• This number was often allocated to Vodafone. Find comments on additional numbers belonging to Vodafone at the end of the page.

Vodafone 41145 / +4441145

Types of call: SMS spam
Caller Name: Vodafone more...
Ratings: 16
Search requests: 12510
Assessment: untrustworthy, annoying call, pay attention to the comments
Latest comment (5/11/23, 4:05 PM)

mv1 wrote: fake - i got it from 'vodafone' asking my age, too bad i do have an account with vodafone so they sh... all ratings

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Details about this number

Area Code: - United Kingdom
Telephone number: 41145
Phone number +4441145 from United Kingdom tagged as SMS spam 12 times.

Further Information: Find out
This info is supplied without liability.

Search statistics

Search statistics


Views last month: 1
tellows protection:
The blacklist is used by apps and phones to detect and block unwanted calls. Further numbers: +447383496638 +447366067010 02039597909 +34613454992 01163258782
Request trend:
Search requests are not regular and spread often on weekdays

tellows score for +4441145

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
SMS spam
12 reports
Trustworthy number
1 reports
1 reports
1 reports
Caller Name:
10 reports
2 reports
2 reports
1 reports
Phone number +4441145 from United Kingdom tagged as SMS spam 12 times: Spam message asking for age.... 12510 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

Heatmap (Call distribution)

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Who calls with 41145?

  1. 4

    unknown has been reported with number ‎41145 as SMS spam

    10/27/21, 2:19 PM

    Spam message asking for age.

  2. 1

    mv1 reported unknown with the number ‎41145 as SMS spam

    5/11/23, 4:05 PM

    fake - i got it from 'vodafone' asking my age, too bad i do have an account with vodafone so they should know my age already

  3. 1

    Charl reported unknown with the number ‎41145 as SMS spam

    10/5/22, 11:43 AM

    Seems to be a scam using a number like Vodafone to get a reply from Vodafone customers. Vodafone numbers stop messaging If you reply STOP but this doesn't.

  4. 0

    Mr. Smith reported Deutschepost-pakets.com with the number ‎+4441145 as SMS spam

    4/12/23, 6:25 PM

    Angeblich hätte mein Paket mit Nr. ...... ein Problem und erfordert eine zusätzliche Gebühr um die Zustellung zu gewährleisten.
    Dafür soll ich das Formular auf deutschpost-pakets.com ausfüllen.

    Das ist absoluter Scam. Niemlas ausfüllen und niemals auf solche Seiten gehen. Konsequentes löschen und blockieren der Rufnummer. Und natürlich die betroffene Firma informieren.
    Unglaublich solche Immies.

  5. 0

    ab reported unknown with the number ‎+4441145 as SMS spam

    3/16/22, 11:37 AM

    The message reads: "From Vodaphone: following our previous text...... blah blah blah.... to confirm your 16 or over Just Reply Yes or No...."

    Looks like spam message with malicious intent, do not reply.

  6. 0

    Amera Sharaf reported 41145 with the number ‎+4441145 as SMS spam

    3/11/22, 5:50 PM

    they kept on sending messages to me asking about me being 16 or over.

  7. 0

    Vodafone has been reported with number ‎+4441145 as Trustworthy number

    2/2/22, 11:35 AM

    Vodafone text, they also send another message which explains that the survey will come from 41145.

  8. 0

    David reported Vodafone with the number ‎41145 as Survey

    2/2/22, 11:29 AM

    It does start with the scary "Are you 16 or over?" question but it is Vodafone. They text from a different number to warn that 41145 will be used for a survey and give you a chance to opt out.

  9. 0

    Don’t know reported unknown with the number ‎41145 as SMS spam

    1/19/22, 11:42 PM

    Asking age

  10. 0

    Kent reported unknown with the number ‎+4441145 as SMS spam

    1/7/22, 1:05 PM

    message asking if i am over 16

  11. 0

    LisaP_12 reported unknown with the number ‎41145 as SMS spam

    12/22/21, 6:16 PM

    Like others, text asking whether I was over 16, without any previous context. Blocked and deleted. Do not respond.

  12. 0

    Smith reported unknown with the number ‎+4441145 as SMS spam

    12/14/21, 4:07 PM

    Asked to verify if I'm over 16. Do not reply

  13. 0

    Freddi reported 41145 with the number ‎+4441145 as SMS spam

    11/30/21, 2:50 PM

    Asking if over 16 years old

  14. 0

    Yodie reported number ‎41145 as unknown

    11/23/21, 5:26 PM

    They texted asking: "Are you over16? Please answer yes or no." without any other context or prompt. Do not trust

    Amera sharaf replied 3/11/22, 5:47 PM
    I was checking my messages on my Nokia phone when all of a sudden a message appeared from 41145 asking "Are you over 16? ''Please answer yes or no.'' So I told my Parents and now there going to probably tell the police.
  15. ..... reported unknown with the number ‎+4441145 as SMS spam

    11/11/21, 9:07 AM

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Numbers with the same caller name
Further numbers that were allocated to the caller "Vodafone"
Most searched telephone numbers in 09999 ()
Possible ways of writing the number 41145
‎(0) 411 45
‎+44 41145
‎(0044) 41145
‎(+44) 411 45