn't been brought up right. $exual threats on telephone when this coward dosent get his own way.

  27. 0

    Inaam reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Harassment calls

    4/2/21, 11:32 AM

    Leicester Loser and Child Groper Kamran Qayyum. Universal Credit Scammer and Housing Benefit Vulture.
    Deviant whose perversion knows no bounds. What a sad sad sad excuse for a man.

  28. 0

    Rizwan reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Harassment calls

    4/2/21, 12:26 AM

    Leicester Coward, Loser and Benefit Thief Kamran Qayyum.

  29. 0

    Chunks reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Harassment calls

    4/1/21, 9:50 AM

    Leicester bendy b!tchboy Kamran Qayyum takes it in his A$$ and barks like a dog for your pleasure in Spinney Hill Park. This p€rvert has no bounds.

  30. 0

    Selina reported number ‎08451110272 as Kamran Qayyum Leicester

    3/31/21, 3:35 AM

    Exotic bitcch pimped out by her husband Kamran Qayyum Leicester Felcher. He watches whilst you screw his wife for £10.

  31. 0

    Saj reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Harassment calls

    3/29/21, 2:45 AM

    Confused noodle arms Kamran Qayyum from Leicester. Pi$$ off Filthy Coward.

  32. 0

    Adaam reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Harassment calls

    3/28/21, 2:41 AM

    Pervy guy kamran qayyum calling me to join his Gaylord club in Leicester.
    I'm not interested.
    He got my number from a bicurious website I had joined.
    Kamran Qayyum wants to be my gimp at a club he has set up in Leicester.

  33. 0

    Ramzan reported number ‎08451110272 as Kamran Qayyum Leicester

    3/24/21, 6:07 PM

    It's Pervert Kamran Qayyum from Leicester trying to pimp his wife to me for a few pounds.
    Kamran Qayyum likes to watch his wife being banged in Leicester Spinney Hill Park and sometimes he jacks off whilst watching. He is a well known Felcher.

  34. 0

    Ali reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Harassment calls

    3/19/21, 3:30 PM

    It's the Weak Pathetic Fool Kamran Qayyum who hangs around with a group of Paakistaani Nonces at Spinney Hill Park preying on children.

  35. 0

    Tracey reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Harassment calls

    3/19/21, 2:35 AM

    It's Leicester bottom feeder Kamran Qayyum with his latest scam to steal your banking passwords.

    Rob Green replied 6/13/22, 3:12 PM
    This post appears to be posted from a racist who specifically hates Indians and Pakistanis.

  36. 0

    Kadijah reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Cost trap

    3/18/21, 2:47 AM

    Leicester kiddy toucher Kamran Groomer Qayyum perv from Spinney Hill Park area. He has a grooming ring in Highfield and Evington with his Pakkistani mates. Be warned.

  37. 0

    Aseeyah reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎+448451110272 as Harassment calls

    3/14/21, 12:57 AM

    Leicester Pervert Kamran Qayyum calling me at odd times to ask me out. He knows I'm married and my husband is working abroad. He got my number from Eon database.

  38. 0

    Khan reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Cost trap

    3/6/21, 6:36 PM

    It's Leicester B¡tch Boy Kamran Qayyum selling his a$$ for £10 or his whor€ wife's pu$$y for £15 in Spinney Hill Park.

  39. 0

    S Poole reported number ‎08451110272 as Kamran Qayyum Leicester

    2/28/21, 7:51 AM

    Warn your children not to talk to adult men who call them on their mobile phones. Leicester child groomer Kamran Qayyum talking privately to my 11 year old on her mobile. KiddyFiddler Kamran Qayyum of Leicester WARNING.

    Rob Gree replied 6/13/22, 3:14 PM
    Tell your children to ignore racists like this poster.

  40. 0

    Jaswindar S reported Kamran Qayyum Leicester with the number ‎08451110272 as Harassment calls

    2/24/21, 12:54 PM

    It's a scam from Leicester based call centre run by Kamran Qayyum well known Fraudster in Spinney Hill Evington Highfield area.

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Most searched telephone numbers in 0845 (premium rate service)
Possible ways of writing the number 08451110272
‎(0845) 111 0272
‎+44 8451110272
‎(0044845) 1110272
‎(+44) 845 111 0272